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Should these patches be merged in the Community Mod? II  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Add Centurions: Upgradable at a cost of 100 food 50 metal from rank 3 swordsmen and spearmen. https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/27

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  2. 2. Alexander - Remove Territory Bonus Aura, add Attack, Speed, and Attack de-buff Auras https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/26

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  3. 3. Unit specific upgrades: 23 new upgrades found in stable/barracks for different soldier types. Tier 1 available in town phase, tier 2 available in city phase. https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/25

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  4. 4. Add a civ bonus for seleucids: Farms -25% resource cost, -75% build time. https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/24

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  5. 5. Cav speed -1 m/s for all cavalry https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/23

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  6. 6. Cavalry health adjustments https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/22

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  7. 7. Crush (re)balance: decreased crush armor for all units, clubmen/macemen get a small hack attack. https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/20

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  8. 8. Spearcav +15% acceleration. https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/19

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  9. 9. Pikemen decreased armor, increased damage: 8hack,7pierce armor; 6 pierce 3 hack damage. https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/18

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  10. 10. Rome camp allowed in p2, rams train in p3 as normal, decreased health and cost. https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/17

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  11. 11. Crossbow nerf: +400 ms prepare time. https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/15

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  12. 12. adjust javelineer and pikemen roles, rework crush armor https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/14

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2 hours ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

From what I gather from you all

Honestly, it sounds like no consensus exists and the solution depends on who you walk to


if you want a change (I, personally, do) then I would address each type of cav one by one. Talking about “cav” overall seems too divisive 

Edited by chrstgtr
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3 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

yes, so better to focus on individual components of the problem. ie Seems like everyone agrees to nerf skirm cav from 18 to 16 no?

I don’t have any problem with skirm cav other than I don’t think that a small group of skirm should not beat a small group of spear (ie, 5 spear vs. 5 skirm cav with micro shouldn't result in 5 skirm cav surviving) (ie, there should be a speed nerf). 

Others have said they don’t see a problem with skirm cav too.  

Edited by chrstgtr
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11 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

One of the most frustrating things with cav is when you "trap" them in a ball of infantry, but the cav still escape with minimal losses. This happens because cav have enough health to survive dealt damage and are fast enough to limit the number of landed hits. Slowing cav down means more hits can be landed on cav. Lower cav's health means those hits do more relative dmg.


Making inf faster doesn’t mean they can attack more times. It just means they can close the gap quicker (if the cav decide to stop at all).

@wowgetoffyourcellphoneis also right. A inf speed buff could have a huge impact on eco. 

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2 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

Making inf faster doesn’t mean they can attack more times. It just means they can close the gap quicker (if the cav decide to stop at all).


I like the "stickiness" feature in AOE4 (and Rome Total War), where if cav are hit by spearmen they temporarily lose aa small amount of speed. It's more pronounced in Rome Total War, which has more realistic simulation-mechanics, but it's also there in AOE4. 

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@chrstgtrI see what you are saying, and honestly, I agree, but I would like to maintain the mobility of cavalry as its primary advantage over infantry (instead of just being better in every aspect). If our only nerf is speed, and we leave damage at 18 for skirm cav, I think you will see even more players just simply using them as a replacement for skirmishers, which makes for poor gameplay.

To avoid this, they should do the same damage as infantry.

Edited by real_tabasco_sauce
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5 minutes ago, alre said:

melee inf should all deal twice the damage it deals now. that would solve the problem.

I would like to do a melee damage increase (also some armor adjustment) later on for meatshield meta purposes, but this isn't an appropriate change for the problem at hand.

what could be done is increase the pierce damage of spearmen such that they damage ranged cav more (with 3 hack 1 pierce armor).

spearmen also seem to be generally worse than swords, so I think this would be welcome.

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13 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

I like the "stickiness" feature in AOE4 (and Rome Total War), where if cav are hit by spearmen they temporarily lose aa small amount of speed. It's more pronounced in Rome Total War, which has more realistic simulation-mechanics, but it's also there in AOE4. 

Sounds like it has potential. Do we have the coding capabilities to do this, though?

12 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

@chrstgtrI see what you are saying, and honestly, I agree, but I would like to maintain the mobility of cavalry as its primary advantage over infantry (instead of just being better in every aspect). If our only nerf is speed, and we leave damage at 18 for skirm cav, I think you will see even more players just simply using them as a replacement for skirmishers, which makes for poor gameplay.

To avoid this, they should do the same damage as infantry.

I think this is a design question. I don't have a problem with cav dealing with dmg. 

If what you want is inf to be faster relative to cav then a cav speed nerf does the same thing without the other knock on effects for inf. 

13 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

One other option could be to lower the hack armor of ranged cavalry.

9 minutes ago, alre said:

melee inf should all deal twice the damage it deals now. that would solve the problem.

Both of these would have huge other effects. Namely, a melee buff would impact inf balance and a cav armour nerf would impact cav battles. 

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2 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

If what you want is inf to be faster relative to cav then a cav speed nerf does the same thing without the other knock on effects for inf. 

right but it doesnt fix them being tankier, having more armor, and dealing more damage. I'd still say the HP branch is necessary, as well as a jav cav damage nerf:


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2 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:
6 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

(re: "Stickiness") Sounds like it has potential. Do we have the coding capabilities to do this, though?

I believe it can be possible with the status effect feature (same feature as poison). @Freagarach @Stan`

personally, I am not a fan. This was in AOE3 and I hated it. it doesn't seem as bad in AOE4, but still I would rather my units' motion be predictable and not dependent on gameplay factors.

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2 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

right but it doesnt fix them being tankier, having more armor, and dealing more damage

I don't know if I have a problem with any of that outside of when cav fight spear head on and the cav wins. That's why I said a health nerf for champ melee cav, which decimate CS spear head on. 

6 minutes ago, alre said:

that's the idea.

Wrong discussion. 

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3 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Gameplay factors are not predictable?

you should always be confident that your units can move as expected, this is why a lot of AOE2 players dislike AOE3 and 4. In AOE3 if a unit gets hit, the whole formation (which the user is forced to use) goes into slow motion.

I think we can solve this without having to add a new mechanic.

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4 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

you should always be confident that your units can move as expected, this is why a lot of AOE2 players dislike AOE3 and 4. In AOE3 if a unit gets hit, the whole formation (which the user is forced to use) goes into slow motion.


Totally off topic, but I really dislike how you can't individual control units (or unit types) in formations in a26. 

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5 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

I don't know if I have a problem with any of that outside of when cav fight spear head on and the cav wins. That's why I said a health nerf for champ melee cav, which decimate CS spear head on. 

I think they should be differentiated units, rather than just superior versions of infantry. What do you think of the health nerf I provided? Would you agree ranged cav are also too tanky? 

I would say the health branch + nerfed jav cav damage + slight speed decrease is ideal.

3 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

Totally off topic, but I really dislike how you can't individual control units (or unit types) in formations in a26. 

you can change that in options->session->battalions

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9 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

I think they should be differentiated units, rather than just superior versions of infantry. What do you think of the health nerf I provided? Would you agree ranged cav are also too tanky? 


They are differentiated--they are more expensive, have different armor, attack, health, and speed stats. 

I honestly, am not a fan of the proposal in its current form. I don't have a problem with cav except that they don't die when they clearly should (i.e., walking straight through a ball of inf with minimal losses) and spear inf don't counter them (i.e., skirm cav can easily out micro inf spear because of speed AND champ, merc, and promoted CS melee cav can easily beat spear inf in a head on fight).

I have no problem with skirm cav dmg.

EDIT: there are lots of differing opinions, here, which is why I think revisions to cav should be taken on as individual units (i.e., work on champ sword cav first) instead of an overall change to all cav. 

9 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

you can change that in options->session->battalions

Very helpful. Thank you. 

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29 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:
50 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

I like the "stickiness" feature in AOE4 (and Rome Total War), where if cav are hit by spearmen they temporarily lose aa small amount of speed. It's more pronounced in Rome Total War, which has more realistic simulation-mechanics, but it's also there in AOE4. 

Sounds like it has potential. Do we have the coding capabilities to do this, though?

I would be ok with this only if it was on a unit by unit basis (to prevent the AOE3 implementation) and I think the mechanic needs to be designed so that subsequent spear hits have less of this effect (so that the cav can eventually get away rather than being permanently stuck). 

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58 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

what could be done is increase the pierce damage of spearmen such that they damage ranged cav more (with 3 hack 1 pierce armor).

spearmen also seem to be generally worse than swords, so I think this would be welcome.

what about this?

the cav speed nerf (is -1 m/s too much?) and this might be enough for the near term.

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