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Posts posted by BeTe

  1. 1 hour ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Red Alert was a game where everything was very well done and intuitive. You didn't need to know a unit' 30 different stats, you just knew what they were good for and that was enough for good play.

    What you mean by this? I haven't played original RA much, but OpenRA is quite simple to play, you can basically win by just spamming tanks and infantry and positioning properly. Or if you like more micro, you can go tech.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    version 4 changelog: community_mod_changelog.txt

    #This is a written changelog for additional merges to each version of the 
    community mod. If you would like to review the exact details on #each 
    merge, visit this link: 

    !1  Set up gitlab with continuous integration to the mod.
    !2  Han farming technologies (village and city phase) fixed.
    !6  Regicide mode infinite loop from enabling hero garrison fixed.
    !4  Move tier 3 blacksmith technologies to the town phase.
    !5  Healers cost 100 food 25 metal, cheaper temple technologies.
    !8  Themistocles now provides a wall discount as well as a naval buff, 
    Pericles provides technology discount and soldiers in his aura do not give 
    !10 Civic centers and colonies decreased cost, decreased territory 
    expansion with each age.
    !11 Axe cavalry buff to hack damage.
    !12 Change to ptol civ bonus: Ptolemies houses, storehouses, farmsteads 
    +50% build time and -40% capture points.
    !13 Team Bonuses: Athens get CC technologies -30% cost, -50% research 
    time, Seleucids get CC decreased build time too, Persians get cheaper 
    barracks and stables, Carthage gets -50% mercenary infantry train time.
    !26 Add a new aura to Alexander that does: "Enemy Soldiers, Structures -10% attack damage". Change Aura1 to "Soldiers +10% attack damage, +15% movement speed." and aura 2 to ""Enemy Civic Centres −50% capture points garrisoned regeneration rate."
    !27 Add centurions to the romans (100 food, 50 metal) with a limit of 8 with an aura "Melee Soldiers +10% attack damage and all soldiers -25% experience points for promotion.""
    !17 Change roman army camp to 400 wood 150 stone (vs 500 wood 100 stone 100 metal) Reduce health to 1750 (vs 2250) move it to town phase
    !24 Add a farming civ bonus to Seleucids ("Farms -25% wood cost and -75% build time.) 
    !19 Increase by 15% Melee and Melee Champion cavalry acceleration

    Is there a central place for this so in the future if I want to find it, I don't have to dig on the Forum?

  3. Quote

    Why can someone who has played hundreds of games against good players have a rating lower than someone who has beaten his mate 10 times?

    I don't think 10 wins will bring him many points or at least not significant. With every new win he will get less points. So for example if he is 1400 and opponent 1000, he will get 1,8 points. So he need to win ~50 games to get to 1500 rating. :) In case of 1500 vs 900, he gets 0.6.

    I guess this calculator is same as 0AD's ? https://www.omnicalculator.com/sports/elo

    ELO is fair rating system, 0AD should keep it.

    I'd only think about some slow decay so it's more realistic, so that it reflect fact that when players don't play they become a bit rusty. Tennis (ATP) has something like that. You need to defend your points on next year tournament, otherwise you lose that points.

    • Thanks 2
  4. @Pemulis 1. Yeah, it's hard to rationally talk about abstract fields like hapiness. In my language word "to meet, meeting" is in the root of the word hapiness. Many people define word hapiness as pleasure, enjoying, feeling "good"... But I don't share that perspective. It might be even opposite in some moments. I think about it more transcendentally as deep, long-term achievement. But yeah, it depends on person values.

    2. Yes, I agree about effort and background requirements to listen/read people like Bach, Dostoyevsky, Goethe, etc. But people around me put so much effort that they know 1000 football players, their history, price, transfers, etc. They spend half day analyzing games and placing bets. They spend 10h per day on idiotic things on TV or smartphone. It's not about time at all. 

    • Haha 1
  5. @Dakara Hmmm, as I can see he got nothing with early cav... Killed some women, but you rebuilt that easily so you were quiet equal after that fights on min 13-15...  Even thought you fought around his Temple... He had 20 cav lost on min 15! After that if you have built CC with defenses on wood lines on left from main CC instead walls, I guess match would go totally different. Also he pushed hard with original CC thru the middle. He had that exposed Temple and Towers in your face and all that with main CC :) 

    On min 17. you had no available wood lines and 25 wood in stock and basepush treat from 2 sides. You were surounded without wood.

    That's what I see. :hypocrite:

  6. I like this game Edwarf vs Dakara, as example for community-mod balancing.

    Edwarf used fact that CC is cheaper and took map control by 2 quick expansions which is crucial on such map with so small amount of wood. I guess Dakara lost (mostly) b/c of not preventing that. 

    So can we say if he were more active in p2, he would be in much better position? Can we say that this could be small indicator that changes are good for making early/mid game more active? 

    (I don't want to be smarty newbie, just to initiate analysis of changes. :) )

    cc @Dakara @Edwarf

  7. @Pemulis Good points.

    I'd like to expand discussion.


    who could recommend to a plumber, who works X hours a day, to watch an interview of Derrida instead of some sports when he finally returns home after a long day?

    I think we have wrong perception of entertainment. Why it must be on such low cultural level? Back to topic, do you think composers or their listener doesn't enjoy and relax by making/listening classic music? Do we believe that Nikola Tesla, I. Newton, A. Einstein, Shaekspire, Goethe, Dostoyevsky and other big people didn't enjoy revealing unexplored secrets of our universum ? Do we think big spirits from religion(s) didn't enjoy in their prayers and "contemplation" (not sure it's correct word)? Isn't it pleasure and relaxing when you work on your "spirit" and after day you feel you did something - at least a little bit - useful. 

    I believe that these type of entertainment are much harder to get into and require strong will these days. But I believe it fills our life with feeling of sense (not sense itself) and that way we find another type of hapiness, long-term happiness. 

    Also if you talk to people who are involved in charity organization, they all share some paradoxal feeling of hapiness. I guess we can try to explain that by empathy. 

    Why that plumber can't sit on sofa and listen Bach, read some classic novel instead of stupid TV shows? In theory, he is tired physically not mentally...

    • Like 1
  8. Not sure this is topic to have these discussions, so sorry in advance. :)

    But I don't understand first 2 points, what BO would be appropriate and how to come with more cav? I tried without stable to make cav from CC, but then I am behind in women and food production issues later...

    I tried to disrupt food, but then cav got injured and I had to heal them. Next time, he used teleportation technique from CC and put slingers and spearmans in my face. He was on stone near cc... And slingers have too much range for cav to harass them. I lost 2 horses then I think. He did nice pull only part of women that are on side of CC where attack happens, remaining half just harvest normaly while I lose health (=time). That secondary berries he harvested while I was healing cavs. 

    The only cav that I found useful are Persian 60m range cav. Especially in p2 when you can upgrade them to 70m range. :) But still , should be easy to defend. 

  9. fyi , regarding p1 cav nerf, there's recent tournament game between Weirdjokes and me. I built cavalry and tried to harass but they seemed useless against infantry slingers with few spearmans. I only lost build time, resources and my attention on them. I did @#$% up macro game, but point is I got literary nothing from cavalry. Not sure what I could do with them better. :D 

    However, I don't find this match is high level, but maybe you guys can see something interesting for balancing.


  10. @chrstgtrYes it's skill level. But skill level is defending from opponents' side. I assume skills are similar. Point is that it's risky build and can work only if opponent make big mistake. On other side, you are on bigger risk of making mistake b/c of much micro.

    Maybe recent Tournament game ValihrAnt vs Feldfeld is example? Vali's attack failed against lower rating player (idk about "skills" tho).

    Yes, I watch every ValihrAnt game and watched nice Cav play in Vinme vs dakeryas (again vinme more rating than dak). It mostly end up in mid or late game as someone already said.


    I am still new so I will not insist. But I just scared that we will make P1 game more dead. It's already pretty much dead in 99% of ~1400-1500 rating games. Dude you must build cav and do some micro/scouting early game, you can't just boom to 250, send entire army + rams + hero and see "gg". :D 


    • Like 2
  11. Please don't nerf P1 cav. :D I use them a lot early game recently. They are expensive and you are on big risk of being overwhelmed just for small mistake. It works only if player is veeeeery slow with reactions to pull gatherers. On other side it's so hard to keep eco going and you either forget housing, resources balancing or unit production.

    So, I basically helps only to confuse opponent since no real damage can be done. But you are on risk of being confused b/c of a loooot of microing on other side of map. Or you can send them into blob of opponent's infantry during some work around CC and lose them all - I think I saw it in the recent Vali vs Feldfeld tournament game. That's quite disaster.  


    We talked about that starting from this message: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/83784-introducing-the-official-community-mod-for-alpha-26/page/17/#comment-529865

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    I don't think there's any propaganda per se here regarding the equipment and role of the Skiritai. To what end? Just different interpretations.

    I agree, I don't see why propaganda would be involved in this case.

    I don't even think it's about different interpretation. If I caught it properly here, I see the author who started post, says they weren't infantry but cavalry. Video shared after, says that their role actually changed during history ( I didn't listen it carefully TBH). So it could mean that claim is true, but in same time it's not. :D We can say it's missing wider context which is common mistake in historians and regular people.

  13. 15 hours ago, Lopess said:

    Congrats on screwing up your comment right on the first line! It sounds xenophobic, but in the West it's just taken as irony.

    History is very "tricky" science.

    There is always a bit of propaganda involved in, I believe every in nation history. But despite that, the biggest problem for such far history are Sources. Many books/libraries are destroyed, sometimes scientists don't agree if they should take national "poetry" as valid source, some nations even didn't have book at all until quite recently, etc. 

    Also another problem is "selectivity". Some "scientists" (intentionally or not) ignored sources that doesn't fit their government ideology or goals. 

    Some scientist have valid sources and write what they read indeed, but they miss Context. To understand entire context across different epochs, you need big bran and big knowledge. 


    So we should not believe there is "central authority" for History. There is no simple truth. There are many layers of truth. 

    So yeah, I agree it's poor when someone is ironic and believe his perspective or his sources are the only valid.

    • Like 3
  14. I guess it would be useful to have systematically organized lessons/tutorials for 0AD. There are plenty of videos on YT such as:

    I also remember some PDF with title something like "From Nub to OP..."... It's all just too much spread on internet and hard for beginner to catch up everything.

    Idk, how other games have it, but for inspiration we can use OpenRA Academy: https://discord.gg/3AEEuYTn Just use Forum instead Discord.

    This topic is to discuss this suggestion. What you think about that?

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