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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Paal_101

  1. *bows repeatedly to Forum and Community Staff* Hooray!! On to 15,000 Time to party! So 50,000 by June?
  2. What about having an art and fiction forum for the members to post drawings and stories that they've written? It could be the basis for some really cool contests
  3. I didn't and don't have any set time for my tests (being on correspondence) but I did have to do my Provincials at a set time. I'm not the greatest test-taker in the world. All I can say is relax and do the best you can
  4. Stupidest thing I ever did was decided to watch Gladiator at 8:30 PM after doing full-out, non-stop physical work for roughly 12 hours. When I finally staggered into bed at around Midnight, I was just wasted. I didn't feel right the next day I haven't made any really stupid mistakes in public. Mind you it helps that I didn't go to public school (correspondence, got a better education out of it too, Honor's Standing ). LOL teachers are touchy I'm finding out Only teacher I ever had was Mrs. De Vries, under whom I spent 4 months of UTTERLY boring kindergarten. Talk about a battle-ax........
  5. Articles on Celtic and Carthaginian weapons are up on the main 0 AD page. Hope you enjoy them!
  6. -13 C in this corner of northern BC atm, but its supposed to warm up
  7. All I can say is "About time!" LOL Man I am so psyched about this, I think it is a great plan and we should do it. Can you imagine what our technological level would be if NASA had been funded for the last 20 years like it was during the Moon landing period? I can't wait! *writes NASA "Can I come?"*
  8. I do karate, which is talked about as a sport. I prefer to view it as a fighting style, I'm not in it for the sport, I want to learn how to defend myself and see just what I'm capable of. Great fun!
  9. 52 BC - Siege of Alesia Julius Caesar's 50,000 man army besieges Gallic fort of Alesia and defeats a combined force of 350,000 Celts to crush the revolt of the Gauls.
  10. I'm not even thinking about relationships, I've got all this school to get through first LOL I can't see myself having a girlfriend or getting married before 28, thanks to school and getting set-up, etc. Keep waiting patience is a virtue
  11. I want to be a doctor, specifically a general practitioner in a small town
  12. @last samurai - same here, I want to be a doc myself As far as what I think my purpose in life is, its to be a good Christian and serve God as best I can.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!! Hit it boys!!! Let's get this place rocking!!! *next morning* *which results in*
  14. LOL that is awesome Here's another one I love: There's a hockey game in full swing and the blue team is just having a grand old time, kicking butt it seems. One reason the fans are so riled is the fact that the team mascot, a big blue wolf, is dancing around a sinister looking device with the words "Shirt-zooka" on the side. In the middle of his prancing around he jumps behind the thing and starts shooting blue team t-shirts to the fans. They love it, so he shoots more, but suddenly the "zooka" shorts out and he starts getting electrocuted, involuntarily swinging the gun around firing shirts everywhere. He takes out fans, concession guys, but worst of all he takes out everyone on the blue team's bench, as well as the players on the ice. Finally the thing dies and the mascot manages to back off a bit, shaken and having assuredly melted his costume, to survey the damage. The entire blue team is out, leaving the opponents stading there stunned with the rest of the crowd, who can't believe it. Then you see this one guy cheering (wearing the opposing jersey if I remember correctly) and waving a Pro-Line ticket. The caption was something like "Miracles Happen" or something, can't remember LOL I just plain LOVE that one!!!!
  15. Absolutely!!! Amazing script a lot of emotion and power, especially in the death scene IMHO it stands a great chance of getting picked up by a studio! Unfortunately I'm not on the board of New Line Another movie that I would love to make would be a really awesome sci-fi flick with lots of cool aliens and blowing big stuff up
  16. ....what would it be? Say a big studio came to you, handed over $100 million and said "Make something really cool". What would you make? I'd have three choices myself: A movie about the Battle of Hastings. A secret agent movie. or my personal preference: A movie with some serious Roman vs. Celt or German action!!!!
  17. I'll be working on uni but that's okay, because I got 4 months off before hand
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