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Everything posted by Norse_Harold

  1. The mainlog.html file that you posted has the message at the end, "Engine exited successfully on 2023-02-04 at 11:25:23 with 74134 message(s), 2 error(s) and 0 warning(s)." That's dated February 4, 2023. Is that what you expected? Are you still experiencing the problem? If so, please talk to me on IRC after 18:00 UTC.
  2. Can you please attach a replay of the situation where the error occurred? That would help us identify steps to reproduce the problem. This article explains where to find replay files. It would also help if you would attach mainlog.html. Note that mainlog.html is erased and started from scratch each time you restart 0ad. So, ensure that the problem has occurred, shut down 0ad, and attach mainlog.html before the next time you start 0ad. If you use a sandboxed version of 0ad such as a Snap, AppImage, or Flatpak, then 0ad user data files may be stored in a different folder from the default. If you are interested in helping narrow down the possible causes of the problem then you can see whether the symptoms are reproducible without any mods enabled, or by changing other variables such as gameplay conditions. Based on the description, I would guess that there is a bug in the AI code if the AI player does not control any structures that can produce builder units. Maybe there is also a bug related to establishing an attack plan if the AI player does not control any combat units. Why wasn't the AI player considered defeated at that point? Maybe the AI player had at least one builder unit at that time.
  3. Good idea. You're right. All of the followers except DerekO were spammers. All of the spammers except 1 were already banned. I banned the last one and removed all followers from this topic. I think this topic is attractive to them because it's in the "Announcements / News" section of the forum.
  4. Wow, you've been busy. You went from not knowing where to start on GUI development in January to an integrated GUI in April. I'm guessing that you got some help along the way. It's great to see an encyclopedia being implemented in 0ad. It helps make the game educational instead of merely for entertainment.
  5. @Joraikor What mods are you using? I don't see the map "Isthmus von Korinth", unless that's the German translation of "Corinthian Isthmus (4)". Really? I don't see errors in system_info.txt. Can you point them out, please? The errors that I see are in interestinglog.html: ERROR: No placement possible for distance=7.034, minOverlap=0.05, maxOverlap=0.85 ERROR: No placement possible for distance=7.042, minOverlap=0.05, maxOverlap=0.85 We need more information in order to troubleshoot this issue. Please answer Stan's questions. Please list which mods you have enabled. Please attach mainlog.html after the problem occurs. Please attach a screenshot of the game conditions prior to starting the match in order to determine the "steps to reproduce the issue". If we can't determine the solution through communication on the forum then I invite you to talk to me on IRC after 18:00 UTC in order to work together to try to reproduce the symptoms and narrow down what's causing them.
  6. Theo mentions, in the video that you linked, how relevant this comic by xkcd is about dependency projects that are being thanklessly maintained for decades. This comic is exactly what I thought of when I first heard the news about the XZ intrusion. Open source developers are getting bored or tired and then projects either stagnate or are handed over to different maintainers. This can be a cause of either minor flaws or serious security-relevant flaws. I think that an important reason that open source developers get burnt out is because most open source developers can't make a living doing it. It's irrational to do work over the long term that others exploit if the developer gets almost no reward. After a while the cognitive dissonance, or one's financial or health situation, catches up to that issue. According to this dotJS lecture, project leaders of important projects end up with quite unfun, unpaid obligations when the projects grow into mature dogs instead of "cute puppies". Meanwhile, starving open source projects with good design, especially when they're important to the infrastructure of open source software, are potential targets for similar social engineering attacks to what happened to XZ. What's the solution? I think that free software developers need to contribute more to the thankless foundational projects. And, the commercial software sector needs to fund the foundational projects. But, I predict that the status quo will continue. The average for-profit corporation is, according to the documentary The Corporation, a psychopath and/or freeloader due to the prevailing goal of profit above all else, due to the legal text in their corporate charters.
  7. I think that most of the users listed in the staff directory have moderation capability on the forum. Some of them, typically the most senior members, have administration capability on the forum. A user may have multiple roles, and only the primary role is visible when viewing a user's profile. So, there are some things that are not completely obvious about who is a moderator and who is an administrator. Active forum administrators as far as I know right now: vladislavbelov, Itms, feneur, Stan. Active forum moderators as far as I know right now: Norse_Harold, s0600204, rossenburg, Dunedan, wraitii, kizito, fabio, Freagarach, smiley. Based on quantity of recently handled reports, it looks like s0600204 is one of the most active moderators right now regarding spam, followed by rossenburg and me. vladislavbelov should be mentioned, as well, for handling most of the reports in late 2023.
  8. Yes, I noticed it. It could be useful as a "Roach Motel" to catch the spammers. Or, if people prefer then I can lock this topic. Also, when you quote spam content, please remove the advertising links. Otherwise, you're making their content visible to the search engine web spiders despite moderators banning them and removing their posts. When they get links on our forum, that's how they harvest PageRank for their websites. That's part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). I've edited your post to remove the hyperlinks. Please continue reporting spam. Somehow we're more effective recently than we have been in the past, because I'm not seeing it as often, and there seem to be less new users per week than there used to be (about 3 pages instead of 6 or more). And, at least one other moderator is apparently removing the advertisements from their profiles, which is great. I used to be the only moderator doing that, to my knowledge.
  9. Who has the ability to update this linktr.ee list? Can we please clearly mark which of the communication networks are official and which are not official? I'm moderating any communication networks that are considered official. My understanding is that the official communication networks for WFG are those listed on play0ad.com: QuakeNet IRC, the forum, Trac, Phab, source control systems, and the lobby server .
  10. Are you aware that the game lobby server allows real-time chat and active game listings in order to find people to play the game with? Are you aware that official IRC channels (#0ad and #0ad-dev) are available for real-time text chat with the active staff members and developers of Wildfire Games? They're most commonly used for asking for troubleshooting help and asking how to volunteer to help with 0ad development. What other problem(s) are you trying to solve by requesting an official Discord server? Are you aware that adding an official Discord server would create a large responsibility for moderation by an already stretched-thin moderation team? Are you aware of the serious privacy invasions that Discord has engaged in and the calls to boycott Discord?
  11. En español: Si no tiene la intención de crear una partida multijugador, entonces no hay razón para reenviar el puerto de red en su enrutador.* Hay consejos sobre cómo solucionar problemas del mensaje de error sobre el puerto UDP 20595 en las preguntas frecuentes aquí. Desplácese hacia abajo y lea la respuesta a "Error al conectar con el servidor. El puerto UDP 20595 no se reenvía.". Escribí la mayor parte del contenido de esa respuesta, así que si aún necesita ayuda después de probar ese consejo, háblame a través de IRC. Escribí este texto en inglés y luego lo traducí con Google Translate. * … a menos que aplique un parche al código fuente que le permite controlar el puerto de red local utilizado para unir partidas multijugador. In English: If you don't intend to host a game then there is no reason to forward the network port on your router.* There is advice about how to troubleshoot the error message about UDP port 20595 in the FAQ here. Scroll down and read the answer to, "Failed to connect to the server. UDP port 20595 not being forwarded.". I wrote most of the content of that answer, so if you still need help after trying that advice then talk to me via IRC. * … unless you apply a patch to the source code that allows you to control the local network port used for joining multiplayer games. I wrote this text in English and then translated it with Google Translate.
  12. Thousands of accounts have a bot name, but since they haven't posted any content we don't have proof that they're bots. I think that we should have a policy that any new account that doesn't talk about 0ad immediately gets banned. At least one of these accounts with a bot name has registered, posted nothing at first, and then years later posted actual spam.
  13. Let me guess: within a few days you will edit your post to include an advertising link. Edit: yup. 2 hours ago, ElainaCarroll edited the post to include an advertising link.
  14. I am a forum moderator, and I don't have the ability to change someone's forum username. Maybe a forum administrator, like @Itms@vladislavbelovor another administrator can do that. Or, maybe even an administrator can't do that. Consider creating a new forum account named GM_Hong and then signing in one last time with _Hong to request that we delete _Hong.
  15. Interesting. I'm in the habit of starting installers as an Administrator and choosing a custom destination path in order to ensure that the installation path is in a subfolder of C:\Program Files (x86). Note that a subfolder of C:\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ is probably not the default installation path... That's where start menu icons are installed. @ssg_cheeseheadPerhaps virus protection software on your system is preventing read, write or execute access to files in C:\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ Maybe it would help if you start the game installer as an Administrator and reinstall it. I recommend configuring the install path to C:\Program Files (x86)\0 A.D. alpha
  16. That's not the default installation path. I think that the default installation path is C:\Program Files (x86)\0 A.D. alpha Please share mainlog.html so that we can determine which files it's failing to copy. You can talk to me on IRC for faster troubleshooting responses.
  17. Thanks for doing that. Trac is working now, so far. No, but the Internet Archive does hold a "backup" of most of Trac. It's at this link. Choose a date to access the archived version of the site.
  18. I'm helping Bearithra troubleshoot the problem via IRC and Element. For anyone else facing a similar problem, there is advice in the FAQ (backup link here) about it, or you can talk to me via IRC.
  19. Lol, yeah. For the about the same amount of effort and storage space, one might as well install a dual-boot of Linux on their computer so that the game runs at a normal framerate instead of trying to limp along with a virtual machine. Also, rejoining with Windows typically only gets a few minutes more of gameplay before the game runs out of memory again. And, I think that there are diminishing gains to the rejoining tactic because the only sources for free memory with a big match to simulate are garbage collection and memory leaks, of which there are not many if the process has only been running for a few minutes. This is a guess, though, I haven't checked in detail. If someone wants help with setting up a dual-boot of Linux and Windows then talk to me on IRC or other means of communication.
  20. Thanks, Barcodes. That's consistent with my guess about 0ad reaching the maximum memory allocation for a 32-bit process. On Windows the limit is usually 2 GB, but it's 3GB if the executable is built with large address aware mode. I advise using Linux or Mac to host 0ad team games until alpha 27 is released and hopefully includes a 64-bit build for Windows.
  21. Here are my guesses for the definitions of the key words. Jock: Population given military training and culture from an early age, prioritization of military by administration, culture values strength and patriarchy. Nerd: Science, literature, research, mythology development, investing heavily in activities or topics of special interest. Goth: Dark and morbid aesthetic, investment in elaborate tombs, authentic, artistic, alternative culture. Prep: Firmly class-based society with preferential treatment for those with high socioeconomic status, culture is focused on class, family wealth, and popularity, sometimes narcissistic. In my opinion, this makes sense for Egypt and Sparta, but I don't know enough about the other civilizations to say whether these definitions or points on the axes are accurate. Is it true that the Assyrians were more Goth than the Egyptians? And, was Athens more Nerd than the Egyptians?
  22. Soldiers dropping their swords. It is a highly effective technique! Why wasn't it used then? Probably because no one ever tried it, or else it was not recorded to history...
  23. Can we still check the RAM usage of the 0ad process at intervals before the symptoms occur, please?
  24. I guess that Barcodes is referring to Windows servers crashing at around 30 minutes. I have noticed that 4v4 team games tend to use about 4 GB of memory (on a Linux system) around the 30 minute mark. I think that the problem that Barcodes is describing is caused by the memory limits of a 32-bit Windows process. The fix is to release a 64-bit build for Windows. Barcodes, to confirm, please tell us whether the players who crash around 30 minutes are using Windows. Also please ask those players to open Task Manager around 30 minutes and watch the memory usage of the 0ad process. Tell us whether it's close to 4 GB, such as 3.8 GB or higher, before crashing.
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