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Everything posted by Issh

  1. Or you could spend that 50-100$ on an editor to post for you and you might learn something in the process. "lol tahts what like 5k in africa or other poor areas?"
  2. Animal Farm banned Centurions from using Ptolemies + Britons. Centurions banned Animal Farm from using Ptolemies + Romans. All 4 players of Animal Farm were present for the game. Stream Link by @badosu
  3. @JC (naval supremacist) this should be the music director's YT page https://www.youtube.com/user/OmriLahavComposer/videos
  4. If you scroll down on https://play0ad.bandcamp.com/ , they list details / names
  5. pay for @go2die 's spreadsheet training.
  6. Take note .. @faction02 is spec. Also ..
  7. @badosu @MarcusAureliu#s Maybe we should be more specific about each type of dancing and record short clips / gifs to show exactly what is not allowed because the drama about dancing goes on forever. You can also ban players from setting their hero to passive and force them to use other stances in this tournament. Some will complain about zig zag units escaping because the other units behind the escaping unit are still attacking the enemy units chasing it. Therefore, tournament hosts can describe these scenarios more clearly (adding some short clips would be highly recommended) : 1. What is single unit dance? 2. What is patrol dance? 3. What is formation dance? 4. What is hero passive dance? 5. What type of zig zag micro is allowed? OLE! OLE! OLE!
  8. @Boudica here is the animation Taking down @bbgotbanned CC at 11mins and 27 seconds game time.
  9. Looks like the inventor of the PACIFIST ELE RUSH (lul) knows how to be incoherent @go2die
  10. You need to garrison units. You can learn more about the 0ad keyboard shortcuts from this link Basically you need your units to occupy the building to prevent it from being captured quickly https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/HotKeys " Ctrl + Right Click on a structure with structure(s) selected: Set the rally point for created/ungarrisoned units to garrison inside the structure. "
  11. How to converse with the irregular programs. @borg- @PhyZik @Boudica
  12. Seems offline .. I checked with some others too and they said the same.
  13. commands.txt metadata.json Another op game led by GOAT, @PhyZik. Team 1: x2 Maury + x2 Kushites Team 2: 1 Gaul + 1 Kushite + 1 Iber + 1 Sele As usual @Wendy22 crying about dancing. Here is the replay for analysis. How is it possible a 1700s player can cry whole game vs a 1300s nubissh? @Wendy22 's typical response throughout the game was "I DON'T CARE.." .. Also a special thanks to @Edwarf and @woodpecker for being super team mates as always.
  14. Come on Mr. Space Man, work work work work work ...
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