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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Paal_101

  1. What would be really fun to do with a project like that would be to make it silly or comically, even cartoonish, sorta like the strip BC LOL that could be really fun Have the Neanderthals take on Cro-The-Man Yon
  2. LOL yes! Let's get away from RTS and do a FPS/RPG. What I'd love to do is make the most realistic modern light infantry simulation game available Could fight tanks like the M1A2, Challenger, T-80, and T-95s and infantry armed with AK-74s, M-16A2s, M4A1s, RPK-74s, SAWs, LAWs, grenades, etc, etc. while being attacked by helicoptors like Mi-24 Hinds, AH-64 Apaches, and Ka-50 Hokums. I'd love to do a game like that!
  3. Happy Birthday Joshua!!!!! Party on!! :self-bash: (pi)
  4. Close, its (0.70 X 0.03)+(0.30 X 0.05). I just need to find more of these to make sure I know how to do problems like this
  5. Hi guys I need some help with statistics, specifically problems so I can test out what I know on probability. I've got a test coming up and I want to make sure I have the stuff down. Unfortunately my course provides only a few practice problems and I need something new to assure me that what I am doing is correct. Do any of you know of some good stat sites or books with problems like the following: "Goodbuy Department Store sells 32-inch color TVs under its own brand. 70% of their sets are made by Alpha Industries with a defective rate of 3%. The other 30% are made by Beta, Inc, with a defective rate of 5% You have just bought a Goodvision set. What is the probability it is defective?" Those kinds of problems, not the fancy permutation or ultra-high level university problems (way above my tuition ). I'm just doing a quick little bit of stuff on basic probability, as advanced as it gets is Addition and Multiplication Laws of Probability. Basically high-school and first year university probability, like that seen in Grade 12. Funny thing is I've found quite a few sets of problems like that but no answers Also funny is the huge amount of 8th grade probability and Probability 367 LOL I haven't found a whole lot for my level. So if any of you have sites or books that have problems like the one I posted, simple real-life problems PLEASE post them here! Mucho appreciated!
  6. Have a good time in Vegas man! Don't forget to go see an Elvis impersonator while you're there Or Celine Dion :thumbdown:
  7. And look at those cads! They don't even let us have Christmas!!! I heard 2012 was going to be a good year for gifts Seriously, totally agree with you guys, this stuff is weird but it is completely guesstimation and based on nothing. Jesus said he himself does not know, so how would these guys? One thing that is kinda creepy is the fact that the Aztecs predicted the year in which their culture would be destroyed by a man with a beard coming across the waves. Cortez showed up that year :P
  8. I'm starting to get the idea of busy school its a lot of work Well the way I see it, I'll be waiting for drawings in the summer! *dances*
  9. Gladiator without a doubt. *See avatar for reason * I also love the soundtrack to Mortal Kombat! Man does that theme ROCK!!!
  10. Anything with good fighting and awesome music Action flicks, historical fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, if it has guns, swords, planes, ships, or karate I love it
  11. Nice scan Mike Great looking book, what is it?
  12. Hooray Mike! You have seen the light of Rome!!! Nice pic, its amazing the siege works that the Romans put up in Alesia in a matter of days.
  13. You also love Star Wars, specifically the Imperials, as well as having some knowledge of physics. You love to win and keep fighting until the very end, never giving up Got all that in Battle Thread
  14. I have a great relationship with my bro. He's the best guy in the world, I couldn't ask for a better bro Love him a lot. Christian!
  15. Check out the main 0 AD site to have a look at my new Iberian weapon article. That completes my 6 part series on the arms and armor of 0 AD Hope you guys enjoy it!
  16. I like melee troops. You need heavy infantry and cavalry to finish off the enemy once the ranged troops have distrupted their formations.
  17. Have a good time chichi! You're not going to the Superbowl are you?
  18. Mine is probably Shaun Davey's "Parting Glass", it was used in the movie Waking Ned Devine. Its just a pure, honest, down to earth song. I just love it Instrumental....that would have to be Steve Vitali - In Flight or Nightwish - Crimson Tide
  19. "Hahahahahahohohohohohohehehehehehehe Time to blow up the world! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!" *presses button* yeah bad idea to have a pres with a sense humor Welcome to WFG RB
  20. Aw Tim, I told you you'd get suspended for being a good student one day But I want to hear more about your stomach problems (aspiring doctor and all)
  21. Great Amy thanks *gets to work*
  22. By Carthago, you mean Carthage right? I ran a google on it and there were an awful lot of links to tourist websites in Tunisia
  23. We could have a Gaul with limed hair, a Roman aquilifer, Hoplite smilie with shield and helmet and a German with a huge axe. Perhaps a Dacian or Parthian as well. That would look really cool
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