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Everything posted by Ceres

  1. I feel very honored being entitled historian. I will check what I can find.
  2. During gameplay, does it help to enable the developer function showing pathfinder terrain (with those different colours)?
  3. But for this, the maps would need a review, correct? How would that work for maps created randomly?
  4. Sorry, I didn't mean to challenge that they can be identical buildings. It's good if the hint is clear in this regard. A bit OT: If one has 2 blacksmiths (or any other 2 or even more identical buildings), does exploration of a new technology from these buildings progress faster than with only one? Would one have to select all of them before starting that exploration? Or is the "only" advantage of e.g. 2 or more blacksmiths that one can explore different technologies or upgrades in parallel?
  5. I find it very difficult to design a map and to check and ensure that even the tallest building of any civ plus workers fits on any seemingly possible spot. In other words: From my perspective, it's impossible to ensure (as map designer) that all hill plateaus are large enough when they seem to be large enough. Oh my, it's very difficult to describe it, too. So maybe just let's leave it at that (and I shall keep in mind the hint about the foundation).
  6. These could be names of Seleucid heroes (local dynasts in Persis, subject to the Seleucid Empire): Ardakhshir I Baydad Wadfradad I Wadfradad II Wahbarz
  7. Hello! In a24, I put 5 workers to build a fortress on top of a hill plateau. The structure was started but suddenly stopped. I realized that the workers could not climb that hill at all (which was not obvious to me before). Is this a known problem? What would you recommend about it? It's this something that can be corrected in code? I will try to find that spot again and provide a screenshot and replay file if possible.
  8. The experts of balance should be heard, I guess. PS: I mean the question about the types of buildings needed to progress to the next phase.
  9. Maybe it could be seen with a wink when a hero has the same name as a civ leader named "The Cowardly" or similar?
  10. Oh, good to know. Who can take him out? Is this checked for other civs, too? I mean that names of heroes should not be used for the names of civs' (AI) leaders? Or why could they not be used both for the leader and for a hero?
  11. Is it intended that it can be the same? Would it make (more) sense to have at least 3 different buildings?
  12. Seleucid AINames from current (s0600204) sele.json: "Seleucus I Nicator", "Antiochus I Soter", "Antiochus II Theos", "Seleucus II Callinicus", "Seleucus III Ceraunus", "Antiochus III Megas", "Seleucus IV Philopator", "Antiochus IV Epiphanes", "Antiochus V Eupator", "Demetrius I Soter", "Alexander I Balas", "Demetrius II Nicator", "Antiochus VI Dionysus", "Diodotus Tryphon", "Antiochus VII Sidetes", "Demetrius II Nicator", "Alexander II Zabinas", "Cleopatra Thea", "Seleucus V Philometor", "Antiochus VIII Grypus", "Antiochus IX Cyzicenus", "Seleucus VI Epiphanes", "Antiochus X Eusebes", "Demetrius III Eucaerus", "Antiochus XI Epiphanes", "Philip I Philadelphus", "Antiochus XII Dionysus", "Seleucus VII Kybiosaktes", "Antiochus XIII Asiaticus", "Philip II Philoromaeus" After going through various sources, I have only identified this one from the dynasty not yet included (if I am correct - please check): Achaeus the Elder Then there are the so-called frataraka, but I am not sure if they should be considered under the Seleucids or rather under the Persians (but the further names below are not included in pers.json). According to the information at Wikipedia, the frataraka were subject to the Seleucid Empire, so I would assume we might consider adding them to the Seleucid AINames. Baydad (also spelled Bagdates), was a dynast (frataraka) of Persis from 164 to 146 BC.[1][2] Background (also from Wikipedia): See more names under: Do you think it adequate to add (all of) them to the list of Seleucid AINames? I.e.: "Achaeus the Elder", "Ardakhshir I", "Wahbarz", "Wadfradad I", "Baydad", "Wadfradad II" Another thought: Would it be "nice" (and technically possible without too much effort) to show the AINames' faces from the respective coin (if the coin images are free to use) in-game where background info is shown? I mean, when the AI has chosen its leader, maybe the coin face could be shown (like an avatar ). If this is a silly idea, please just ignore it.
  13. Thank you so much! Does transition of the new text also work via Transifex? How does Transifex know of new or changed English text that would need revision in other languages? (sorry about this little OT question here)
  14. And could this maybe made a bit clearer in the hint? By the way, if I remember correctly, I once saw the word "undefined" (instead of a number) in that hint. I will try to reproduce this and post a screenshot (a24).
  15. Ok, I will work on the Seleucids and provide a list of names as a proposal. As I lack the historic background, I would like to stick to the names from the available sources, even if they all belong to kings (if this is acceptable for the moment). It will take until next week, though, as I don't have my laptop with me, and doing this on the mobile is (for my eyes ;)) a bit too tiring.
  16. Yes, the link goes to this new thread.
  17. Sorry, I was unable to multi-quote on my no mobile device, hence I created these 2 separate posts. Does anybody know what exactly needs to be built to progress to the next phase when this in-game hint is shown? Thank you!
  18. Speaking about sensitive data: Which files of 0 A.D. can contain such? Is there a way to have them auto-removed or anonymised? I mean when logs are created. If logs don't contain such info, then this is of course only relevant for config files, where auto-removal does not make sense. Still, I would be interested to learn which (potentially) could contain sensitive data. Sorry about this partly OT question and thanks for your hints.
  19. Passersby interested in new historic names, please have a look there: Historic Names list
  20. How shall we procees about the Seleucids? Shall I copy all names from the links posted before and filter out what we already have in the game? Shall there then follow a poll, or you do you guys usually take decisions about this? (sorry about my ignorance how things like this work, but I am very willing to learn)
  21. Sorry, but I have no idea what exactly needs to be built to progress. Anyone else?
  22. Hello! Is there already some general hints section I am not aware of that deals with how to handle large amounts of units (incl. collecting women)? In the help section, I found these hotkeys mentioned: Double Left Click on unit/structure: Select all of your units/structures of the same kind on the screen (even if they are different ranks). Triple Left Click on unit/structure: Select all of your units/structures of the same kind and the same rank on the screen. Alt + Double Left Click on unit/structure: Select all your units/structures of the same kind on the entire map (even if they are different ranks). Alt + Triple Left Click on unit/structure: Select all your units/structures of the same kind and rank on the entire map. Ctrl + 1 (and so on up to Ctrl + 0): Create control group 1 (to 0) from the selected unit(s)/structure(s). 1 (and so on up to 0): Select the units/structures in control group 1 (to 0). Now I wonder if you guys use these, or if you have other (additional?) pro hints how to cope with many different units? My main problem is that I very often lose track of where my units currently are - especially when being occupied at different spots. And when plying with my kids (we use mumble for conversation), we often hear each other providing information like "Watch out, your ships are being attacked at that harbour!", questioned by "Which harbour do you mean?" Thanks for kindly sharing your thoughts with me 0 A.D. beginner.
  23. Please allow me asking this question that is not specific for these great posts and very interesting links that @Lion.Kanzen has kindly provided, but more in general terms about Youtube tutorials: The voice-over and consequently the shown video material - or vice versa - are very fast. Maybe I am overseeing the obvious, but I could not imagine to always press the pause button in such a video and then on play again to get along with the high speed. Is there maybe a trick I am not aware of? How do you guys get along with this? Again, sorry for asking this here, but I have very hard times watching and understanding these "rock" videos.
  24. Same with the following comment from yet another thread:
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