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Everything posted by AIEND

  1. I've tried this, but it affects fishing and trade, as fishing boat and merchant ships see the pier as a building to move in and can't properly set up fish collection points and trade routes.
  2. The problem with this idea is how do we represent the role of those melee soldiers on the ship? In reality the warships would move closer to each other and let the soldiers jump on the enemy's ship to fight hand-to-hand. Melee soldiers are more effective than shooters at this time, but this is not possible now. Also if I put a cavalry archer in the boat, will it get off the horse and fight on deck like an infantry archer?
  3. It's not that simple. In fact, the three damage types must be multiplied by the corresponding armor value to know the specific DPS. For example, the damage value of the spearman is 3 hack+2.5 piercing, the attack interval is 1 second, and the attack has 5 (41%) hack armor+3 (27%) piercing armor cavalry, then the formula should be 3×(1-41%)+2.5×(1-27%), that is to say, if a unit’s attack is divided into two damage type, its DPS would be cumbersome to calculate. So I actually don't like giving a unit multiple damage types at the same time, see previous discussion。
  4. In addition to skin color, hairstyle is also a place to distinguish different ethnic groups. The native Egyptians mainly have black straight hair, and because of the hot weather, it seems that many men will shave their heads.
  5. Good idea, I hope it can be more researched and show a civilization that is close to the real sub-Saharan Africa.
  6. Making new textures isn't impossible, it's just a lack of rationale. If you keep CS, the soldiers themselves are male civilians, and there is no need to add a separate male civilian. If CS is abolished, then there is no need to make new textures, because soldiers no longer have the civilian clothes they work when they work. Just because this is clear, whether it is "Classic Mode" or "Delenda Est", "Mirror" and other mods, they all go a step further on the basis of this mod with male and female citizens, and simply cancel CS.
  7. Speaking of which, we should join slaves as laborers, obtained from prisoners of war.
  8. I actually thought the same thing, if this mod doesn't separate the functionality of civilians and soldiers, it just adds a civilian look that can easily be confused with working citizen soldiers.
  9. In addition, the city wall should be built in a neutral area. There are actually many narrow passages formed by mountains and forests on the map. These are good places to build city walls. You only need a few short city walls and city gates to block the enemy from attacking you. All routes in town.
  10. In fact, I have always been amazed at the high cost of CC, maybe people want it too much to be a fortress barracks rather than a building for economic development. I weakened the firepower of CC in the mod, and only allowed ten people to shoot arrows and not be able to train troops (I separated civilians and soldiers), so the cost was reduced to 400 wood and 200 stone. This way I can easily build 2-3 new CCs purely to train more civilians to develop the economy.
  11. Very interesting thing, Chinese players I know started discussing which dialects other than Mandarin can be used to dub Han Dynasty units, I think I can do a few mods for this.
  12. If you have to remove one, you can remove the spearman, and Huben can also be replaced by Ji instead of the spearman.
  13. Will A27 join Xiongnu? For other problems in the Han Dynasty of A26, I will use the "mirror" to solve some of them.
  14. It's best to refer to terra magna, that mod uses nouns in Old Chinese.
  15. Ancient Chinese is more difficult to pronounce, and I don't recommend it very much, because the names of buildings and units are all in modern Chinese, and I hope Chinese players can understand the meaning of pronunciation. That's what's weird about me, I was involved in that discussion, and the result of that discussion didn't mention removing the swordsman, but now the swordsman isn't in the game. I'm not talking about wonder, I'm talking about Guān Shǔ and Gōngdiàn should exchange names.
  16. I tried the current Han Dynasty with a few Chinese players, and I'll summarize some of the comments I made earlier. 1. Aside from the fact that the rice fields should be millet fields, the fields can only accommodate 3 people. Some players feel that this operation is more troublesome, and the upper limit of the number of people working in the fields is not the familiar 5 or multiples of 5. 2. I don't know why the citizen soldier swordsman was deleted, I thought it should be a combination of swordsman and JI. 3. The names of the palace and the official hall should be reversed. In China, the palace means the central government, and the official hall is the local government. At the same time, the academy that can train soldiers does not exist in China. The academy should be abolished and the champion units and heroes should be placed in the palace. (Champion soldiers should also unlock training in stables and barracks). 4. Now the soldiers lack Chinese dubbing, I can find someone to record it, but I hope someone can provide a list of voices.
  17. At present, it doesn't make much sense to join P4. Part of the content of P3 should be moved to P2 first, such as siege machines, chariots, and war elephants. P3 should strengthen citizen soldiers, for example, after reaching P3, the experience of all citizen soldiers will increase by one level. P4 should strengthen champions as well as siege machines and fortresses through technology.
  18. It's a pity that the crossbow is a controlled weapon in China. I can't find a reliable demonstration video, but the European crossbow has a similar method of use. I saw a video like this on Bilibili:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Mv411T7tF?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=2663ebbf44c70d76f9642aab41b719ad It should be noted that the pull distance of the Chinese crossbow is longer than that of the European crossbow. For this point, you can refer to the picture of the stone carving above.
  19. Chinese people generally feel that the film's expression is too exaggerated and unrealistic.
  20. Usually horses or chariots, if it is an emperor like Liu Bang, he may ride a chariot. If it is Wei Qing, a general should be riding a horse, and their weapons can be bows and arrows or Ji.
  21. "蹶张JueZhang" or "踏张TaZhang", the main feature is that it is larger than the general crossbow, but there is no obvious difference in structure.
  22. 1. Crossbow cavalry should be abolished. 2. There should be a citizen infantry crossbowman using a common crossbow. 3. There should be a champion infantry crossbowman using "JueZhang".
  23. In the Han Dynasty, I have already said that the crossbow with small power is easy to learn, and the crossbow with great power requires both hands and feet to operate. I don't understand what is difficult to understand.
  24. In reality, there are elite crossbowmen. The crossbow used by these people must be used with both hands and feet to be opened, and the power is stronger than that of the bow. After about the Sui and Tang dynasties, because people generally used bows, the original crossbows with low power, which were only convenient for learning, were eliminated. From the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Ming Dynasty, only the powerful crossbows remained.
  25. I have repeated many times, the Han army's elite crossbowmen are only infantry, because they can use their legs and waist to open a powerful crossbow. Cavalry cannot use powerful crossbows, but only the weakest crossbows. These crossbows are weaker than bows. In a dynasty like the Qin Dynasty that adopted a general conscription system, the cavalry used crossbows because the quality of the riders was not high and they could not use bows and arrows. In the Han Dynasty, this was very rare. The cavalry generally used the bow, and the bow used by the cavalry was more powerful than the crossbow, and the speed of the bow was faster. Therefore, it is impossible to have any champion crossbow cavalry. In reality, only champion cavalry archers, and only novice cavalry with the worst riding skills will use crossbows.
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