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Everything posted by Ceres

  1. Hello! Maybe I missed available information about this: (How) is it possible to ungarrison and unturret all units? (e.g. if garrisoned and turreted units in a safe area should be moved to another location where they are more needed). Currently, I would press ALT + double left click on a wall to select all walls and then press the U key. Likewise, I would do this with turrets, towers, and lookouts. Is there an easier way? Thanks for sharing your experience!
  2. There a several original text strings with "run" mentioned, but I am not sure what its meaning is, i.e.: Error loading campaign run %s\: %s. Are you sure you want to delete run %s? This cannot be undone. Name of selected run\: Please enter the name of your new campaign run\: Furthermore, is my understanding correct that original strings that consist of placeholders will look the same in the translated language? E.g.: %(userDesc)s - %(templateName)s ... is exatcly the same in German? I wonder a bit about the plural "s" at the end, as that does rarely make sense in German, as only a few words in German get an "s" added to their end in their plural form (like in "Auto" => "Autos", which is "car" => "cars"). What are "userDesc" and "templateName"?
  3. Ok, I will try, though at the moment, I have no understanding how Arcanist and Phab etc. work together, especially under Windows 10. Are Arcanist and Phabricator mandatory to use if original text strings need to be corrected? By the way, Transifex shows 2 flavours of the same original text string that only differ from each other by one letter (small and capitalised, respectively): I looked also in Trac but found it there only once (in line 186): https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/id.public-gui-campaigns.po I know that this is so minor and certainly not worth to spend time on, but nevertheless I would be grateful to get some better understanding why this is so, i.e. why Transifex shows the same text string/sentence with 2 different spellings but Trac only one.
  4. @Stan`@Salesome Can you please give me a hint how I can get a better idea where corresponding stuff is to be found in Phabricator, in Trac, and in Transifex? E.g., I had a few comments in Transifex (public-gui-campaigns): https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/translate/#de/public-gui-campaigns/324902396 I understand that text strings are to be found in Trac there: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/l10n But where exactly would I find e.g. the original string "Discover the new maps in Alpha 25 with a demo campaign, taking you through all of them."? In Phab, is it this? https://code.wildfiregames.com/source/0ad/browse/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/id.public-gui-campaigns.po How could I propose changes for original text strings for future versions after alpha 25? And why are text strings in Phab line-wrapped? Thus, it is often impossible to identify a string by searching for it. See e.g.: "This map will give a rough guide for starting the game effectively. Early " "in the game the most important thing is to gather resources as fast as " "possible so you are able to build enough troops later. Warning: This is very" " fast at the start, be prepared to run through the initial bit several " "times." Blanks are sometimes at the end of a line, sometimes at the beginning of the next one, making it difficult to be found. I don't wand to challenge how things are done, but I would like to learn why they are done like this. So thanks a lot for you developers'/contributors' patience with me.
  5. I don't think so. I also find it a bit difficult using Transifex for discussions but am willing to learn and open for other places like the forum for discussion if this works better. Maybe it offers more possibilities to also discuss the English original strings that could benefit from a bit of "refreshment". PS: I just got an account on Phabricator (e.g. to help with the original strings).
  6. @Salesome I would like to help and would be interested in a Phabricator account as well, if this makes sense to you guys.
  7. Oh, I did not check this sorry. Are you a user of Transifex? If not yet, would you consider registering? It makes reviewing etc. easier, but when it comes to the original English text strings, maybe it's better to discuss them here, where the developers can share there opinion.
  8. @Yekaterina Could you use some of the links I posted? Is there maybe anything further I could help with? I am afraid that I do not understand the second paragraph in your quoted post: If you pointed me to some reading source, maybe I could understand better and help in this regard as well. Thank you!
  9. This was started because of this: When I reviewed text strings (German translations) in Transifex (where my name is Heraklit), I stumbled over several original English text strings where I had difficulties in understanding them or some other questions. As I am not sure if/how frequently these are discussed in Transifex, I suggest doing it here in this thread. I hope that my proposal is adequate. Since my questions about the original English text strings were triggered by my review of the German translations, some of my comments are related to these German translations. Please don't bother about the German-related stuff if you are not familiar with that language. If you like to add something on the German translations as well, you are of course cordially invited doing so as well. Please have a look there as a start: https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/translate/#de/public-gui-campaigns/324902396 If someone know how to extract selected comments from Transifex, I would be very happy to learn about it and would paste them here for an easier discussion. Oh, and I need to mention that for a25 it's too late for text string changes now, but these could be considered with the next version. Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts.
  10. Today, I reviewed strings, suggested a few changes, changed some German strings myself, and also added several issues and comments for discussion. Sorry to ask here, but do these discussions take place in Transifex or in Phabricator or in this forum? I had also several comments with questions about the English original strings (e.g. that a meaning was unclear to me, hence a review of a transition difficult or impossible, or I thought that there could be more harmonisation of the original strings, e.g. about punctuation). Sorry that this becomes a bit OT here. @Stan`Shall I better start an extra thread about translations?
  11. Another question about the translations, well, in fact about the original English text strings: Is it possible at this stage to ask for corrections or even propose changed via GitHub (PRs)? I stumbled over some topics. Maybe I am too picky, though. And I understand that this has surely no priority at the moment. I just want to be of help in some way (even be it minor).
  12. Hello, how could I get an information about untranslated 0 A.D. RC strings in Transifex? I know that text strings are pulled from time to time, but I have no clue when this happens. Currently, it looks as if none are untranslated (to German): https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/translate/#de I'm interested in helping with translations and reviews of translations into German and have an account there. My name in Transifex is Heraklit. Thanks for your hints.
  13. I had a ram in front of an unlocked gate, but it could not go through, because a bunch of my healers (maybe 8?) were standing (idle) between the ram and the gate opening. Should there be some kind of automatic pushing in such a situation, or is it the responsibility of the player to keep the gate clear? Sorry that I have neither screenshot nor replay.
  14. I had a ram in front of an unlocked gate, but it could not go through, because a bunch of my healers (maybe 8?) were standing (idle) between the ram and the gate opening. Should there be some kind of automatic pushing in such a situation, or is it the responsibility of the player to keep the gate clear? Sorry that I have neither screenshot nor replay.
  15. My Intel NUC i3-8109U PC @3.00 GHz and with 16 GB RAM is connected via HDMI to an LG 4K TV (with speakers). Windows 10 (Pro, 64bit, latest updates and drivers installed) has HDR enabled and a 3840x2160 resolution. When running a25 RC with Windows scaling set to 100%, there is no sound on the TV: After I increased scaling to 125%, sound plays well: I used different (and good) HDMI cables, played with the maximum vertical scan (now set to 60 Hz), but nothing helped except for setting the scaling to 125% or more. Is this problem specific at all for a25 RC? Sorry that I cannot test it on a24 right now. Anyway, I am curious if this is something that could be corrected (in a future version). Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  16. Thank you. I think that the new maneuvering (pushing) possibilities offer much advantages. Could you (at least for ships?) think of a way to better indicate that there are more ships (or even show the number) without the need that the player double-clicks on one to get the number of all? In fact, then the number of all ships (of that category only?) on the whole visible screen would be shown, not just of ships close to each other. Not that it matters too much, and maybe such situations are rare. I just saw it be coincidence and only once. The whole "look & feel" of a25 is a great progress - and it seems to run smoother also on machines with integrated GPUs like mine, which I very much appreciate.
  17. Yes, I like this, too. So is the overlap of multiple ships a side effects of this?
  18. I downloaded the latest installer: https://releases.wildfiregames.com/rc/0ad-0.0.25-rc1-25799-alpha-win32.exe The number shown on my earlier screenshot is 25794, though, as @Yekaterina observed. But now I understand that that's ok and no bug. Correct?
  19. Do you play via WiFi or LAN? Do have have the OOS errors also with only 1 AI? Does it matter if the AI is in a team with one of the human players or in the opponent's team?
  20. Sorry, "ugly" was not a nice word, nor was it precise. The contours of the moving units show steps and remembered me a bit of the sprites on the Commodore C64. I will post a screenshot tomorrow. Maybe it was simply due to the Windows resolution factor (too high => inferior gfx). Is there a way that 0 A.D. keeps its resolution factor irrespective of the one set for Windows? Can the be different? I know from other games (e.g. SuperTuxKart) that have a similar behaviour, i.e. when the resolution factor in Windows is different than 100%, it shows impact in the game as well (both windowed and full screen).
  21. I played the latest RC with 2 more players and 1 bot 2 times. We 3 (in 1 team ) were beaten up major. It seems to me that a25 has a stronger AI (as before set very easy and balanced). Well, it's me and our kids - all with not much playing experience. But the graphics look great. The only thing I observed were 3 overlapping ships, almost hardly to be recognized as 3 (see screenshot a couple of posts earlier). No crashes so far. A few words about the resolution: The problem about menu entries being overlapped is not restricted to the windowed mode. It also happens in full screen mode. The root cause is setting the magnifying factor too high in Windows 10, e.g. 150x. When set to 125x, the menus are fully visible. Isn't there a setting in some prefs file for the GUI? Oh, another thing: Gfx look "ugly" (no offence intended!) when using a 4K resolution. I found it so bad that I immediately set the resolution back to 1920 x 1080 (and the factor to 125x) that I forgot to take a screenshot. Is 0 A.D. intended to display 4K gfx at all? Please forgive me my ignorance about this, I really don't know.
  22. True. I use the windows mode on the LG TV, because there is no sound of 0 A.D. in full screen mode (a known Intel NUC HDMI driver problem - well, they in turn blame developers ). Again, please don't further bother about my problem.
  23. It's an LG 4K TV screen with Windows 10 resolution set to 1920 x 1080. Maybe I should set it to its optimal (4K) resolution? But then I fear performance issues (at least with some other games). So please don't bother about this (I try to "fix" this on my side).
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