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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Paal_101

  1. Scorpions and snakes, although with a pitchfork or a hockey stick you could do a lot of damage I'm not afraid of big canivores, they can kill you quick, but snakes and scorpions kill you slowly or leave you paralyized.....
  2. Spatha's rock, both Roman and Celtic versions. Another weapon I like is the Mainz style gladius, one with the wasp-waisted blade that is a cool one!
  3. Oh the Dacians are coming, trust me May not be right away, but they are....
  4. Success for me would entail being the best person I can be and working to the benefit of others.
  5. LOL a little historian competition. Now obviously there are a couple legends in the Roman section, clearly marked. Anyone object to those? IMHO I think the legends help us understand how the ancients thought and what they valued
  6. What's your favorite weapon that existed before 500 AD? Mine would have to be......the falacata, for the amazing curved blade and great hitting power. Don't be shy
  7. Happy Birthday Fire_Giant!!! *dancing banana time*
  8. Since I participate rather often in 3 Word Story, I chose that one
  9. @phantom_rider2 - ZeZar perhaps? well no really big plans as such, do uni, plus try and get my Level 3 First Aid Rating, then I can ride with the paramedics
  10. hmm looks very cool CT I love it, kopis is a good choice for a later Greco-phied Persian soldier, armor good for later too. Awesome work
  11. Epic History Films I'm Watching: Troy King Arthur Gladiator 2 - just a title to tie it in, same characters/world but no Russel Crowe or gladiators Joan of Arc movie - Derek Jacobi is in it Hannibal - with Vin Deisel Alexander the Great - City of Heaven - Russel Crowe sword flick it seems Possible Thermopolyae movie - Mythos told me about it, Bruce Willis as Leonidas maybe WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!!
  12. I'm looking forward to this movie big time, even though the history is completely screwed I mean armor from 100 AD in the late 400s? And what is he doing in legionnary armor on a horse armored like that of a clibinari????? Picts with recurved bows?? Didn't you have to go to the Ukraine to find those at that time? That said, I am interested in seeing how it turns out Hopefully Clive Owen will do good as 007
  13. Cool working on a Roman version!
  14. Well, another article in my series on the arms and armor of the 0 AD civs has been posted. Its about Persian weapons and armor (such as it is LOL), and is called Arms of the Shah-an-Shah. http://wildfiregames.com/0ad/viewtopic.php?t=128 Feel free to check it out!
  15. Welcome back, looking forward to more Persians Funny that you come back the same day that I finish an article on Persian armor and weapons LOL
  16. LOL Care to elaborate on the appearance of said pictures?
  17. We opened our presents on Dec 25th, and I got: $ - over $200 Swiss Army knife (awesome one too!) a set of Classical music CDs (Bach, Motzart, Beethoven, and Handel) - shared with bro The Matrix on VHS - with The Matrix Revisited bonus tape and finally.....wait for it: a case of mini-Pringle's tubes to split with my bro!!!!!! LOL Awesome Christmas!!
  18. I do part time work as a carpenter's assistant or mule for a neighbor when he needs help doing whatever over at his place.
  19. I take a 1992 GMC Suburban to work....about a mile away LOL
  20. I don't drink (don't have a problem with it though, in a controlled manner, just don't like it ), don't smoke (have an aunt who does....not healthy at ALL, her family is always sick), and I don't smoke, sniff, inject, drink, chew, dissolve, or eat strange substances bought in dark alleys from people whom I would never want to invite to my local street fight I'm 18 BTW, so technically I can drink and smoke and stuff. But I just don't, I don't even drink coffee I get my jolt from orange juice in the morning
  21. Saturday or Sunday for me, all things going according to plan Depends on whether I have work or not
  22. There is some info on this site, just search for the word "platform": http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-5064..._introduction-i It seems they are at a place called Guimar, can't find much more than that
  23. From what I've heard there are ancient stone platforms, several meters high and something like 20 by 30 feet in area. Don't know if that's the exact dimensions, but from what I remember they were made by ancient inhabitants of the islands thousands of years ago. I don't know if I am mixing them up with something else or if they are in the Azores, but on one of those islands there are these...large raised patios for lack of a better word I remember seeing a show where some people thought they might be remnants of Atlantis...no comment, but who knows? I'll go look on Google and see what I come up with
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