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Found 13 results

  1. I am getting these errors and they all seem to stem from the game thinking the mesh has more than one polygon. I tried doing what the Error guide suggests by selecting everything and then hiding them, but nothing happened... Does anyone know how to fix this? pic of the blender workspace for reference:
  2. I was adding my first faction to the game when I came across a process that I am unfamiliar with. An error stating: "g_CivData[playerState.civ] is undefined" : I do not understand how to "define" a "playerState". Anyone think that they can help me out? Edit: I added a pic of all of the errors I am getting just to give extra details...
  3. Hello. To not waste Your time im starting ASAP. For several days im getting new kind of error, I don't know, maybe someone had posted it. I'm adding photo of the error in attachment. What's the most strange in this situation is that error occurs only when some players try to join my host, for example Lord_Commander cannot join and in the other hand Doctor_Organs can. Second thing is that I'm able to join some hosts and cannot join the others(even if there are other players in like Doctor_Organs for example). Need help to solve it cause im 0 ad addict and I suffer when I'm not able to play . Any solution boys ? Sorry for my broken english and the photo of error is in the attachment. Regards, Daniel_King
  4. Hello, I love 0 AD but I have a problem setting a host, it doesn't matter if it's online or local network. I've open UDP port 20595 in my router, also I've added the port to windows firewall. And every time I try to connect to the host I just can't do it. The game says that I probably not forwarded the port 20595. What should I do? I'm lost.
  5. Please use this thread to report any issues with the new unit meshes and animations commited recently. It was a big commit so it may have some stuff that needs fixing.
  6. Hello guys, when i start a game i get a massage like warning and then a error when i screenshot F2 i cant see it Help
  7. In the description of the sandbox mode (in the Russian version, at least) it was said that the bot does not expand the territory. But in my game, I think he built city centers.
  8. So... the hotkeys for making the control groups (ctrl+0, ctrl+1, etc...) don't work by default on Azerty keyboard layouts. So, I dug into the documentation and made myself this config file: However, now when I launch the game, I get some error message saying that all the hotkeys with WorldX are invalid? Does anybody know how I could fix this issue? Thank you very much!
  9. Hey there, I made a map but it shows this error "javascript warning: script value conversion check failed v.isnumber (got type object)" It shows this error now both in the editor and in game, but the map itself plays as it should. Is there any way to fix it? Maybe just turn off error messages as the map works fine anyways? Regards
  10. after press technology button to research in the farmstead, I have the following warning and I can use the panel technology in that building commands.txt
  11. ERROR: JavaScript error: maps/random/lake.js line 301 ReferenceError: tTie4Terrain is not defined @maps/random/lake.js:301 ERROR: CMapGeneratorWorker::Run: Failed to load RMS 'maps/random/lake.js' Engine exited successfully on 2014-01-22 at 19:21:11 with 407 message(s), 2 error(s) and 0 warning(s).
  12. Hi there, posting this crash as it says on this site http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors to report crashes as soon as they occur. It was when playing the SVN version, revision 15586. I was having a fun game on a custom 8 player skirmish (which doesn't have many objects yet, it's quite empty right now) with 7 AI players, 6vs2, on my own mod. All PetraBot. Then, after approx. 40 minutes, it crashed. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0AD%20logs/Dbghelp-random-Crash/hDbghelp-random-Crash.jpg http://pastebin.com/8PmpZsk2 Pressing ''suppress'' resolved in this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0AD%20logs/Dbghelp-random-Crash/hDbghelp-random-Crash-point-2.jpg http://pastebin.com/ypYS5MB3 Pressing continue made the game hang up. crashlog, dump and mainlog: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0AD%20logs/Dbghelp-random-Crash/crashlog.txt?dl=1 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0AD%20logs/Dbghelp-random-Crash/crashlog.dmp?dl=1 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93679544/0AD%20logs/Dbghelp-random-Crash/mainlog.html?dl=1 I hope this post is somewhat useful, say anything if you need more.
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