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Everything posted by Ceres

  1. A note from Michael over on GitHub: So 0 A.D. could create a proper JSON file based on the default or user-set key bindings, which could then be imported in Michael's tool. This is certainly not of a high priority, but when you developers/contributors think of touching/updating the key settings part, maybe you would like considering this for somewhere in the future? EDIT: The key settings shown on the screenshot in the previous post are captured in the attached JSON file. keyboard-diagram-0ad.json
  2. Ok, thank you. I guess for today I call it a day (as the hotkey.session part is a bit difficult for me). Please see what I have managed so far (knowing that there might be mistakes and there is lots of room for discussion, amendments, and additions): EDIT1: Sorry, I had to reupload. EDIT2: When I look at it, I think that hiding the key letters/symbols might be beneficial, as the layout itself explains it already. There is (from my perspective) little reason to show Q, W, E, ..., Bright-, Ins, etc. Hiding these would leave more space for the 0 A.D. game settings and make them also more readable. Futhermore, the layout of the legend for the mouse could be amended (which is not under my control, though). Please let me know what you think - even if you think this is of no use at all. Then I still learnt something from it. keyboard-diagram-0ad.html
  3. Sorry, another question: [hotkey.selection] remove = Ctrl ; Remove units from selection [hotkey.session] attack = Ctrl ; Modifier to attack instead of another action (e.g. capture) Does ".selection" differ from ".session" in the way that the latter Ctrl is seen in combination with mouse button click? Left or right? Else, I would not understand how it can be defined 2 times with the same key. Thanks for helping me understanding this.
  4. @wraitii The [Alt] setting there is not clear to me, as it seems to be defined twice: [hotkey.selection] cancel = Esc ; Un-select all units and cancel building placement add = Shift ; Add units to selection militaryonly = Alt ; Add only military units to the selection nonmilitaryonly = "Alt+Y" ; Add only non-military units to the selection idleonly = "I" ; Select only idle units woundedonly = "O" ; Select only wounded units remove = Ctrl ; Remove units from selection idlebuilder = Semicolon ; Select next idle builder idleworker = Period, NumDecimal ; Select next idle worker idlewarrior = Slash, NumDivide ; Select next idle warrior idleunit = BackSlash ; Select next idle unit offscreen = Alt ; Include offscreen units in selection Militaryonly and offscreen? Or are these not really defined twice, because each definition is related to a certain situation/trigger? (sorry, I cannot play 0 A.D. right now to see myself) Besides, I face the difficulty that Michael's tool includes the Apple A1243 US keyboard with 109 keys, whereas I have the German layout A1243 with 110 keys and some positioned differently. I always try keeping in mind that it does not really matter what is imprinted on each key, as long as the mapping makes sense (haptic-wise).
  5. I will create a first template for the keyboard I own myself, which is a (German) Apple Aluminium Keyboard A1243, understanding that there might not be so many 0 A.D. users with this one. It is too difficult (if not to say impossible) to do this for a US ANSI keyboard as I previously planned, as I do not own one and would not know where exactly which key is. But maybe it will not be too difficult to edit it to one's own keyboard layout when it is officially available.
  6. @seeh Thanks for your PM, mentioning autociv (nani's mod, which @Stan` also mentioned above). For passerby - have a look there: This thread here has become some life of its own (not to say that I went quite OT ), but it seems to be ok. So please allow me to add some further thoughts about key mapping and hotkey templates: Understanding that we do have default key bindings in 0 A.D., everybody can change them in the game settings. Therefore, providing a ready-to-use template only makes sense for this default key setting (which over time might change as well). I would like to only prepare a default template (let's see how far I come with this), very likely without the autociv mod mappings. If the result is agreeable, I would ask Michael to add it to his database (see Master Table for an overview of his keyboard list). From there, every interested 0 A.D. user could fetch it and change it to her/his personal flavour. Feel free asking questions about his tool in his GitHub repository.
  7. @seeh EDIT: Of course, users might use their own (custom) key mappings. If interested, they might create their own template. It does not seem to be soo complicated. It would be especially cool if Michael's tool could be auto-fed (maybe from 0 A.D.?) with a json file containing key bindings...
  8. I am talking about 0 A.D. 0.0.24a. Oh yes, you are right, thanks. Am I understanding it correctly that definitions like e.g. move = "" are not assigned (yet)?
  9. Wonderful - thank you! But the key bindings seem to be a bit different than shown in the game. Is it because in GitHub, they have been changed recently? E.g., in the game settings, camera.down is S, but in GitHub, it is CTRL+S (see also documentation). Sorry in case I might have misunderstood something.
  10. Is there a way I could pull the key shortcuts of 0.0.24a from GitHub, so I do not need to open them from within the game? (which could be a bit difficult)
  11. Here is a reply from the maintainer of the "Video Game Keyboard Diagrams" tool, Michael Horvath: https://github.com/mjhorvath/Video-Game-Keyboard-Diagrams/issues/11#issuecomment-827221319 So it seems already possible to get a custom keyboard layout for 0 A.D. added. If you agree, I will try to create a keymap for the default English 0 A.D. key shortcuts (as they appear in 0.0.24a) and send the result to Michael. Does that make sense?
  12. Another thing that might be of interest when looking at mumble is that the Windows client* includes a decent text-to-speech (TTS) engine which reads messages, e.g. when a user has joined or left a mumble channel. Maybe this TTS engine could be used to also read messages from 0 A.D., e.g. that one's civic centre or troops are under attack and such? Kindly consider looking into the discussion on GitHub about this. If it will lead to something, I don't know, though. *They released 1.4.0 dev. snapshot 4 on 03 Apr 2021. I currently use the stable version 1.3.4.
  13. Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I have not given up learning to understand how this all works. It just takes ... I just started from scratch again and will check throughout this week where this will lead me to. master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD $ git clone https://github.com/0ad/0ad.git 0ad Cloning into '0ad'... remote: Enumerating objects: 515144, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (9649/9649), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2861/2861), done. remote: Total 515144 (delta 7998), reused 7894 (delta 6777), pack-reused 505495 Receiving objects: 100% (515144/515144), 4.99 GiB | 12.30 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (402690/402690), done. Updating files: 100% (35939/35939), done. Thanks for your patience!
  14. Another interesting project in this regard is there: https://waldobronchart.github.io/ShortcutMapper/#Blender https://github.com/waldobronchart/ShortcutMapper @Stan` and other 0 A.D. artists: There are also keyboard layouts with Blender shortcuts - maybe interesting for you, too?
  15. Ah, understood. Hitherto, I only had in mind playing at home, i.e. on LAN. For this purpose, I set up a murmur server in a VM on my Synology server, so all clients at home connect within the home network. I have no experience with online games, though, but understand that when playing on a WAN, privacy matters (even) more.
  16. Yes, the players should come to common grounds before they start if/how they would like to make use if it, else it could get frustrating to some. When I play with - well, rather against - our kids, they have their own mumble channel, so I cannot hear how they plan to sneak in on me from 2 sides. However, when they want to laugh at me for some captured building or some other success, they are sure to use the "all" channel. I wonder how audio-positioning would feel like... Oh, before I forget - @Yekaterina What do you mean by "We can even implement voice chat"? With mumble as standalone client (and e.g. murmur as mumble server) this is already possible when playing 0 A.D. Do you think about somehow embedding some mumble client within 0 A.D.? Would it be worth the effort? I would really like to contribute to even some very small developing project, but I lack the knowledge for this. So please accept my apologies that my recent posts in the forums were about "feature requests", without me really adding something on the developing side. I hope I can give something else back (e.g. helping with new or reviewing existing translations and testing stuff, especially since I (and the kids) love this game. It is really fantastic - thanks to all involved people!
  17. Knowing that this is getting somewhat OT here, please allow me adding a link to a nice and free tool to create keyboard templates: https://isometricland.net/keyboard/keyboard.php I have not checked if it allows creating one's own layout for e.g. 0 A.D., but this should not be too difficult, I assume. Currently there are already many pre-built layouts for games and more, and for different languages, incl. ANSI, ISO etc. Maybe some of you find this inspiring - see random example: EDIT - check also GitHub for this: https://github.com/mjhorvath/Video-Game-Keyboard-Diagrams Erm, maybe such a keyboard layout could be created from 0 A.D.? Sorry, I am again dreaming too far, I assume...
  18. Yes, I completely agree with you. It makes sense to remember a certain position of 2 linked keys as [ and ], even if in German they are ü and + (and have thus nothing in common). When playing 0 A.D., though, these 2 keys (to stay with this example) are side-by-side and should be easy to remember. And last but not least can every user change the default setting to her/his liking anyway. PS: Do you - or anybody else - know of a nice tool (Windows, Linux, or even Android) to create a keyboard template? I.e. a template that shows the actual keys (a bit larger maybe for better readability) on one's keyboard and the default or customised meaning for the game? I know that this gets OT here and that there might be not enough place to put meaningful text on such a template, but I vaguely remember that some pro software suits (for gfx and sfx, I believe) had such available. If this is too OT here, I might search myself of course.
  19. We use mumble on 3 devises at home. The mumble clients run independently from 0 A.D. or any other game. We use push-to-talk, but it can also be configured with speech-autodetection (then one should not forget to turn it off later ;)). The mumble clients have configurable overlays, so the players names and status are shown during game play (works already in 0 A.D.). The text chat of the mumble clients is, however, not shown in that overlay, but 0 A.D. also has its own text chat, so they could still be used separately from each other (i.e. mumble just for speech and - if deemed worth to further investigate and develop - with audio-positioning of the players). If no further development for audio-positioning takes place, then at least the use of mumble/murmur could be a nice way to communicate with each other during game play.
  20. If these can be translated, where in Transifex could I find them? Or are they "hardcoded"?
  21. Hello! Would you think it possible (and beneficial?) to provide some way to tell mumble/murmur the players' positions? There are mumble plugins for many games, so the players can judge each other's position on the game field when talking via mumble (using stereo speakers or headsets). This is certainly of a very low prio (if not even not worth to further pursue), so please regard this just as a "brainstorming"/idea.
  22. Oh, my bad - the problem was indeed me. I have the same layout as shown in your screenshot - thanks for that. And if I had looked thoroughly (and with the German, not English language game setting, of course), I would have seen this - see my screenshot. So everything is fine. PS: Is it possible (and does it make sense?) to translate that screen with the hotkeys as well? I have to admit that even when reading (and understanding) English "session.rotate.ccw/cw" I first stumbled over this. How about English "building.rotate.counter-clockwise/.clockwise" instead? And in German "Gebäude.Rotation.Gegenuhrzeigersinn/.Uhrzeigersinn"?
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