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3 hours ago, mysticjim said:

Whats the gaming landscape in mainland China like at the moment? And what about RTS games specifically? I'm guessing there must be some demand when you're talking about a population that big?

Gaming in Mainland China is mainly dominated by mobile phones, however, there is still a significant number of PC gamers out there, due to the widespread high quality yet affordable computer hardware. In terms of software, Tencent and Netease are the most popular game producers, alongside Steam for most PC players. The most popular PC games at the moment are League of Legends, PUBG and Timi. AoE is also very well known, so 0AD stands a chance. The biggest problem with gaming in China is being manipulated into paying at some stage. Most are free to download but the difficult skyrockets after some time if you refuse to pay. So a no pay-to-win game would be extremely popular. 

There is definitely demand for new PC games, mainly from the age range 18-22. Children of younger age are controlled by parents and people don't have time for games when they start their professional career. 

The funny thing about most Chinese games is that a time limit is imposed: each person can only play for a certain quota of time per day (often around 2 hours), and this quota changes for different age groups. Most online games require real identity which is inconvenient. Anonymity in 0AD would be attractive and it would be allowed. Open source games do not have to adhere to strict rules; as long as there is no adult content 0AD will be permitted. 

MMORPG and MOBA games like League of Legends are very popular, but there are very few RTS games like 0AD. Therefore 0AD could be the first of its kind and would be easier to spread than AoE due to being completely free and easy to download. The hard bit is to get publicity. 

The trailer is here on BiliBili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1D84y1F7qN

@mysticjim If you can let me transport the 2 most exciting videos on your channel that would be great. I see someone has already transported one of Tom 0AD's video there. That one has 250 views. I have around 30 0AD related videos and some of them reached above 200 views as well. 

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15 hours ago, dpikt said:

@mysticjim is your fgod-style mod available to download, or is it still in development? Sorry if you mentioned this in a video and I missed it.

It's @Langbart's mod, he's done all the work for it. I've mentioned people are asking about it, but not sure if he'll be up for releasing it officially. Hope he does, cos it's well cool :) 

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On 29/04/2021 at 5:19 PM, Freagarach said:

do you take noob vs 2 Very Hard PetraAI replays on SVN as well?

Good question. But if you can defeat 2 very hard AI bots at the same time then you are definitely not noob! You need 1300-1400 player to do that! Join the lobby, Freagarach!

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3 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Rear guard action? Sounds like a good time!

Dude, I'm running out of outlandish superlatives to use in my titles! I'm having to delve into the perfectly, linguistically correct  - but slightly risque sounding ones now!!! 

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