I wasn't necessarily comparing their stats to Naked Fanatics, just pointing out Gauls get champs p2 and Spartans have to wait for their only champs until p3, even though historically it sounds like Spartiate's started training at a very young age. Maybe Spartiates could be available p2, and have similar stats to Naked Fanatics, and then when you get to p3 u research to improve health and armor...
I agree that skiritai are pretty strong, but again I'm just saying that it would be nice to use Spartiates more effectively since they were an essential part of Spartan life and war. Were there skirtai in Spartan armies?
I wasn't talking about Spartans and rams.... but if I remember correctly a few alphas ago not every civ had them, specifically athens comes to mind. People complained, and all civs have rams now!
I haven't really tested but if you had an army of say 25 upgraded Spartiates and 25 upgrades Silver shields who wins? And like Vantha mentioned the 25% health increase the production time for spartiates where I dont think the upgrade to Silver shields does?