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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Who is this? Lobby name? Decger is inactive or smurfing so he can't qualify If ChiLLaOfVanilla really was him then yes, he deserves to be on the list. But, we don't know which smurf account (if at all) he is behind nowadays... I have only experienced decger myself once but he got beaten when I teamed up with hannah in a push. In terms of skill or personality?
  2. I take it back now Luckily, he keeps his rubbish within the lobby and doesn't harass you afterwards It's fine to refuse to play with me but it's not ok to call lorenz that.
  3. Why? I can beat him easily. Just take Ptols, get a few slings + pike, do your boom and push with a few rams then he's dead. Only 1 of these is active on their main account... others have betrayed 0ad by playing AoE and 1 or 2 of these might be in a smurf account. Historically they probably were the best but if they come back now they might get beaten up by any 1700+ players in the lobby. If these guys are in a smurf account then that's another story, but I think smurf accounts should be disqualified. Out of the active players, never underestimate the power of vinme, berhudar (who claims to be nub) and hamdich (who is everywhere but invisible). Also @MarcusAureliu#s is capable of pulling a few OP moves. @nani is an incredibly OP player but I don't know exactly how strong he is because he almost never plays on standard settings or 1v 1. It's hard to say who is good if you are looking at a weird map with nomad (potentially imba resources). @Emperior is also very good but again, I don't know exactly how good. Wendy just did an OP hold against Dakeyras and half of JC so he is also a potential player on the list. lorenz11 did support me well and finish off all enemies in our 3v3 so he is to be considered. Out of the 3 1v1 games I played with him, I won the first 2 but lost the last one where he surprised me with a skirm inf rush.
  4. Borg is too inactive and plays AoE instead of 0ad (traitor)
  5. Indeed he is, but he sometimes makes mistakes and I am not sure if he is on par with the rest of the people on the list if he doesn't abuse certain OP units. I need a proper 1v1 with him.
  6. Some of these are inactive or very rusty. In my opinion the list is as follows: 1. berhudar / felixix (Has beaten Vali and borg and Book.) @felixix 2. ValihrAnt (we all know his OPness) @ValihrAnt 3. vinme (very OP rusher and 1v1 player) @vinme 4. defenderbenny (aka Deathwing-) (veteran player who returned recently with some smurf accounts, I only put him before hamdich because I don't know his exact strength) 5. Hamdich (hugely underrated; OP at rushing and Ptolemies, can smash anyone below him in this list whether you like it or not whether you agree or not) @hamdich 6, 7. LetswaveaBook / weirdJokes (former is stronger in 1v1 and the latter is stronger in TG) @LetswaveaBook @Player of 0AD 8. Choose from list below: Andreassadi - return of an OP rusher Rorrosaar - similar to hamdich but didn't practice enough Roscany - similar to rorrosaar Wendy - Return of an old Pro Rauls - OP boomer and Pusher, also decent at rushing reza-math - OP rusher, 2000 fighting skills but slightly slower boom Filipos - Havran's brother, very strong indeed Havran - OP at booming then P3 Push, also surprises you with a sneaky rush Father (and his smurf accounts) - just strong, likes champions SaidRdz - used to be 1800+ Some smurfs (NoobDude, Anka), dakeyras (if he is still active) @Dizaka (unstoppable merc cav rush). DoctorOrgans / JC / corona-virus (Spartan Brutality) Cl2488 (1v1 player who has beaten me in a 1v1 after a 40 minutes long struggle) ------------------------------------------------------- Feld, Jofur, borg are not active enough; stockfish is a bit rusty (got beaten by me before), but can return to the list if he revises his skills Anyone whom I have beaten directly in a 1v1 or a similar situation is automatically disqualified for the list.
  7. 1. Download the mod files as .zip from github 2. Extract the .zip file. 3. Copy the extracted folder into your mods folder. In Windows 10, this folder is at user/Documents/My Games/0ad/mods/ In Linux, it is ~/.local/share/0ad/mods 4. Once the above process is done, run 0ad, press options -> mod selection. Find the mod you downloaded in the list and double click on it to enable. Then, save configuration and restart 0ad.
  8. Thanks. Next step I plan to make dogs red or purple so that they are even more visible.
  9. New update v7.0: Audible projectile sounds Bows and javelins have amplified launch sounds and hit sounds British war dog model has been enlarged to a fat bear-sized canine, so you can easily spot enemy dogs attacking you and find your own dog on the map. This will make you much less susceptible to dog rushes, especially dog rush by black.
  10. I had a smurf account called letsReadaBook
  11. I made 5 attempts to become new person in the 0ad lobby but some smurf speculators are obsessed with finding out my past (which has nothing to do with them)! The longest identity lasted for 2 weeks until someone interrogated me and a bunch of 'new' friends for evidence of who I am.
  12. There is a new player (very underrated) called Anka. They may / may not be a smurf. Either ways, I am not them, so don't suspect that I am creating new accounts then ban me. I heard some people claiming this Anka is me so I just needed to clarify. Thank you for your cooperation.
  13. Do you mean solid houses that cannot be captured or destroyed, like rocks on terrains? That would be quite inconvenient and helps trolls who build all over the place. If units can go through these houses, it will be weird...
  14. I suggest a unit: HwaCha It wasn't invented in 0AD but will be a fun unit
  15. OP idea! we can definitely use more space on Mainland looting gaia is dishonourable
  16. In my opinion, if the stats are moderate or weak then that's fine. Most people use champion swordsmen instead; if you want both champion pikemen and champion skirmishers, that costs too much
  17. Very nice, Romans and Spartans are quite limited in range at the moment. Nice one as well, but maybe make it a merc unit? Otherwise Mauryans would be too OP again. A great civ like the Persians can't do without swords or mercs. Approved. OK as a champion unit. There are no infantry skirmisher champions so this will increase diversity without causing OP problems (if you keep the stats low) Generally, when adding units a structures, rather make them weak than OP. If they are weak then no one will use them and hence no one will ever complain about balancing. For example, Macedonian champion crossbowmen...
  18. To supply ranged troops quickly. In a push, whoever can reinforce faster wins faster train time in ranged barracks = less loss of units at front line
  19. They let half of enemy units in then suddenly close on the latter half
  20. Have you ever been in a situation where you win a game but your enemy's gaia destroys you after they resign? When a player resigns, their remaining gaia forces attack any remaining players irrespective of who they are, causing huge distraction and annoyance to the players. I had been in a situation, where I was prevailing and the enemies resigned, but the enemy gaia units all converged on my army and killed everything. Sometimes the hostile gaia can change the outcome of a game! A player resigning in their allies' base = killing their allies = trolling. In A24 a guy called lennin (was my ally) walked into my base and resigned, then his gaia champions killed all of my infantry units and turned my team from a winning position to a definite loss. If he resigned elsewhere then my team could have stood a very good chance of winning a 3v4. So, I suggest a change: gaia units are passive or standground instead of aggressive; gaia buildings don't shoot at player's units. Or, even better, when a player resigns, all of their units die instantly instead of becoming the gaia units that troll everyone. This will prevent players like lennin from hurting his own allies. Now onto Iberians. This is a troll civ. Apart from the fire cav, their walls troll both the Iberian player and anyone trying to attack them. Sometimes the wall spawn right through a fruit tree or patch of berries; at other times units get stuck while passing through the wall gates. They often spawn across the optimal area for farms as well, hurting your late game eco unless you delete some walls. When enemy units come, the doors might let them in! This is not helpful for the Iberian player as you can suddenly get 10 spearcavs killing everyone on your farms, meanwhile for the enemy, after the 10 cavs kill the women, they are trapped in there forever and will certainly die to enemy cc's arrows. If an Iberian player resigns, their gaia walls are a huge obstruction for anyone trying to make use of the new territory available. I have also seen posts reporting that gaia walls can trap you units inside it so that your army gets stuck there and shot by a gaia CC. Their fortresses and towers are so OP that suddenly both teams find themselves having to travers a no-man's land where it rains gaia arrows. This is hugely inconvenient as well. Proposed changes: gaia Iberian walls convert instantly. gaia iberian gates open for anyone trying to pass through Combine these two with the non-hostile gaia change, this troll issue will be fixed.
  21. Some civs have more ranged units than others so ranged barracks will be more profitable for some than others. It would be a shame for the Romans to build a barrack which can only train 1 type of unit from it, meanwhile, Macedonians can benefit a lot more. My idea would be a more moderate approach: do add the ranged barrack, but also allow training ranged inf from default barracks. The ranged barrack has a train time bonus (e.g. takes 5 seconds to train an unit in ranged barracked compared to 8 seconds in default barrack) Also, please make the ranged barrack smaller: currently the model is a bit too large imo. Maybe the size of a normal barrack would be appropriate.
  22. I have vowed to not use Iberian fire cav until they have been fixed or unless if someone else is trolling and I need to punish them. He does get rushed, but he also rushed other people, so the cavs often meet at the centre of the map instead of his base. Also he has just as many smurf accounts as me so you never know who is berhudar. My biggest wish is to freely change nicks without becoming a smurf or unknown! I don't want to be called Yekaterina anymore because it is not my real name at all and I didn't even come up with it! Some dude told me to use that name about 1.5 years ago and I went a long with him, but now I regret it! Please, I am not Russian or Slav neither. So do you like my masculine voice?
  23. Hi, sorry to cause you trouble but I think this game is a very conclusive win for Dulac. RAYDE committed suicide by attacking Dulac early and lost all of his units by minute 2. It was nomad so RAYDE had no chance of coming back.
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