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Suggestions for 0 A.D.


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On 30/09/2023 at 8:31 PM, krt0143 said:

I know, and I don't expect miracles, I'm just saying that there is a lot of work for that manual, work for which I'm obviously the least qualified here, knowing next to nothing... :blush:

You seem to qualify as a power user and have a clear idea as to what the manual should be like. This makes you more qualified than most.

You already found discrepancies, fixing those would be a great start. Adding answers to questions you had as you go might help others in future, doesn't matter if you found the solution yourself or if someone pointed it out to you. The goal doesn't have to be a complete guide like a book by Microsoft for Word.

Ofc it's just a suggestion, just that I think you might be a good candidate for this task with your background and interest in atlas. For example for me the canonical documentation is source/tools/atlas :P


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I think it would be cool to be able to select a menu of your favorite hotkeys to show somewhere on-sreen while playing. I am trying to use more hotkeys now-a-days, but I frequently forget which buttons I've assigned. Maybe this is a nub issue, but I'm certain some other players would also find this helpful.

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1 hour ago, hyperion said:

You seem to qualify as a power user and have a clear idea as to what the manual should be like.

Knowing what it should be like is not the same as knowing what to put in there... :laugh:


1 hour ago, hyperion said:

You already found discrepancies, fixing those would be a great start.

Assuming those discrepancies are really errors on the website's part. I learned for instance that the missing texture swatches was a known bug of a26. Things like that I can't really guess, and the danger is that I might break more things than I fix (see textures). I have a very underdeveloped Dunning-Krüger...  :rolleyes:

The only thing I can do, is put new/recent/a26 screenshots in place of the existing ones, and one could debate the utility of that.
What is really missing, is for instance a list of shortcuts and stuff like that, things I don't know right now.

You can make me the same offer in a year.


1 hour ago, hyperion said:

For example for me the canonical documentation is source/tools/atlas

You mean the source code? Well, unfortunately I can't understand that.  :shrug:

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1 minute ago, krt0143 said:

I you mean in the game, there is a comprehensive list of Hotkeys in the options, even accessible during a game (Menu/options/hotkeys).

Atlas, the editor, is lacking this...

nah, I meant like in the top right corner or something as you play the game, with a show/no show toggle option. 

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38 minutes ago, krt0143 said:

I see.
Yikes, given the amount of hotkeys this would cover the whole screen, and probably span several columns...  :blink:

yep, thats why you would choose the 5-10 you want to use or the ones you keep forgetting. Does it make sense now? Of course no one uses all the available hotkeys.

Edited by BreakfastBurrito_007
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Suggestion: Make the unit orders more logical for new users.

I have problems with the (otherwise great) feature of "go there, do something, and then come back": The "Oh cool, they come back!" becomes all too often "Aw crap, they go away...". I waste inordinate amounts of time trying to catch stupid units deciding they have to go/return to some point on the other side of a "giant" sized map, instead of staying put and wait for my orders.

And no, the attack movement doesn't necessarily help: For instance what can you do when unloading unit groups from a ship, and they all start scuttling away like scared cockroaches? While you need to take care of some urgent matter on the other side of the map? Wouldn't it be real nice if they stayed put, waiting for you to tell them what to do?

What I'm suggesting is to reverse how it (seems to) work right now:

  1. Unit stances ("aggressive", etc.) should only and exclusively determine how a unit will react to enemies in its vicinity (or being attacked).
  2. Units should not remember where they were when receiving a standard command (standard right click), nor try to go back there when they consider they have finished their task. Never, ever.
  3. Units should remember where they started from and do their "do something and then come back" thing only when specifically ordered so (Key+right click). That "memory" should only last for that specific task, i.e. when they come back they forget about everything, and are ready for new type #2 or #3 orders.
  4. Repairing a dropsite shouldn't be an invitation to gather. When building one, okay, that makes some sense. But repairing my dock is just that, a repair, and I shouldn't have to catch the repairers before they vanish into the hinterland to cut wood... It's even more annoying with the "Norse" civ which has a dropsite ship. Each time I repair that one (and it happens often!), my repairers scuttle off to cut wood...

What this changes, is that you won't find yourself chasing after units which, for some unfathomable reason, kept a memory of some past location, and won't lose it unless you memorize a new location, which is just shifting the problem but not solving it. When you have 300 units to micromanage, of which 150 have a mind of their own, your head explodes. People trying to second-guess your intentions is already annoying with normal humans, it gets horrible with hundreds of stupid-but-lightning fast AI units...

I guess you all have got used to it, and probably don't even notice it anymore, but for new users it's a major pain in the neck, compounded by the lack of documentation. Here you are, making two coordinate but separate attacks on very different places on a giant map, all the while the AI is trying to storm your CC somewhere else, and you need to spend waste most of your time catching your rebellious units... :angry:


Now I expect a long list of "But we're used to this!", "That's how it should be!" and other "You don't understand anything!" posts. To avoid polluting this thread with the coming flamewar, I've created a separate thread about this too. Please be so kind to comment there.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 30/09/2023 at 8:45 AM, hyperion said:


If you notice something is missing, please add it yourself, this is a community driven project.

Well, for starters the "terain tab" subsection doesn't say a thing about elevations...

(which is what would have interested me as I tried to make some on a map, and wasn't able to understand what makes them buildable upon or not)

I can certainly not fix the manual for a part I don't understand, but I could report an issue is there's a git somewhere (I mean, not a Microsoft-owned one, of course).


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8 hours ago, LienRag said:

Well, for starters the "terain tab" subsection doesn't say a thing about elevations...

(which is what would have interested me as I tried to make some on a map, and wasn't able to understand what makes them buildable upon or not)

I can certainly not fix the manual for a part I don't understand, but I could report an issue is there's a git somewhere (I mean, not a Microsoft-owned one, of course).


Well, guess you figured out at least 90%, so if you add that and then post in the forum asking for review and pose a question or two, you likely get proper answers for the reminder if you really can't figure it out.


I don't intend to target you but there is a rather common pattern here, complain and expect someone else to sit down and do research or do work. So it comes down to if you can't be bothered why should I be. While not absolute, I'm far more willing to help people who actually contribute. As for brilliant ideas, I'm sure all contributors have lots of them, so why would they need others to provide more. ;)

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HI, while I am new to 0 a.d., i do have one or two suggestions that I think could make the game more interesting and require more stratgic management without increasing what I have seen referred to as "micro". I do think they are manageable in a code, but I may not have enough grasp of the process yet to foresee the complications...


  • get an OPEX cost:

As I see it now, we only have CAPEX costs to unit and building.  Once we spend the resource, the unit/building is available as long as it is not destroyed or captured.   However, that does not feel right. Units will at least have a running food costs (mercenaries would have a metal ore costs maybe as well), and repair and maintenance on building have a resource costs in wood/stone/metal.         Hence I think it will be nice that as your civ grows, its running costs increases. The rate of gathering resources would therefore have to increase as well.  Not enough resource, building will start to loose strenght, and not enough food you might as well have unit loosing health.
         -->  impact on gameplay:   reduce the possibility to create large group of non productive units. You just can't keep xx elephants for example, it will give more importance to worker / citizen / soldier unit,  which I think ties quite well with the historical context.
         --> how to code it: add a resource OPEX costs to each unit/building, and a degradation costs proportional to the deficit in each resource. Engine will then have to tally the cost over the whole civ (updated at each unit/bulding creation and destruction)  and manage the degradation. The deg might not have to be applied at each time step to ease the computational burden. Additional indicators


  • get a moral status

it is touched in a few active threads right now, but it would be great to have a moral score for the whole civ, with bonus/malus over the full range of activity. The morale score will be based on the following elements:

  •           stock:   high level of stocks of resource is good, it provide security, feels good for the population -> higher moral. To be related to Opex costs above, a deficit in running costs of civ is bad for moral as well
  • spirituality: from age II, the ratio of temple / civique building / priest to citizens should be valorised in morale of civ. The threshold should be discussed
  • ratio women / men: to low a ratio of male to women in civ is bad...  we should obviously not aim for 50/50, it is a game, but I see the point of valorising having more women, makes it also more needed to defend themhero: having a Hero is a morale boost
  • high ratio of mercenaries => bad for social cohesion, malus to moral
  • city quality:  it was mentioned in the thread about athenian houses for example, you could have a morale score if you develop better housing. Paving could also be introduced (age 2 onward) to improve the city
  • relative dev: it is a competitive game after all. Moral should be higher if your civ is more developed than competitors.  relative size of territory should be valorised, having a wonder when the other civ don't have it yet, being at a more advanced age, having unique tech or units
  • Having a powerfull ally would help for moral

         --> impact on gameplay: we'll have to manage our civ a bit more, keeping in mind more parameters. it valorise expansion, and therefore risk taking, which might be fun. You compete also with the other in dev level, therefore not only looking only at military strenght. Nice message from you population could appear on screen, such "We need more priest!"   or    "wtf, the xxxxx already have a wonder, how come our great civ is so backward!", positive ones also such as "we are so proud of our new fortified dock, let's build quinquereme now"

        --> how to code: probably not too complex, engine will have to keep track of a few kpi. no need to do it at every turn as well, that's something that can be computed on a rather long timescale.


that's it, sorry for the very long post. I understand that it would significant change in the philosophy of the game so it might not interest everyone...

Edited by zozio32
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1 hour ago, zozio32 said:

get an OPEX cost:

(...)         -->  impact on gameplay:   reduce the possibility to create large group of non productive units. You just can't keep xx elephants for example, it will give more importance to worker / citizen / soldier unit,  which I think ties uite well with the historical context.      


Interesting indeed...

I'd be adamantly opposed to maintenance cost for citizen-soldiers, but getting one for professional units is indeed quite historical and could allow for a more varied gameplay.

Especially if we differentiate between soldiers and mercenaries...

The option to disband mercenaries, with disbanded mercenaries being added to a pool that can be recruited instantly by anybody (including Gaia as raiders) would make for some real strategic options.


The main concern with any maintenance system is what happens when the resource drops to zero.

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resource go to zero, you loose the mercenaries automatiquely, building start loosing strenght, units weaken, etc.   You can maybe destroy some unit/building to rebalance the economy...

If the citizen soldier is mobilised, i.e. is not working, then its cost should be accounted for as for any other proffesional units. Agree that cost could be 0 when working.

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2 hours ago, zozio32 said:

You can maybe destroy some unit/building to rebalance the economy...

Buildings shoudn't cost maintenance, with (maybe) some rare exceptions.

Also it would need something more historical/logical than "destroying" units.


2 hours ago, zozio32 said:

If the citizen soldier is mobilised, i.e. is not working, then its cost should be accounted for as for any other proffesional units.

I would be against your proposition if it asks for maintenance for citizen-soldiers.

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3 minutes ago, LienRag said:

Buildings shoudn't cost maintenance, with (maybe) some rare exceptions.

Also it would need something more historical/logical than "destroying" units.


I would be against your proposition if it asks for maintenance for citizen-soldiers.

Could i ask why?   I mean, building do need maintenance otherwise they decay in the real world, and why citizen soldiers being military active should not have a cost to be sustained by the community?   my suggestions is not very definite, but I am interested in what motivate your point of view


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50 minutes ago, zozio32 said:

Could i ask why?   I mean, building do need maintenance otherwise they decay in the real world, and why citizen soldiers being military active should not have a cost to be sustained by the community?   my suggestions is not very definite, but I am interested in what motivate your point of view


These changes are not part of the proposal and style that 0a.d seeks.

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17 minutes ago, borg- said:

These changes are not part of the proposal and style that 0a.d seeks.

ok,   there is a def somewhere of what 0a.d. seeks?   so that I don't spend long suggestion posts which are off topic?

or I gues i'll slowly learn that on the forum ;-)

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14 minutes ago, Norse_Harold said:

Yes. Check out the 0 A.D. Vision Document.

well, I read the doc,   I don't see exactly how my suggestions are " are not part of the proposal and style that 0a.d seeks".   they'll take away a bit from the statement "Combat in the game plays the major role. Economic and political roles take a back seat to strategic warfare. ", but I think the combat would still be the main thing.

Anyway, it was just some suggestions

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4 hours ago, zozio32 said:

Could i ask why?   I mean, building do need maintenance otherwise they decay in the real world, and why citizen soldiers being military active should not have a cost to be sustained by the community?   my suggestions is not very definite, but I am interested in what motivate your point of view


Because that would make a different game, while affecting only mercenaries/champions would make these units more distinct (adding variety to the game) while keeping the main gameplay similar.

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3 hours ago, zozio32 said:

ok,   there is a def somewhere of what 0a.d. seeks?   so that I don't spend long suggestion posts which are off topic?

or I gues i'll slowly learn that on the forum ;-)

Basically, the goal of 0ad is not to simulate. There are other games that do this extremely well. Adding details like the population needing a trickle of food, or buildings needing wood/stone for 'maintenance' is a detail that need not be simulated. In my opinion, this will only result in annoyance and inconsistency. What I mean by inconsistency is if we try our best to simulate some detail like the operational costs of the city, but keep other things abstracted, it results in a contradiction.

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1 hour ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

Basically, the goal of 0ad is not to simulate. There are other games that do this extremely well. Adding details like the population needing a trickle of food, or buildings needing wood/stone for 'maintenance' is a detail that need not be simulated. In my opinion, this will only result in annoyance and inconsistency. What I mean by inconsistency is if we try our best to simulate some detail like the operational costs of the city, but keep other things abstracted, it results in a contradiction.

that's indeed the risk. The point is that I like to specificity of the citizen soldier, and we loose a bit this aspect at later stage in the game when the big powerful unit can be acquired. Having a mechanism that penalize a big ratio of unproductive unit over productive unit is therefore appealing and works towards the specificity of 0 A.D.

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On 26/10/2023 at 11:02 AM, LienRag said:

Interesting indeed...

I'd be adamantly opposed to maintenance cost for citizen-soldiers, but getting one for professional units is indeed quite historical and could allow for a more varied gameplay.

Especially if we differentiate between soldiers and mercenaries...

The option to disband mercenaries, with disbanded mercenaries being added to a pool that can be recruited instantly by anybody (including Gaia as raiders) would make for some real strategic options.


The main concern with any maintenance system is what happens when the resource drops to zero.

in my mod, when a unit gets very hungry it will start looking for food. but if can't gather food. it will simply start losing health.

for the maintenance of buildings/mechanics, you can give them some small negative health change. and require resources for repairing generally.

Edited by man_s_our
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