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Everything posted by Lopess

  1. There is no "0.a.d" here, it's a community and no one earns anything for developing or creating mods, so as a tip, help the team with your knowledge or something like that ( at least respect or constructive criticism), since the game is not paid.
  2. (Hoje falarei na minha lingua natal), Fico extremamente feliz em ver até aonde o 0a.d. está chegando, e como essa comunidade por mais que não seja do tamanho que esse projeto merece já muito significativa, um jogo que creio que em cada um dos membros atualmente ativos marcou de alguma forma profunda, essa é a magia do RTS no final das contas, depois que você entra nesse mundo impossível sair. Nota pessoal: Lembro de jogar o Alpha 19 ou o 20 quando minha filha ainda não havia nascido, foi incrível ver um Rts tão bom e gratuito em uma época em que não sobrava nenhum centavo no bolso... Hoje em dia minha filha com 7 anos já fica do meu lado vendo eu "criando cidade" com ela diz. Obrigado equipe da Wildfire Games!!!
  3. It's always good to see a friend again.
  4. Because I had asked if it was a mod, in the pre-colonial mod @Trinketos and I made random maps with these names. https://github.com/0ADMods/pre-colonial-mod/tree/master/maps/random/rmbiome/generic/american_maps
  5. Sin, Envíame el archivo de Blender y la textura aquí y te lo enviaré mañana en un mini mod.
  6. @DuileogaE eu tenho um projeto ambicioso, porém só podemos nos dedicar nos nossos tempos livres. Ainda em estágios iniciais, vou te enviar um link no seu chat pessoal. Você pode usá-lo como inspiração para algo assim. (Estou respondendo em português pois estou no celular e não sou falante de inglês).
  7. Thanks @Stan` I'll talk to @Duileoga This can be very useful.
  8. Textures still under development. It will be another shade of red. Everything here is in development, respectful opinions are welcome, but not all will be accepted.
  9. They were passed on to me, I am organizing them and I will make them available on Github, as Blender files for anyone who wants to edit and use the files at will. I'm using code to export the files. I would like to automate UV map generation and prop creation.
  10. A mod designed to make the most of 0ad, with many battles with automatic weapons, maps on alien planets, ships and drones. I've had it for a while now but I intend to make it playable in alpha 27. It is only possible thanks to the beautiful animations created by @Alexandermb . I use a lot of AI generated images (https://www.imagine.art/). In addition to ideas and adaptations, especially in mods Delenda Est and Hyrule Conquest.
  11. Alpha 26 https://mod.io/g/0ad/m/delenda-est Alpha 27 Dev: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est
  12. I'm creating a topic to promote this mod, in which I'm making much of the art created by @Duileoga available. This mod is mainly intended for fun and the promotion of civilizations from the most diverse corners of the world. I hope you like it, as all of this is created in our spare time and without any great intentions, anyone who wants to use art to create the most diverse mods is welcome (and let us know as we would love to play). CIVs: (playable, with some errors, with time they will be resolved) Lusitanos. Mayas. Mochicas. Garamantians. Yamatai. Development (updated): https://github.com/wltonlopes/Endovelico Link official: https://github.com/OilamDuileoga/Endovelico (I'm sorry for my english google translate)
  13. The best way is to play the updated version of mod Delenda Est.
  14. Pessoalmente e profissionalmente estou bem ocupado mas não larguei os projetos, o mais atualizado foi esses que crie com ajuda e conselhos d @Duileoga. https://github.com/wltonlopes/Endovelico
  15. @man_s_our all mods that are related to the creation of new civilizations depend on a good level of work and time to be carried out, the good side is that much of what these civs need can (and should) be reused from other mods or even from the main game, see in particular Umayyad civ from Millenium AD - REVAMP, they need better models for the buildings, they weren't one of my most inspired creations, Middle Eastern architecture is very different from what I did with Mayans or Japanese. If you need tips, don't hesitate to send messages.
  16. Don't worry that the learning curve in creating mods in 0ad is very fast, with a little time you will be able to create units, civ and structures with ease.
  17. Hello, could you send the mod.json that was created here, I believe it could be the cause of these warnings. Another thing that could help is a screenshot of the warnings message.
  18. Will update here for sure, hope this can encourage new backyard farmers soon.
  19. Beautiful garden, congratulations! I was born and raised in a large metropolis, but my family has always preserved a beautiful productive backyard with various medicinal herbs, beans, sweet potatoes, peppers and occasionally legumes in general. I'm currently living in a rented house with a large yard, just waiting for a quiet weekend to start a productive project for him.
  20. Thanks for the help @Stan`, I was able to locate the option in an in-game example. working now.
  21. Interesting, I can check this here, where would this configuration be?
  22. It seems to me that using the turrets component it would be possible currently in 0ad (I'm using the alpha 27 version) to create a unit with a turret sub unit, but I'm having difficulties implementing it, I intend to create a turret on top of an armored vehicle in the future , in which the turret has its movement independent of the vehicle, rotating on its own axis fixed above the vehicle. Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_unit_cavalry_ranged_javelineer"> <Identity> <Civ>coalition</Civ> <SpecificName>VBL</SpecificName> <Icon>units/hele/siege_tower.png</Icon> </Identity> <Promotion disable=""/> <Sound> <SoundGroups> <attack_ranged>attack/weapon/rifle_attack.xml</attack_ranged> <walk>actor/human/movement/walk.xml</walk> <run>actor/human/movement/run.xml</run> </SoundGroups> </Sound> <TurretHolder> <TurretPoints> <One> <X>0.1</X> <Y>0.1</Y> <Z>2.0</Z> <Template>units/coalition/infantry_rifleman_assalt</Template> <Angle>1.54</Angle> <Ejectable>false</Ejectable> </One> </TurretPoints> </TurretHolder> <UnitMotion> <WalkSpeed>19.0</WalkSpeed> <RunMultiplier>1.67</RunMultiplier> </UnitMotion> <VisualActor> <Actor>units/coalition/VBL.xml</Actor> </VisualActor> </Entity> Result (The game does not ask for errors, and it seems to me that it identifies the indicated template because when changing its name the game says it cannot find it)
  23. Hola, pronto habrá una actualización de alpha 27, una vez que se lance.
  24. I'm not very familiar with Aztec mythology, but about the architecture I think it's OK, putting it in perspective to other Mythologic models. 0ad's mythological mod could benefit from an update at this point.
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