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Everything posted by Ceres

  1. Hello! I checked the hotkeys in-game and in the docu. My game is set to German language, but the hotkeys seem to stick to a US/UK (English) keyboard layout. E.g.: On a keyboard with German layout, the [ (Left Bracket) is on the number 8 key (CTRL+8) and the ] (Right Bracket) is on the number 9 key (CTRL+9). However, in the game, I have to press (on my German keyboard) the key ü for the [ (Left Bracket) and the key + for the ] (Right Bracket), both are left of the # key. Actually, it is the same behaviour as if I used a terminal with English keyboard setting, while using my German keyboard. Hmm, have I explained this in an understandable manner? I hope so. Do you have an idea, if in my case, the problem sits in front of my PC, or if I can change something? Or is there maybe a "bug"? Thank you!
  2. Just a quick question (please forgive me that it might get OT here - maybe I should check for another/new thread instead?): How can I set a string as reviewed? The Transifex docu talks about a review button, but I cannot see any. I would like to set "Economy Walkthrough" = "Wirtschaftseinführung" as reviewed, but how? Thanks for your help and patience!
  3. Transifex says: "15 days free trial" And after that? I am puzzled.
  4. Ah, so our kid found the right map! But what is meant by "Do you want to say sure or rather not"? Or is this really just a placeholder to test 2 answer buttons, so the question could also be "What was before, the hen or the egg?" (with hen/egg as possible answers ) Sorry that I might have created unnecessary traffic here about this. I wish all of you a good weekend!
  5. Hello! After starting a larger map, a (German) notification popped up (see screenshot) with a question that I have difficulties to understand - see my attempt of a 1:1 translation to English, just to let you know how it is percepted/perceived by a German-speaking person: I assume that it should be rather as shown below (English text is just my proposal - if content-wise correct, native speakers, please feel free to amend): Whether "large" should be included, of course depends on what triggers this question, so you might consider leaving this word out. Or is my understanding wrong and something completely else is meant? I have not yet looked into the translation business of 0 A.D., but could amend this following the correct procedures, if you kindly confirmed that in general, my understanding of this question (and trigger) is correct. Thank you!
  6. Is it ok to remove all subfolders and files under there? Or shall some be kept? C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\ C:\Users\JohnDoe\AppData\Local\0ad\cache\ Thank you!
  7. @Langbart Thank you! Yes, of course, I added a comment, amend the date so it fits the general use, and spelled out cc. @Yekaterina Thank you, too, for the explanation!
  8. Done. @Yekaterina What did you mean with "cc" at the end of your post ("... so its field of view would be limited to just the starting cc")? I will like to clarify this in the Wiki FAQ.
  9. How about there? https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/FAQ#BasicTroubleshooting Issue: When hosting a game, the PC/laptop can barely cope with the required technical prerequisites, leading to game lag. Possible solution:
  10. Sorry, Stan`, I just edited my post to be more polite, i.e. kindly asking you. Erm, let me see, if I find a good spot and then I let you know, ok?
  11. Thank you both - great hints! I assume that the spectating player should be non-KI and the starting figures should be set to passive or hold, right? (else, they might interfere with the real players?) @Stan` Could you please consider adding these hints in the Wiki? If I was allowed doing so, I would be happy to take this task.
  12. Thank you - I will try this, but it might take a while. I am still learning these brain gyms.
  13. Hello! I have a laptop here, which currently hosts a game for 2 kids, who play on 2 mini PCs (LAN). I thought that maybe using the laptop as host has some advantage to using one of the 2 mini PCs as host, but its fan is constantly at maximum speed. So maybe it was not such a good idea. Is it possible to run 0 A.D. in a "server-mode" only, i.e. consuming less resources on the device than compared to when playing on the device itself? Or is it simply enough to put all gfx to a minimum on the server and let it run (e.g. in windowed mode) in the background? I am not talking about a "headless" mode, as I assume the server needs the GUI to select all the necessary game settings. But maybe it would be helpful if in a "server-mode" at least gfx (and audio) stuff could be (temporarily, i.e. while the game continues?) switched off, when gfx (and audio) are not needed on the server. Sorry, if this does not make sense to you at all. Maybe I'm creating something up without a need.
  14. PS for other users stumbling over this: There are helpful hints (also about mods) in this thread:
  15. PS: Only the "maya_preclassic_0ad" (0.0.24) mod was downloaded, but not activated. By the way, is it possible to remove a downloaded mod via the game menu?
  16. Ah, good point! I had downloaded the "No violence" and "Mayas" mods, but they are currently not activated. Even if they were, we did not change this. I mention this, as I already observed that saving a game with a mod cannot later be used without that mod. But if both mentioned mods are not activated or have not been changed, would it still matter? How can we check if/which mods are activated while the game is running?
  17. Hello! When the kids played and wanted to save, the "Save" ("Speichern") button was missing, and clicking "Cancel" ("Abbrechen") or "Delete" ("Löschen") did not do anything. When we unticked "Show compatible..." ("Kompatible Spielstände filtern"), the error message also shown on the screenshot was displayed. We needed to kill the pyrogenesis.exe task from Windows, because its was impossible to leave this window. Unfortunately, I cannot offer more information at this point in time, but I hope that maybe it is some sort of valuable information nevertheless. And I am sorry that I did not check the console to be able to provide more information (should remember this next time).
  18. Here is what I did: master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad (master) $ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad (master) $ git bisect start --term-old broken --term-new fixed master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad (master|BISECTING) $ git bisect fixed master master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad (master|BISECTING) $ git bisect broken 3815c082925df90726f0207edd53497407ebff99 Bisecting: 1257 revisions left to test after this (roughly 10 steps) [8e937dd07773957432668863c0bc5aaf6f69f100] Merge 'remotes/trunk' master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad ((8e937dd077...)|BISECTING) Then I went to VC where warnings and errors where shown when trying to build pyrogenesis. I understood that the hash 3815c082925df90726f0207edd53497407ebff99 is the broken one (for me). This is not A23, or is it?
  19. Hello! I hope this is the correct thread to mention this. When trying to open https://trac.wildfiregames.com I get this: Actually, I wanted to open the Atlas Wiki (our kids are very eager about the editor ) but it shows the above error.
  20. git.exe bisect fixed Bisecting: 628 revisions left to test after this (roughly 9 steps) [2729de9e9daa5810f96bde29f6be3d3402991ee4] Merge 'remotes/trunk' Success (62875 ms @ 16.04.2021 19:13:06) In VC, again lots of warnings and errors: 1>------ Build started: Project: Collada, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2>------ Build started: Project: atlas, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 3>------ Build started: Project: engine, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 4>------ Build started: Project: graphics, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2>precompiled.cpp 1>precompiled.cpp 1>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\source\fcollada\include\fmath\fmvector3.h(107): warning C4458: declaration of 'x' hides class member 1>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\source\fcollada\include\fmath\fmvector3.h(31): note: see declaration of 'FMVector3::x' 1>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\source\fcollada\include\fmath\fmvector3.h(107): warning C4458: declaration of 'y' hides class member 1>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\source\fcollada\include\fmath\fmvector3.h(32): note: see declaration of 'FMVector3::y' 1>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\source\fcollada\include\fmath\fmvector3.h(107): warning C4458: declaration of 'z' hides class member 1>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\source\fcollada\include\fmath\fmvector3.h(33): note: see declaration of 'FMVector3::z' 1>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\source\fcollada\include\fcdocument\fcdentity.h(167): warning C4458: declaration of 'daeId' hides class member 1>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\source\fcollada\include\fcdocument\fcdobjectwithid.h(42): note: see declaration of 'FCDObjectWithId::daeId' 1>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\source\fcollada\include\fcdocument\fcdextra.h(199): warning C4458: declaration of 'name' hides class member 2>Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the results 3>precompiled.cpp Sorry, I think I have to quit for today - family is waiting.
  21. Not good: 1>------ Build started: Project: Collada, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2>------ Build started: Project: atlas, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 3>------ Build started: Project: engine, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 4>------ Build started: Project: graphics, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1> Creating library ..\..\..\binaries\system\Collada.lib and object ..\..\..\binaries\system\Collada.exp 2>ActorViewer.cpp 2>Brushes.cpp 2>GameLoop.cpp 2>CameraCtrlHandlers.cpp 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\path.h(309): error C2039: 'unary_function': is not a member of 'std' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\GameLoop.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\win32\boost\include\boost\detail\container_fwd.hpp(117): note: see declaration of 'std' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\GameLoop.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\path.h(309): error C2504: 'unary_function': base class undefined (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\GameLoop.cpp) 1>Collada.vcxproj -> C:\Users\master\Documents\0AD\0ad\build\workspaces\vs2017\..\..\..\binaries\system\Collada.dll 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\path.h(309): error C2143: syntax error: missing ',' before '<' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\GameLoop.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\path.h(309): error C2039: 'unary_function': is not a member of 'std' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\Brushes.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\win32\boost\include\boost\detail\container_fwd.hpp(117): note: see declaration of 'std' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\Brushes.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\path.h(309): error C2504: 'unary_function': base class undefined (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\Brushes.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\path.h(309): error C2143: syntax error: missing ',' before '<' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\Brushes.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\path.h(309): error C2039: 'unary_function': is not a member of 'std' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\ActorViewer.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\libraries\win32\boost\include\boost\detail\container_fwd.hpp(117): note: see declaration of 'std' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\ActorViewer.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\file\file.h(63): warning C4458: declaration of 'pathname' hides class member (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\Brushes.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\path.h(309): error C2504: 'unary_function': base class undefined (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\ActorViewer.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\file\file.h(94): note: see declaration of 'File::pathname' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\Brushes.cpp) 2>c:\users\master\documents\0ad\0ad\source\lib\path.h(309): error C2143: syntax error: missing ',' before '<' (compiling source file ..\..\..\source\tools\atlas\GameInterface\ActorViewer.cpp) ... What am I doing wrong now? Or has it to do with bisect? I just assumed yes, did a bisect bad and build again. Though I am still not clear whether the 'update-workspaces.bat' is necessary every time and/or whether in VC I have to 'reset' something or close and open VC again.
  22. Oh, do I have to close VC and open 'build\workspaces\vs2017\pyrogenesis.sln' fresh? I have not done so just now, but got error messages when starting the build process (e.g. unknown compiler version, despite all solutions have everything set up just as before in VC).
  23. Ah... master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad (master) $ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad (master) $ git bisect start --term-old broken --term-new fixed master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad (master|BISECTING) $ git bisect fixed master master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad (master|BISECTING) $ git bisect broken 3815c082925df90726f0207edd53497407ebff99 Bisecting: 1257 revisions left to test after this (roughly 10 steps) [8e937dd07773957432668863c0bc5aaf6f69f100] Merge 'remotes/trunk' master@HP-PC MINGW64 ~/Documents/0AD/0ad ((8e937dd077...)|BISECTING) Is now the time to execute (again) 'update-workspaces.bat', go to VC and build again? PS: Sorry about my stupid 'master' username on the laptop. Could be confused with git's master. And no, I am no master at all (of desaster, maybe ).
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