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Found 18 results

  1. Te vas al disco C y creas una carpeta llamada 0ADSVN. @Obskiuras Sección 2: Haciendo tu primer “Checkout” Ahora necesitamos verificar la URL y hacer un “checkout” de la actual SVN en el directorio principal de tu disco duro. El acceso para anónimos es: http://svn.wildfiregames.co...
  2. Disclaimer : This is not the only way to do them, there are faster ways. The tutorials I made is Enrique's workflow for generating textures with good detail level (there is always time to shrink the texture if desired). I tried to make this as much complete as possible, if you don't succeed at somet...
  3. I tried the ModdingResources tutorial on Trac and find that there is no information on how to edit Summary screen at the end of the battle to show the newly created resource. So now after adding new resource, opening Summary screen shows error message like this: Anyone knows how to solve...
  4. Here I post my tutorial about template modding and unit creation. Enjoy! I hope you learn a lot of it! If you still have some questions, feel free to ask. edit: the resulting files can be found here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=7532...
  5. picking a proper starting woodline and properly positioning storehouses and other buildings is vital for optimal economy growth and security. proper woodline(s) management is vital for proper men and women positioning early,mid and late game. 1.everything about first 0-5 min. 2.middga...
  6. 1. Here is the standard background I use: 2. Taking a screenshot of the unit in Atlas with the "Big Screenshot" option, it looks like this (note, I use a custom scenario map with a bright ground texture for ease of cutting in Photoshop) 3. A. I cut the unit out of...
  7. Introduction This is a guide covering how to import assets from the game to blender, create a second UV coordinates, bake the AO maps and export again. The game's buildings are usually divided in different .dae files (one per diffuse texture used) Usually, they consist in one main ".dae" file locate...
  8. Hello! I'm back with a quick tutorial on how to make lowpoly trees taking advantage of Blender's 3D add-on "sapling tree generator" in less than 10 minutes! Here's a video tutorial from BlenderGuru with more in-depth information about how sapling add-on works: http://www.blenderguru.com/tutorials...
  9. An updated version of this guide is available on the Wiki. Introduction This is a guide covering how to export and set up animation files from Blender3D into 0AD as well as some tips and general guidelines for get the animations working in 0AD. The Blender3D version used for this guide is 2.65a...
  10. Hello everyone, I didn't see any totorial to explain how to change the GUI. So, I will try to write one. I'm not English, so if they are mistakes, moderators could edit this. I will update this tutorial when I will found new things (I learn from analysing the source code). Customiz...
  11. Hello I thought it could be interesting for 3D artists and future 0AD contributors to get advices, tips, good links, interesting tutorials, etc. So why not sharing them here?
  12. how create face texture for the units,in order give more variance, and learn to apply the whole project (including mod) for example this face...
  13. Hi all, Newbie here. I just played 0.19 64-bit. It took me quite some time to figure out where the tutorials are. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2303 is obviously needed and hopefully it will come in alpha 20. What I don't know is what to play after that. There doesn't seem to be any scenario...
  14. I found this in a weblog about this, is some commercial stuff but basic to improve drawing special color, shadow and some advanced. If you know use gimp you can try it. It's not Photoshop exclusive Source: http://cgcookie.com/concept/cgc-courses/citizen-christmas-present/ Even they are in Deviant...
  15. i have two questions: * how capture gaia horses and elephants, the elephants fight, and horse flee, but catch is impossible i only "eat" it * how Run???? with mouse button i get walk the units but Run, i don't know
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