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When do soldiers fight


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1. Don't let anyone idle. All barracks and CC must always be training something. 

2. Start building barracks at around minute 4-6 depending on your eco situation. 

3. Train in the largest batch you can afford. 

4. If you have extra wood and food then build another barracks. Aim to get 2 -3 built before town phase.

5. Once you have 2 or more barracks train in batches of equal sizes across all of your buildings. (4skirms in barrack+ 4 skirms in CC is better than 7 skirms in CC and 1 in barrack)


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45 minutes ago, Ulrich said:

Is there a better tutorial out there?

One immediate question is: when my soldiers are gathering food or wood etc. and the village is attacked, do they stop what they are doing and fight instead automatically?

Every soldier spawns in aggressive stance hence why they stop collecting , i sugest putting them in defensive or even passive .

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I think Yekaterina has said some helpful things, but I suppose execution is your problem.

When you start the game, be as quick as you can to select your Civic center and train some units. U can use the hotkey z for training women.

Then put all your units to work.

When you have done so, select your Civic center and press ctrl+1, now you can access your CC by pressing 1 on your keyboard. It is important to play with one hand on the keyboard and pressing 1 often to see if your CC is idle.

Also, as mentioned use batch training. In order to do so, select a building and press the shift button. Now you can train units in groups, which is faster. By using the mouse wheel you can vary the batch sizes.

Pro tip: Don't be a girl who forgets eco upgrades. Don't know where I heard that before.

Edited by LetswaveaBook
See post on the move fields away topic.
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Just now, LetswaveaBook said:

Pro tip: Don't be a girl who forgets eco upgrades. Don't know where I heard that before.


Sometimes I just think that certain upgrades are not worth their cost. But yeah, I will try to research everything to level 1 and if I have spare metal then I will fully upgrade. 


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Aggressive soldiers will keep collecting/building/repairing even when enemies are right next to them. They will fight back when they are attacked, but this doesn't help too much in many situations.

If the aggressive soldiers soldiers are standing around or patrolling, they will fight when they see an enemy.

If they are defensive, they will walk to the enemy only if they get close like 50% of sight range or something similar.

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@Ulrich You can also queue actions. If I'm invaded I like my soldiers to drop off their resources and then attack. (The dropped off resources might help with new buildings or troops, while when soldiers are killed carrying stuff you not only lose it, but the enemy also gets more loot.)

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