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Everything posted by Lopess

  1. Maybe it's a translation error, here is "pedra de cal". https://www.google.com/search?q=pedra+de+cal&sxsrf=APq-WBtpanqvWh1AX_7Ze8UMFSE9_MWPSg:1650057520041&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwin8tyi_5b3AhXoHbkGHazcCQAQ_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1707&bih=830&dpr=0.8
  2. Otimo trabalho, adorei ver como você trabalha com o efeito de "câmera de cinema" !
  3. (日本語は話せません)ほとんどの情報源がそこに示していますが、あなたの意見に合ったものがあれば修正します。研究へのリンクを送ってください。できるだけ忠実に表現したいです。 (I don't speak Japanese) Most sources show them there, but if there's one that suits your opinion, I'll correct it. Please send me a link to the study. I want to express it as faithfully as possible.
  4. I'm not an English speaker, and the video doesn't have automatic English subtitles, which helps me a little. But looking over it, I already knew a lot, mainly about the regions of Izapa and El Mirador.
  5. It must be some new update of Alpha 26 that I have not yet adapted the code, tomorrow I will fix it.
  6. This map would be a good candidate to mod community maps.
  7. I'm adding the assets created for the Japanese civ to the main mod, making it easier for everyone who wants to help. https://github.com/0ADMods/yayoi_japan
  8. Remembering that they are citizens of the base of society, not women of the nobility, who wore more exquisite "requintados" dresses.
  9. I'm not a good texture creator, she's using a very generic texture, if you want to help I want something close to that.
  10. Some tips: Scenarios are cool because we can emulate certain features that existed at that location and at that time so be sure to add trees and use the atlas relief modifiers, there are a lot of cool things to use. Keep us updated with future updates!
  11. We could even start a peaceful discussion here, citing other countries that are being attacked and destroyed with the support of the same ones that today condemn Russia, there are no saints and geopolitics and powers at war who will only suffer will be the people of the countries in conflict. And of course, on sacred European soil, every drop of blood weighs far more than anywhere else in the world. But the most important argument has already been cited here:
  12. I'm sorry I'm not from the development group if it was the name of a country ok, but a name of a politician?? Would the next one be Binden? I think that would be the worst possible name for a game alpha. Imagine if in two months Zelensky authorizes the killing of prisoners of war? Would 0ad have that name in its history?
  13. I fixed a similar error yesterday and uploaded it to the repository, take a look at the master first, can be the same
  14. Thanks for the historical research, I'm adding your name as a contribution to the mod, please if you find more data on leader names or anything interesting about civ let us know,.
  15. https://github.com/0ADMods/garamantians Fixed to alpha 26, missing details, changes occurred ended up breaking some textures used in the main game, some can be created for greater historical fidelity.
  16. Interesting if you want to do it, I always start personal projects thinking about a future joint project, unfortunately (or luckily it depends on the point of view) it is easier to start as a personal project taking the initial decisions and then transforming it into a community project. There are several things that should be improved on it, research on hero names, units and an architectural refinement is always welcome, I intend to do the same with the Japanese Yayoi, but as I'm a little better in 3d editing and there was already a great work of research already existed
  17. Why not start with one or two skirmish maps, see the acceptance and then create them, or even better to have an option in the random maps allowing or not the presence of mercenary fields, thus allowing those who don't like it just mark with no mercenary fields .
  18. I do have it mainly on the Pente and surrounding areas, with triggers from gaia units and abandoned temples that can be conquered, but my time is short and I'm not a good map maker. I also like to think of more exotic gameplays, especially in skirmish maps, it's easy not to allow certain structures to be built, for example cc, forcing stronger alliances and defenses, or otherwise, limiting the amount of towers and walls.
  19. Do we have any visual references?
  20. Slot for garrisoned units? I can't implement them, I wanted to create a link between a prop and a unit that garrison it, but it doesn't work the way it looks good. "I want one that is small. And one that serves strong and that in phase 3 Become a normal fortress." Could you give an example? Could she not move anymore?
  21. I would like to add this structure to the xiongnu, the cart fortress, I believe this would be the closest approach currently viable to the game, you train it initially in a single set of three ox carts and when you find the desired location it unpacks. It already comes "armed" with archers. Does anyone have ideas on how to better implement it? @Lion.Kanzen
  22. I already tried to create a unit of the type, but nowadays with a better reading I believe it would fit in a technology/upgrade for towers and fortresses, increasing its defense power. (it would be cool with this technology/upgrade the arrows were mixed with gourds with hornets.
  23. https://direitasja.wordpress.com/tag/flechas-incendiarias/ At the time of discovery, the Tupi, as well as the South American tribes in general, had several ingenious methods of siege. 1. Incendiary arrows, 2. Movable and light walls that advanced towards the palisades. 3. Fires with pepper to scare away the besieged, using the wind in their favor.
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