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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. I like this. We can add a button to hide all eyecandy and unecessary stuff. Eyecandy fern is confusing because you don't know whether it's a source of wood - you might place your storehouse at a less efficient position or make your unit idle. this hurts.
  2. Please ban eyecandy grass, bushes and ferns. They cause so much confusion. (no offense pls)
  3. I wonder who these guys are: I'm so jealous xD
  4. Feeling nostalgic? Perhaps these channels can bring back some memories from Ancient alphas (before A23): Tango 0AD https://www.youtube.com/@tango_0.a.d253 Amphibian hoplite: https://www.youtube.com/@thesphyrth Play 0AD https://www.youtube.com/@play0ad Pureon: https://www.youtube.com/@iPureon chaffcommander coffey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuQOyCoSswc&list=PLxiMqv21v4dxu6fDCqC2GU3QjLn8ln-l3
  5. Won't change anything; Hamdich's melee army will still pulverise anyone almost instantly. We need some significant slowing down.
  6. @5XT welcome back my friend Just play with people you know, especially Yulduz
  7. Easy solution: multiply the damage of everything by 0.3. Trust me, try it. Battles will be a lot smoother. Dying will invoke a lot of extra script calling which puts more load on the CPU
  8. On my distribution of Linux it's not very necessary to make more than 2 accounts but it's difficult to stick to just one account and test mods in Windows, given that multiple instances don't work. Is borrowing my brother's account in multiple-instance allowed?
  9. This did end badly; I disconnected and tried to rejoin, but every time I join as spectator. When I deleted cache and restarted my computer, I joined Aslan and my rating was placed there correctly, however, Aslan's server automatically reassigned me as a spectator. Inlard and open-source suggested that it could be related to the ratings bot not reacting quickly enough?
  10. Dear developers, When I joined Aslan, my rating disappeared. It can still be shown in the lobby but not in Aslan's game. It's not a very serious bug but I fear that it may lead to something more severe in the future:
  11. In my opinion, using an alt to troll people and tip the balance is despicable. However, sometimes it's necessary to use two or even three accounts when multi-instance is needed, perhaps for testing something or just spectating while waiting for players in another game. I can never understand how you use numbers to represent skills; I prefer to ask any unseen player to compare themselves to someone else for effective balancing.
  12. Units die too quickly. Either lower damage of everything by a scale factor of 3 or increase the health of everything by a factor of 3.
  13. For those who might be confused about the timing: the game starts in 45 minutes! Hope it helps
  14. That means, you don't even need my program to cheat! You can read the mainlog.html file in real time by opening it in an browser and refreshing whenever you want to see the chat log! My program is only making the html file neater to read by removing irrelevant information and grouping strings into a format similar to the in-game chat.
  15. The purpose of my script was to extract the player chat history in order to report certain rude players. It cannot be used in real time to read enemy chats.
  16. I'm sitting in an airport and I am bored. Hope u like the song xD
  17. English translation: Risen from CC and facing to the woodlines, let us serve you till the GGs, Mainland, united fatherland. Rushes are to be defended against and we fight them with slingers, for we must succeed that the sun shines more beautifully than ever shines over Mainland. Stone and metal be granted Mainland, our fatherland. All civs long for success, give your hand to the M gicro. If we are in danger of our lives, we beat the 2v1 (Two V One). Let the light of success shine, that never again a mother weeps her nub. Let's boom, let's rush, spam and push like never before, and trusting in our own strength, an OP player rises. Mainland youth, best aspiration of our people united in you, you will be Mainland's new life. And the sun beautiful as never shines over Mainland. Original German: Auferstanden aus CC und der Holtz zugewandt, laß uns dir zum GGs dienen, Mainland, einig Vaterland. Rushes gilt es zu zwingen, und wir zwingen sie mit Schleuderen, denn es muß uns doch gelingen, daß die Sonne schön wie nie über Mainland scheint. Stein und Metal sei beschieden Mainland, unserm Vaterland. Alle Civs sehnt sich nach gelingen, reicht den Micro eure Hand. Wenn wir lebensgefahrlich uns einen, schlagen wir des 2v1 (Zwei V Ein). Laßt das Licht des Gelingen scheinen, daß nie eine Mutter mehr ihren Nub beweint. Laßt uns boom, laßt uns rush, spam und push wie nie zuvor, und der eignen Kraft vertrauend, steigt ein OP Spieler empor. Mainland Jugend, bestes Streben unsres Volks in dir vereint, wirst du Mainland neues Leben. Und die Sonne schön wie nie über Mainland scheint. Adapted from: Auferstanden Aus Ruinen (DDR) @MarcusAureliu#s
  18. It had been loud, so that you know what's going on and there is more immersion What can we do to bring back @LetswaveaBook?
  19. The source code @Yekaterina: mainlog_extractor.py
  20. I agree that melees should deal more damage relative to ranged, compared to what they are now. However, if we increase the melee damage, all battles would be instant gambles. Right now, if two large armies collide (in formation), it would produce a momentary freeze / lag, then you see tow dozens of units lost already in just one second. This is too ridiculous as we can't control what the units do in that important time frame. The solution is to increase the health of melee units! Alternatively, give them better armour.
  21. I am not sure how to do that, but it would be cheating!
  22. I'm not a discord user. Are there other ways to access the lobby chat? Is it using some kind of open source chat client or is it scrambled to only compatible with 0AD clients? Sorry I forgot to attach the source code, I will post an upgraded version tonight.
  23. This is something that I've always wanted since A24! xD thanks for making a dream come true! Btw pls share your source code
  24. A23 had great sound effects and battles. At least we can get the sounds back. I've already done some of the restoration in the AbstractGUI mod but would be good to implement it in vanilla.
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