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Enhanced GUI mod bundles for A26, A27 and later!


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This is a list of GUI - related mods, each with a specific purpose. You can choose the ones you need and avoid the changes that you find ugly. All of these are lobby compatible and also compatible with both A26 and A27. You may use them in conjunction with Autociv, BoonGUI and any other GUI related mods.

The titles are quite self-explanatory;

betterfauna colours all edible animals pink, all hostile animals red. This can be very helpful at spotting hunt and avoiding dangerous gaia.

darkmode turns the grass ground to a dark grey colour to protect your eyes and reduce distraction. It is very important on snowy maps.

goldenprojectiles enlarges the size of projectiles and colour them gold so you can see exactly where the arrows are flying and where they are landing. This can be useful for some high level players @vinme

largericons makes the training and formation icons larger and redesigns the bottom panels to accommodate 1080p or larger screens. The icons in the bottom panel of vanilla 0ad is very small because Stan has to cram more and more unit variety into the same panel which is designed for 1024x768 screens.

loudsound is necessary because the projectile sounds in A25 and later is too quiet and it's easy to miss a sneaky attack. This mod restores A23 slinger and javelin throw sound effects and some more!

rangedoverlay displays the maximum reachable range of your ranged unit so you know where to position them safely. You can disable the overlay with one button in settings page.

Shavedtrees makes the trees look like purple cuboids and simplifies the berries. it massively reduces lag by decreasing polygon counts. Anyone with non-beefy GPUs and CPUs should consider trying this mod to boost your frame rate by more than 100FPS! 

@leopard you will need this.


Finally. visible mines is for those of you who can't distinguish between the very similar-looking metal mines and stone mines.


Just install the component that you want to use. I would recommend using all of them but some of you might value artistic beauty over micro efficiency. These are compatible with A27 and A28, also backwards compatible. However, some were designed for A27 so you might see a few false warnings when you try to run it in A26. Just ignore the error messages, it's always due to the new materials being implemented in A27 that are not yet available.



betterfauna.pyromod darkmode.pyromod goldenprojectiles.pyromod largericons.pyromod loudsound.pyromod rangedoverlay.pyromod shavedtrees.pyromod visiblemines.pyromod

Edited by Yekaterina
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India before activating shaved trees: my PC running at 48fps since the beginning




India after shavedtrees and dark ground:  143FPS! The fps is already nerfed by the screen capture software; it was running at 170FPS on average and occasionally reaching 200+ fps! This is a whole 100fps improvement! @leopard @MarcusAureliu#s no more lag on your stream!


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  • Yekaterina changed the title to Enhanced GUI mod bundles for A26, A27 and later!

I personally use a complete overhaul of the GUI with all these features enabled and some more, all in one mod. I am willing to share it with you both versions: they are based on nani's autociv. The main theme has been remade into Honkai Impact style.


Edited by Yekaterina
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i still think its not fair to use mods that give compettetive advantage, when many players dont even know they exist. 
varying levels of severity ofc.
like autociv hotkeys, i dont mind much, i still havnet gotten around to starting to use those, but at least its relatively known mod and i think the advantage is minimal, altho @ValihrAnt would disagree.
ProGUI mod is straight up cheating and theres no discourse on this on compettetive level, everyone agrees. still it makes things interesting with weaker players, so as long as im aware they use it, its ok. altho still @#$% move to not reveal ones use thereof.

i dont see a solution to it all as 0ad doesnt show mods used by non host participants, and one can always secretly have some op mod.
i do like the idea of everyone having option of the perceptive adjustments, like tree change, projectile visibility, projectile sound, the mineral thing.
remove the skill of discerning confusing visual details a non issue.
a practical soultion could be putting all the "compettetive advantage mods" into a single thread, with explanations so every1 can keep upto date easily, and some jerks wont cheat through these obscure and secret advantages.

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On 23/06/2023 at 1:22 PM, vinme said:

i still think its not fair to use mods that give compettetive advantage, when many players dont even know they exist. 

Are you looking to open a debate about making mandatory to throttle fps? Ok now this no-mod spirit look very alike a kind of religious thing.

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Updates for A27:

To enlarge training icons:



Ranged Overlay without OOS:




Previously, the ranged overlay mod caused OOS with community mod, because the stats of units are different. Now, community mod no longer exists so your templates will not be touched by other mods and hence no OOS issue. 

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