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Everything posted by Nescio

  1. Just place the .editorconfig file in your mod folder and see what happens. Fedora 32 (operating system) and gedit (text editor) here, so I don't really know how things on Windows and in Visual Studio.
  2. It's automatically detected by gitbucket, github, gitlab, etc. and could help preventing people from messing up file indentation etc. #54 corrects some unit templates. #55 improves numerous art files. #56 properly formats json data files.
  3. @Stan`, I've added a .editorconfig file to the Han China, which could be useful for other mods as well. A list of all the errors and warnings you encountered in 0 A.D. or Atlas. Yes, you can leave all files in your local 0ad/mods/{any mod}/ folder. I've replied over there. Only someone with push authorization (e.g. @Stan`) can merge pull requests into the master repository, though.
  4. Open your `interestinglog.html` (see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths ). I'm not sure what you mean. You can reset the active mods with the mod.enabledmods = "mod public" line in open your local `user.cfg`. You don't necessarily have to, there are multiple ways to achieve the same thing, the above is just one option (which works for me).
  5. Yes, command-line git is powerful and straightforward, whereas github, gitlab, etc. add a graphical interface on top of that, which can make it less obvious what you're doing. I'm glad you're comfortable with using a terminal, that makes things easier for me to reproduce. Whenever you don't know which git command to use, type: git help To start, get a fresh repository (you already did that): git clone https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad.git ad1000 cd ad1000/ And update it (that should not change anything right now): git pull Next, set your github credentials: git config --local user.name "your github username" git config --local user.email "your github e-mail" At any point you can check your repository (that does not change anything, but makes it easier to understand what is happening): git status In this case, get the relevant commit (you already did that too): git merge 2d06dab647b27ac28a341f12779148c7c1224417 In other cases, make changes in your repository, then commit them: git add * git commit -m "message what you did" Then push to the relevant branch: git push https://github.com/mrlie58/millenniumad Enter your github username and password when prompted. Next, visit https://github.com/mrlie58/millenniumad in your web browser. It should say: This branch is 1 commit ahead of 0ADMods:master. Click on “Pull request” (and sign in to your github account if you've not done so already). Click on “Create pull request”. Describe what you've done in the “Write”/“Leave a comment” field. Click on “Create pull request”. Wait for someone else to review and commit your pull request.
  6. Could you run git status ? git merge 2d06dab647b27ac28a341f12779148c7c1224417 is to load the relevant commit. Afterwards you still have to make a pull request (better do a new one).
  7. Unfortunately I don't know what exactly you're doing or where it goes wrong. Try a clean repository: git clone https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad.git ad1000 cd ad1000/ git merge 2d06dab647b27ac28a341f12779148c7c1224417 Not all auras etc. in Millennium AD are formatted properly. Doing them one by one for a pull request is a lot of work, but someone with push access (i.e. you) can fix everything within a minute by script.
  8. @Mr.lie, try pushing to https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad/tree/gameplay-a24 (And since you're making art fixes, please don't label them as ‘gameplay’ next time.) You mean https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad/pull/53/commits/2d06dab647b27ac28a341f12779148c7c1224417 ? @Stan`, here's a simple but useful script by @fatherbushido for properly indenting simulation data JSON files: indent.py
  9. Since you're interested, here are a few pages from W. K. Pritchett The Greek State at War. Part V (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London 1991) with many more lead bullet inscriptions:
  10. Is there a quick and easy way to find the intended animation time? Template values can be adjusted.
  11. @wraitii committed some gameplay patches today, but these twelve are still open, and a few more have been accepted this week.
  12. Archery tradition is available to only three civs: kush, maur, pers. Recently @s0600204 changed the way the structure tree is generated (rP23808 and rP23813). I guess it fails to take the "civ" and "notciv" requirements into account.
  13. Now there is: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2863
  14. @Angen and @Stan`, thank you for committing those today! There are about a dozen more gameplay patches that have been accepted, some of which weeks ago: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2504 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2507 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2669 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2683 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2686 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2687 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2741 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2803 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2821 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2858 If any of those needs to be rebased or altered, let me know. Other team members are also more than welcome to get involved, of course.
  15. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2742
  16. They probably should be unarmoured; Caesar describes them as running along and fighting in tandem with cavalry.
  17. Not yet, as far as I know. Gauls ought to get an archer, but that requires art. There is https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2841
  18. That's true for many (most?) things in the public folder. The limiting factor is getting team members to commit things. There are currently about 60 gameplay patches open (and the backlog is growing).
  19. Open elephant-related patches: D2496 D2595 D2852 D2853 D2861
  20. Currently those are Athenian stoa champions (which is problematic). Historically they served as an elite vanguard under Philip V or Perseus, the last Macedonian kings. All other Macedonian soldiers are based on Alexander's army, though.
  21. The real problem is not really the Macedonians, but the weakness of spearmen: ( hack + pierce + crush ) / time = damage per second basic cavalry spearman : ( 6 + 5 + 0 ) / 2 = 5.5 basic cavalry swordsman : ( 6.5 + 0 + 0 ) / 0.75 = 8.667 basic cavalry axeman : ( 6.9 + 0 + 2.3 ) / 1 = 9.2 champion cavalry spearman : ( 12 + 10 + 0 ) / 2 = 11 champion cavalry swordsman : ( 13 + 0 + 0 ) / 0.75 = 17.333 champion cavalry axeman : ( 13.8 + 0 + 4.6 ) / 1 = 18.4 hero cavalry spearman : ( 24 + 20 + 0 ) / 2 = 22 hero cavalry swordsman : ( 26 + 0 + 0 ) / 0.75 = 34.667 hero cavalry axeman : ( 27.6 + 0 + 9.2 ) / 1 = 36.8 champion elephant : ( 20 + 0 + 150 ) / 1.5 = 113.333 The approach taken in @wowgetoffyourcellphone's mod Delenda Est is giving all melee units only hack damage (which necessitates bonus attacks to differentiate unit types), the approach taken in my 0abc mod is introducing a fourth damage type (thrust) for spearmen (which allows soft counters via differences in armour levels); both approaches make them effective vs rams (and other units).
  22. Their numbers are fine, but calling them sword cavalry is a bit of a stretch. All cavalry had swords (or a sagaris (axe) in the case of Scythian and Iranian horse archers) as side-arms to be used in emergencies, but Paeonians and Odrysians (Thracians) were light cavalry, fighting with javelins and avoiding melee. Functionally the two were the same, but they hailed from different regions (Paeonians from what is now North Macedonia, Odrysians lived in Southern Bulgaria and European Turkey), were often placed on different flanks (cf. Thessalians and Companions), and the Paeonians are known to have shields (the Thracians did not).
  23. Great, many thanks! Censorship of ‘cum’ out of ignorance is rather annoying: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44217118 Also, a-s-s (wild donkey)?
  24. First of all, I like rice. Secondly, I like informative maps such as this: Now, because rice grows standing in water, rice paddies are lower than the directly surrounding terrain. Moreover, the water level is level, obviously, due to gravity. Unfortunately neither aspect is currently supported by the engine, as can be clearly seen in your screenshot.
  25. Indeed it is, I've complained about this several times: c-u-m is one of the most common Latin words. Try censoring the English words ‘when’, ‘whereas’, ‘while’, and ‘with’. To be clear, I didn't really pay much attention to the text (too few footnotes for my taste). I skimmed some parts (e.g. chapter nine) and skipped the rest. The images are nice and sharp, though, hence my previous post. I just a read chapter three and I fully agree people shouldn't read that. He's basically equating pre-Celtic millennia with Celts. Support for the tying the spread of Indo-European languages and peoples throughout Eurasia with the spread of horses and chariots from the steppes (Kurgan hypothesis) is well established. Tying Indo-European to the much earlier introduction of agriculture from the Near East (Anatolia hypothesis) is widely discredited. Until the second half of the 20th C there was a tendency to equate Indo-European with fair eyes, fair hair, fair skin. Like most other racial theories, it's not supported by science. Modern (esp. mitochondrial) DNA research is increasingly showing that European peoples are the result of three separate genetic groups: hunter-gatherers from Europe surviving the last Ice Age, who had light eyes, dark hair, dark skin; farmers from the Near East during the Neolithic, who had dark eyes, dark hair, light skin; pastoralists from the Eurasian steppes during the Bronze Age, who had dark eyes, light hair, dark skin. Of course, this is a broad picture, and migrations happened in countless ‘waves’ during millennia. Nevertheless, the Neolithic farmers who lived in Western Europe (and erected Stonehenge, among other things) were neither Celtic nor Indo-European. Completely true. However, note the quotation marks: hastatus (‘spear-man’) is not the same as hastatus (i.e. a spearman); the former indicates the linguistic root, the latter implies they fought with spears. Cf. Peter (‘rock’) or Stephan (‘crown’). Does he? One of the features of Celtic warfare which impressed itself upon the classical mind was the fact that some warriors fought naked except for the sword belt and a gold neck torc. [...] The vision of the naked Celt is a recurring theme in Graeco-Roman art, [...] How I read this is not that fighting naked was pan-Celtic, but that it was a Greek and Roman topos.
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