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0 A.D's Built-in Encyclopedia


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0AD's initiative to give a historical and educational context to the game, the AoE saga also brings this feature, where AoM stands out the most.


It explains every detail, technology, building and unit.


The encyclopedia is included in the game. It gives a simple and short summary of the topics covered.





@ShadowOfHassen here is.

Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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2 minutes ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

The encyclopedia. I don't see it in the game. Did I just miss it, or did you put it back in?



Or is that a screenshot of something from a different game and this is the place to talk about making one for 0 A.D.?

That is an example for others.

The encyclopedia does not exist yet.

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Ok. I guess we'll just have to make it.

First, I think it goes without saying that we're trying to only do a few paragraphs for each unit, make them unbiased and historically accurate. I don't think we need to cite sources, however.

I found out the tag we need is inside the identity tag set and is <History></History> Thanks to @wowgetoffyourcellphonefor that.

So should we make this a mod first or just try to put it in the code? I also think we should write it for en_US and use LanguageTool to help, and then the translators can change it.

Edited by ShadowOfHassen
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So I got the tags working a bit. You have to add in the <Identity> Tag the sub items <History><\History> and then it'll pop up. 

So, should we lay out a few rules like unbiased view on history, and so on?

I'm assuming we'll write it in en_US because I don't know any other language. I do think we should use LanguageTool to help catch typos.

Also, where will we put the writing in a mod first? Or is there a better way?

Edited by ShadowOfHassen
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start by making a simple attempt. then show what you have done and collect feedback.

46 minutes ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

Also, where will we put the writing in a mod first? Or is there a better way?

yeah, I don't see a better alternative. However, if you want to give visibility to your work, simply posting what you have written here seems best to me.

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2 hours ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

I don't think we need to cite sources, however.

I'm not sure. I would say it's best to collect the sources from the start, later we could see what to do with them. (If you don't collect them from the start, it will be a pain in the averywhere to do so later.)

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So I'm starting it easy with the fish. 


Tuna are fish that belong to the tribe Thunnini. They live in warm saltwater and have sizes ranging from 1.6 feet to 15 feet. They are one of the few species of fish that can regulate their own temperature.


Sources:  Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuna and Encyclopedia Brittanica : https://www.britannica.com/animal/tuna-fish


Tilapia is the common name for almost a hundred species of freshwater fish. Who were fished everywhere, from the Nile to the Sea of Galilee.

Sources: Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilapia

The "Generic Fish" was harder:

Fish has always been a good way to gather food. Not only are fish healthy, but they are abundant in most large bodies of water.

Sources: My head.

If no one has any concerns, I'll comment these changes to the repository as soon as I can.

Edited by ShadowOfHassen
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I think Wikipedia should be avoided. Often, articles are compiled carelessly, innuendo and do not understand by whom.

It would also be nice to add maps of the states present in the game. And make loading screens like in the Age of Empires 3 - with maps where the match will be.

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I am also not a big fan of Wikipedia. It's OK for a general precursory search or even for looking up the details of a game. However, there have been some people who write there are biased against certain things. With history can't be always trusted, It shouldn't be discounted offhand, but a second or third source would be welcome.

I've only had problems with Wikipedia when it comes to politics or ancient history stuff relating to the Bible, I am sort of willing to trust it with fish.


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9 minutes ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

I am sort of willing to trust it with fish.


While I agree that wikipedia is not a prime source, I think it will be ok for general stuff. But for example the role of specific units might be controversial.

I hope this endeavor catches the attention of our historians and that they will contribute accordingly. ^^

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8 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:


While I agree that wikipedia is not a prime source, I think it will be ok for general stuff. But for example the role of specific units might be controversial.

I hope this endeavor catches the attention of our historians and that they will contribute accordingly. ^^

Me too. In fact I'd love the historians and other people to start PRing. I'll add the fish to the mod.

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