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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Was thinking of using this for a healer or a trader, I'll wait for the opinion of others on where we could use this concept
  2. Player color carpets on the roof can help, and yeah some shields too
  3. Testing the faction in game, we managed to fix almost all of the errors, I can say that the faction is now SVN compatible..
  4. I used that combination for the swordsman unit, yeah I noticed it too, but won't it differentiate the spearman and swordsman gameplay-wise?
  5. Yes, I noticed that I made an override with the read me text, sorry.. Slowly adding player color to some units
  6. Thanks! I managed to fix it, there was a symbol typo error in the civ file, the faction is somehow playable now, will commit the fix later together with some more art compatibility fixes.
  7. I'm getting bunch of errors when playing skirmish, how can I copy the error log text from the game? Also can someone check it and help me fix the errors, most of the art files have already been reorganized.
  8. Having very detailed textures for with garments extending beyond the upper thighs is really complicated and we may really need a newer mesh for it (which is another problem for us, I think because we are again shorthanded on people with excellent skills in mesh creation.
  9. Also does anyone still have license compatible cow hide textures in their files? I kinda lost my copies which we previously used in other art assets @Lion.Kanzen @Sundiata
  10. @Stan` I can grant access to @Yekaterina right? I believe I assigned a builder tag to the civ center at the moment, as for the names we are still conceptualizing on who to include Thanks!
  11. I can handle the changes on the art folder and actor files, let me help. Thank you very much!
  12. Kinda, I have attached a spear prop on the other hand but it is essentially a sword unit, the other champion unit is a Thracian heavy hoplite.
  13. More play testing, added generic names and some new icons. I will update the first post in this thread
  14. Update: Placeholder buildings, somehow in a playable state now for SVN version. - New actor file tweaks - New portraits
  15. I am doing the same with the Thracian and Illyrian faction mods, it's mostly simulation files and art assets, pretty much a working generic civ, so that people can contribute more into it and the mod could elaborate further You have access to Github/0admods right? Maybe you can clone or add a repository of the Garamantes there and I can help with fixing A26 compatibility, so far the art assets looks cool already and I wanna test it soon with a working copy for SVN
  16. Updated the first post, added unit portraits and placeholder faction emblem.
  17. Taking interest in joining this mod at Github/0admods and add it as a crowd-sourced civ
  18. The current texture looks okay but yeah as you said it may lack some variety Also we have m_pants_loose.dae variants in the skeletal mesh folder, I think those were intended for the Mauryan faction..
  19. Committed the changes, added the following: champion_cavalry_spearman hero_cavalry_spearman siege_ram ship_bireme ship_merchant ship_trireme ship_fishing
  20. Can we create a sub forum for implemented and planned features in a sub forum under gameplay discussion? To better consolidate and organize discussions and feature adjustments Example: Sub forum: Implemented feature ===[ IMPLEMENTED ]=== Barracks Garrisoning Experience Trickle Sub forum: Planned feature ===[ PLANNED ]=== (Name of planned feature) Sub forum: Suggested feature ===[ SUGGESTED ]=== (Name of planned feature) Then move around topics which are adapted to be planned from suggested then with planned moving to implemented as features get commited.
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