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Posts posted by BeTe

  1. Quote

    Furthermore, u can use this garrison-rally point-ungarrison to save valuable time while moving units. This is specially useful while you are under attack. U can order big groups to garrison some building, and spam U-key so they will pass through the building without surrounding it

    @guerringuerrin Oh, nice. "U" shortcut was what I was looking for! Yeah I know this technique but didn't know this command :D 


    Some people think it's lame, but I always have a ring of fields around my CC and a ring of houses around that

    @Gurken KhanWhy lame?! Isn't that standard! ;) 


    Thx for hints guys.


    how can I kill women when I want to build hero units but reached pop limit? 

  2. 42 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

    I believe each soldier adds one arrow; as in the pic: 3 + 10 = 13 arrows. Might be worth the micro; you could release the women to the backside and thus have more room for soldiers.

    Can't say anything about what you see with your CC. Did you give the mouseover a chance to refresh? (Move the mouse away and then back again after the garrisoning.)

    Yeah true. I was checking popup which is opened by right click on CC picture - not hover popup... :smartass: 

    So women does not add  bonus arrows. Infantry add arrows , same number of arrows as garrisoned units.

    Yeah, it's more than worth microing... Although I am not sure what to do with womens from crop fields in case of attack... :D  

    I am still not sure about garrisoned barracks or other buildings... Barracks is not showing same popup (number of arrows) as CC...

  3. On 07/08/2022 at 3:12 AM, Gurken Khan said:


    I just tested with Spartans - no matter what I garrison in CC, I always see "3 arrows / 2 seconds". 

    On Fandom Wiki it says: "Infantry garrisoned in a Civic Center add to the number of arrows fired." (https://0ad.fandom.com/wiki/Civic_Centre)

    But what is exact bonus? Is it worth to micro and garrison women in houses and infantry in CC? Impossible that nobody knows?! :) 

  4. On 03/05/2022 at 4:51 PM, Sp00ky said:

    I am still not familiarized with 0ad counter systems (are there counters?) but isn't this inneficient? there are units that might soak up a lot of damage from units that are not their counter, and distinguishing between units types is important in terms of microing the army efficiently.


    I am mostly playing aoe3 as of late and I might be biased because of it's hard counter system, but for example attacking skirmishers with your light cavalry will get your troops wrecked. while attacking them with heavy cavalry will destroy them but attacking heavy infantry will destroy your heavy cavalry. Both heavy, and light inf can be ranged. I guess that in the case of 0ad you could make a difference between heavy infantry (roman legions with throwable pilum) and light infantry (velite, archer, peltast).

    Perhaps my impression is wrong for 0ad but distinguishing unit types is usually very important in RTS and it often takes precedence before scale and realism.



    I just found this discussion and I like it. Countering is important in RTS games I guess so I want to bring my concerns into this discussion... It was about too many units on field: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/86939-why-units-are-produced-so-fast/

    It's kind of boring if you need to do development for 15mins. and then just send blob with attack move. I guess we don't want 0AD to be like The Sims and similar games  :D 

    1. I watched SC2, WC 2, AOE 2 - they all have small number of units and you can attack with smaller forces and make advance by microing. We should not "reinvent the wheel" and focus on things that these games are NOT doing properly. 

    2. Also I like countering system in OpenRA TD ( example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msDHcYf0Qqs )- the game has some issues and is different type than 0AD, but for examples: as GDI vs Nod faction you can't just go T2 and produce Medium Tanks if Nod is going 2x war factory on Tier 1 - they will be overmaneuvered and overwhelmed by T1 units... If you see Nod opponent has 2 War Factories you must build faster and cheaper units (Humvees) to clean his T1 army. If you do it and he scout it, then he must go Tier 2 and make stronger armored unit, etc.

    Then there are also air units which makes this even more interesting. Gdi's air is good again economy/harvesters, Nod's against infantry.... :) 

    So all this will force you to scout and build proper units, not only big blobs. 

  5. We should also stream POVs on Twitch.tv - it's also popular platform in gaming. And it's bizzare how easy is to stream using OBS. Once configured it's 2 clicks to start stream, literary. Like (1) open OBS and (2) click "Start recording". I encourage creative and people with good narration talents to start doing it. 

    Btw, small feedback as newcomer to 0AD - the biggest issue is "unable to join host" problem. It's anyways annoying to wait for game and then you can't play with only person available b/c of this... Sending Wiki page of "how to open host on router" is not solution, imho.

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  6. 11 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

    They kind of are, though. The original post talks about how 0AD produces units at a rate that is 3x to 4x times faster. If a 0AD game is made 3x-4x longer that could very easily result in games lasting hours.

    No man. We should have less but stronger units. Which will keep game duration same but more interesting, better microing and maybe a bit less lag. And for me personally more appealing. 

    I just don't like big blobs.

  7. 3 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

    It only takes a couple of clicks to install mods. And it is a mod, not another game. Maybe the playstyle would be more to your liking, dunno.

    Yeah but it's like different game in terms of how many players is available to play against, ie. people that play "normal" 0AD don't play this mod. So in theory I would wait much longer for 1v1 game on this mod...

  8. 8 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

    Smaller blobs for the sake of smaller blobs. And to be more like other games. Nothing against new members with fresh ideas, but I don't know if this game will turn into what you want.

    I am actually against blindly copying other games. I referred to AOE as game where there are smaller blobs and still is very playable and has big player base. So just as proof it's possible. 

    Also there is a lot of lag issue, not only for me but I saw it in Youtube. I also mentioned microing large blob on small screen is very hard or impossible. 

    These are things that should improve game, not only blindly copy others, right? 

    @wowgetoffyourcellphone I am lazy to install and play yet another game. And I am not sure if it has enough player base.  Btw, redirecting new players to mods is not good for 0AD I guess. I think we should increase it's player base, not reduce it. ;) 

  9. 15 minutes ago, alre said:

    that's curious. either you go for early aggression, or you go for early eco + late aggression. what else would you want to do? 

    All this topic is about smaller blobs in general. That's all. To be more like AOE 2 , WC 2 in that sense...

  10. 5 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

    You still can harm opponents with 5-10 units, especially if you go for a very early cav rush. Dancing seems to be very frowned upon, at least by a sufficiently large part of the MP crowd; so much so that it was deliberately nerfed.

    Yes, but I mean you can't capture / destroy anything. You can cav. rush with 5 units and attack only women, but even that works only if unscouted which is not likely to happen on intermediate level. Also it's risky - if failed you are behind in number of workers, unless there is much hunt around. I'd not consider "rush" strategy as argument to my concerns. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Player of 0AD said:

    It depends. The classical approach is to reach the pop limit, get most blacksmith upgrades and to attack then with a huge force. Mixing in some siege might be helpful but is not totally necessary

    Anything lower than 200 isnt really fun

    > Anything lower than 200 isnt really fun

    We are comparing 0AD to AOE where there is much less units and I don't think AOE is boring. ;) Off course to make 0AD fun with less units I guess we would need another changes.

    It depends. The classical approach is to reach the pop limit, get most blacksmith upgrades and to attack then with a huge force. Mixing in some siege might be helpful but is not totally necessary

    This sounds just terrible and boring. :D 

    Would it not be more interesting to be able to harm opponent with 5-10 units like in AOE, which you can micro and do some tricks to win fight? Like cavarly dance or whatever name is in 0AD...

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