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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. @BreakfastBurrito_007 easy Linux distros you can try tonight: Ubuntu Pop OS Linux Mint Fedora Manjaro I have tested all 5 of these myself and had used all of them for some time in real life. They were all solid. After u get more advanced: Arch (I'm using) Gentoo Debian Void ...
  2. Propaganda says that Linux is hard to use. Actually many distros are more straightforward than windows
  3. There are forum topics about this, just search a bit deeper. If you want to extract the mp3 files, find the installation directory, then find binaries/data/mods/public/audio May I ask why, there are night maps already. Welcome to Jebel Barca, where you are sacked by Gaia war elephants and random champion swordsman spawning from nowhere Anatolian plains. No wood. Even better: New RMS Test, there is nothing on that map and it's up to you to figure out how to make something from nothing. one map already has, but sadly I forgot the name
  4. @leopard if people don't accept Linux then no need to tell them about it. Let them die to stupid Windows. For software development I would like to recommend a few open source software: Kdevelop Geany Kate To replace Windows apps: Microsoft Office -> LibreOffice, OnlyOffice, WPS (not entirely open source but Linux version has been neutered by AUR) To receive outlook emails: use thunderbird and the correct configurations OneNote -> Xournal++ Onedrive -> too many alternatives to list. You can also run toxic microsoft stuff in a container, for example install 4 different browsers and just sacrifice one of them to deal with proprietary junk.
  5. YouTube is the fastest way to popularise 0ad, because even though it is far from ideal, a huge proportion of population in the world still use it. Hence we can expose 0ad videos to publicity quickly by putting your excellent commentary videos next to Mr.Beast's stupidity demonstrations with 10M views. To show you the average quality of YouTube videos, I used a freshly installed browser with no history to open YouTube, and this is the home page. If I search 0ad: It only returns the most prominent YouTube channels instead of actually relevant content. You can't see a single non-cosmic player here; no Vali, no leopard, no Jim, no Zxphxr. When I scroll down the page all I see is some popular RTS YouTuber trying the game for once; there no good TG commentary videos. Even if I specifically search for pro games, I get Terminator and Resonator again and no actual good TG videos. Older videos are completely buried. YouTube's nub search AI prevents the best advertisements of the game from being discovered so we have few players even though the game has existed for more than a decade.
  6. So professional! And thanks for the advice @rm -rf
  7. Give me one example xD Most people are stupid and they don't know anything about software or cybersecurity. There are 2 kinds of software engineers: 1. Those who just want to get the job done and sleep. Google and microsoft has many things for lazy people. 2. Those who actually consider the whole project and how to deliver the best quality product while using the optimum methodology. Open source software is better now.
  8. I think you can add a blacksmith autotrain option. But note that some people don't always want to research the next tech immediately after it is available; there might be more urgent places to spend resources.
  9. What @king reza the great talks about is called hero dancing and it can be done in all alphas effectively, although the impact is lower in A26 due to slower turns and acceleration. The other dances were feasible in A25 but almost useless in A26 especially when there is lag.
  10. nice idea actually. But 0ad units don't need to reload, they shoot automatically. Jumping is non-trivial to implement
  11. I had community mod active This happened only once and only with Cesar. I think it would be more helpful to ask him @Cesar
  12. Hills on Mainland and other maps can be annoying; there is one map which has an impenetrable wall right across the middle of the map which divides the two players and prevents them from reaching each other. This should be a bug, but if we allow units to excavate these hills then players can Geo-engineer the landscape into whatever form they find the most advantageous - adds an additional layer of strategy and building to the game.
  13. I think YouTube does a lot more than that. I wouldn't take YouTube seriously because it is under the notorious Google. We should convince the rest of the world to use an alternative video sharing site which is open source or at least not as shady as Google.
  14. Let Persians train these Greek units in the form of mercenary?
  15. It just happened again, at the same time. Cesar hosted.
  16. This occured when Cesar was hosting. It was 2 minutes into the game and everyone experienced a freeze. For me, it crashed soon after and I managed to retrieve the last part of the program's output in the terminal. It has happened very rarely. Hopefully this helps.
  17. @BreakfastBurrito_007 the current meta is such that unless we lower the damage of everything, your melee units die before they can even reach the enemy. I am totally for raising the damage of melee, but we also must slow down the rate of killing. Battles are just way too fast for any type of units or mixture. Pikeman is the only one which can live for a reasonable length. The solution is: after we get a good melee damage value relative to ranged, we multiply the damage of everything by a factor 0.5. This will slow down the killing. You might think that requiring 20 shots to kill a spearman is ridiculous, but be reminded that most players enter battles with 50-100 ranged units at a time, which means at least 3 to 4 spearman will perish in the first second.
  18. Exactly, the Greeks would derogate the Persians in any way they can since the Persians were their enemy and the Greeks won the battle. In reality, the Persian soldiers might not have been as fragile as the Greeks claimed. They already have great economy. Units die too quickly in 0ad and you can never reinforce as fast as units are killed, so having resources and price bonus doesn't help. More durable units for a higher price is more suitable for them.
  19. I think we should do the opposite. Persian infantry seem to lack very well armoured units, so I would not oppose giving them something closer to a pikeman.
  20. I think this is a very good idea because they lack any long ranged unit. It would make the Romans more comfortable to play with, without making them completely OP compared to the rest. The Immortals should spawn as melee by default because the Persians need a melee champion. With that being said, I think it would be better if the Immortals had an option to switch to sword mode as well.
  21. What I want to say is, if you chose Mauryas, you would be limited to either mass archers + melee or mass cavalry. It would be better if the Maurya player also had a chance to use infantry skirmishers in their army. For Roman players, it would be great if they are allowed to play archer tactics as well. The uniqueness of each civ is still preserved: different visuals, slightly different selection of units, different heroes and champions. Also civilisations that don't have catapults really struggle against turtle players (especially Roman players with swords in forts and towers), hence I think all players should be given catapults to prevent turtles from frustrating everyone.
  22. yes balance is good in late game, but in early game it's really quite bad. I'm not saying a particular civ is OP or weaker than others, but there is a huge lack of options in phase one and it's quite predictable what happens. There is only one ranged and one melee. This is boring. If we get access to a very long ranged (archer), a medium (skirmisher) and a melee, then that would allow different unit compositions and different types of infantry rushes.
  23. Furthermore I believe that every civ should be able to play more different strategies and field different military types, while being able to resist anything from another civ.
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