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Alpha 27 Pre-release/Release Candidate Build Testing

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On 11/03/2024 at 11:33 PM, Gurken Khan said:

I think it's currently up to five, wasn't it ten some time ago?

Indeed it's currently up to 5 units-or at least the last 16 months.

Theatres are controlled by ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_structure_special_amphitheater.xml which has no GarrisonHolder-tag and refers to template_structure_special.xml in the same folder, setting Garrison-holder to 5 (line 7f.). First file was last changed 2 years, second one 14 months ago.

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1 hour ago, Gurken Khan said:


I don't really understand the trapezoid in the minimap. As you can see the marked rabbits are in the top half of my screen while their dots are in the lower half of the trapezoid. (Especially the wabbits can be hard to spot.)

I think that small huntables should have a symbol.This symbol would only be visible if you press TAB.

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29 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:


I still think it's necessary that round buildings also get an indicator when the rally point is within itself. (As you can see you cannot see it here.)

Maybe an inverted triangle floating above.

Or a much larger and more obvious flag.


Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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A trader had an interruption (for reasons I put him briefly in my wonder), and after I told him to resume working he stupidly went back to his birthplace and did nothing. He even remembers his origin and destination market! Why doesn't he work?

We had an issue with traders not resuming properly earlier and I think it was better in the meantime.

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2 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:


A trader had an interruption (for reasons I put him briefly in my wonder), and after I told him to resume working he stupidly went back to his birthplace and did nothing. He even remembers his origin and destination market! Why doesn't he work?

We had an issue with traders not resuming properly earlier and I think it was better in the meantime.

I think it must be   a button to automate the commerce same as call of arms ( the button that automate military  units drip resources in nearest drop site).


The button would work automatically making it search for the best markets to trade with automatically if the trader is stopped.

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6 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

But the problem is that it looks like the garrison flag.

How does a line at the base look like a flag on the top of the roof?


6 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

The button would work automatically making it search for the best markets to trade with automatically if the trader is stopped.

I would be happy if they just resumed trading (like they used to). I also wouldn't trust the stupid AI, like my example earlier in this thread where traders were going through enemy territory.

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15 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

How does a line at the base look like a flag on the top of the roof?


I would be happy if they just resumed trading (like they used to). I also wouldn't trust the stupid AI, like my example earlier in this thread where traders were going through enemy territory.

If it is one more means to do it at a time when the enemy did not expand enough.

Or use it when you have a much bigger(territory+space) advantage.

In other words, having it manual is fine, but having an automatic version of the task is also fine because it is an alternative output.

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On 22/03/2024 at 9:24 AM, Stan` said:

I think it's because Athen has a custom town/city phase.

They're the only civ I saw it in the structure tree, but since my Spartan ally has the same messages I suspect all Hellenes share that.

It's not super important, but a) I like consistency; and b) if we knew or came up with the equivalents for the other civs it would add some flavor.

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1 hour ago, Gurken Khan said:

If someone knew our file structure and how a command line works, would it be difficult to just batch check for that code snippet?

Not that hard, but a little still.

For all templates with the garrison component,
    for all actors of those templates
         if there is no garrisoned variant then you have a missing flag.

Then for all the dae files referenced in that actor you need to ensure they have a prop-garrisonedYYY else the model needs to be adjusted.

Something like that

        <node id="prop-box_02" name="prop-box_02" type="NODE">
          <matrix sid="transform">-1.62921e-7 -1 0 -0.8 1 -1.62921e-7 0 -0.08623493 0 0 1 3.79285e-4 0 0 0 1</matrix>



Else you can convince someone to rewrite the system so that the prop point(s) is/are set in the templates instead and convince that person to extract all the data from those nodes and put them in the templates instead. This way adding a flag will be easier for you (Also you can change the civ depending on the owner :P )

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16 hours ago, Stan&#x60; said:

Something like that

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh. There's so much I don't know that I won't go through the files myself.

16 hours ago, Stan&#x60; said:

Else you can convince someone

Obviously I'm not gonna convince anybody. Maybe someone sees it and will think it's simply the better solution or it will be part of a general overhaul or something. Until then I will just keep an eye out for stumbling unto buildings without flag (and keep my "Cato" in the sig for a while).

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I manually went through all the civs and all the buildings (I think); here's where I found missing flags:
 athen - Theatron
 cart - Embassies
 gaul - Tegia, Remogantium
 iber - Etxe
 mace - Theatron
 pers - Huvada
 ptol - Theatron
 rome - Domus
 sele - Oikos, Theatron

I was surprised that all civs can garrison forges (which all have flags) as it serves no purpose except for the Han (dunno if it's still the goal to make it so).

For the visibility of flags on wall turrets it's not good when the gates are higher (like Maurya), but I think it's especially problematic with the Iberians; because of the sideways position of the flag it can be "swallowed" by the gate:


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