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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Major commit over at https://github.com/0ADMods/xiiiad happy testing everyone! Please do give your feedback here, thank you.
  2. P O L O V T S I A N S (The Kipchak - Cuman Confederacy) as a part of the XIII Century AD - Steppe People faction
  3. Thanks! Yeah, putting props on structures is kinda hectic haha, I am currently working with the Steppe People structure set, I studied your Xiongnu art set and tried to recreate it in the mod. Glad to see you around, buddy! Thanks, Stan! Feel free to give the repository some hit!
  4. Currently re-using the Western European art assets for placeholders, I have just committed the partially complete faction over at the repository https://github.com/0ADMods/xiiiad
  5. Not yet, I am fixing some stuff right now then will commit it later
  6. I started working on the Eastern European building set, other than that I still need help porting the Islamic and nomadic factions, thanks!
  7. http://members.ozemail.com.au/~chrisandpeter/kirpichnikov_helmets/gallery.htm#nevskii
  8. https://www.moddb.com/news/pechenegs
  9. I don't have much knowledge on Eastern European medieval society, I am basing most of the faction on 1212AD's roster https://www.moddb.com/mods/medieval-kingdoms-total-war-attila-version/news/medieval-kingdoms-total-war-kievan-rus-revamp Another problem would be the buildings, I am thinking if I will just copy the Norse building set from Millennium AD. If someone could port the xiongnu assets and make a template for a faction code: step (steppe cultures) into the mod, I can work on the art assets so that we can incorporate a nomadic faction into the mod. The same goes for a Islamic faction if someone could port and modify the Ummayad assets and files from Millennium AD, tho I am not sure what code to use, isla(mic) / sara(cen)/ musl(im)
  10. My Boyar/Voivode, the Druzhina are now ready for battle.
  11. I recreate his methods by doing Atlas screenshots with the solid black background from its actor viewer. Then I do it manually in graphics editing software: 1.) Magic wand or smart select the black background and remove it (making sure that the unit image is still intact) 2.) After that duplicate/copy the cleaned unit image layer 3.) Modify the brightness to 0 (basically turning it to black 4.) Use Gaussian blur effect on the black silhouette layer 5.) Add a new layer above with the glow color of your choice (mine, similar to wowgetoffyourcellphone is close to bronze in the sample) the blurred black silhouette and clip the layers so that only the colors will transfer to the blurred silhouette 6.) Put everything together and add a black background again (reminder that portrait icon dimensions are 256x256 pixels)
  12. I think this model just needs a retexture or recolor, plus make it less rectangular by adding more details like low walls or other objects similar to how the Ptol civic center was visually balanced with obelisks and statues.
  13. It worked, thank you! Here's the current progress if you all are wondering what's new.
  14. So would it be okay if I name it <Town Hall></Town Hall> would that work?
  15. No, I just found it and linked it here for reference. By the way, I am making the civic centre upgradeable through phases and I am not quite sure how to copy the upgrade tag from the sentry tower I highlighted the part that confuses me in red, I've seen the wallset and gates and it uses the "<Gate></Gate>" whatever it is called similar to how it is referenced as <Tower></Tower> below, My question is what should I put in there if I want my village phase civic center to upgrade into a town phase one, I get the entity reference part but what I don't get is how the ones I highlighted it red works..
  16. Planning on adding siege tunnel/tunneler siege unit with an unpacked form similar below.
  17. Amazing! I really wish we had more natural looking maps like these, the shorelines, hills, ridges and scenic combat that can take place in these places. Excellent work!
  18. MOUNTED CROSSBOWMAN, 13th CENTURY in 'Armies of Feudal Europe 1066-1300' by Ian Heath (warfare.gq)
  19. I'm trying to make a Templar Commandery structure but I'm getting errors in Atlas indicating the following: failed requirement: "mesh has single set of polygons"
  20. Some reference http://perrysheroes.free.fr/spip.php?rubrique35
  21. 1302 AD - Battle of the Golden Spurs
  22. Goedendag polearm of the Low Countries.
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