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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. ALV puse uman xd let me see i find the documentary
  2. Yea, i prefer the most neutral way of counting the conquest and history in general, it is more accurate and is not so politicized. also who made that video, not the UMAN documentary.
  3. One of the best known stories of the beginning of the spainsh conquest
  4. Interesting I thought the chavacano was very spoken xd. I see in Philippines they use the word pendejo but with a different meaning, is this true or is the same?
  5. I noticed that Filipinos use words of Mexican Spanish since they from part of the New Spain to Ellos hablan chavacano(Español criollo) ademas de otros idiomas de las filipinas y el ingles.
  6. En la sección de arte de la wika puedes encontrar un zip con varias texturas de varias etnias
  7. This is GOLD!!!!!! also @LordGood its posible to use shape Keys in 0 ad?
  8. I will make this for all buildings so the development will be more slow xd
  9. also my graphics card is supposed to support opengl 4.0
  10. could you make me a base texture of intertwined reeds for my shields for my mod is that I can't use Blender 2.80 on my pc because it doesn't even open
  11. It's posible to make GUI calls with a tech button?
  12. Oh i see tanks I been planning the water system since the mod started with the olmecs. Is fixed
  13. No and yes. I use the water has a resource and the Dropsites has a zone for building houses and fields depending if is a cistern, water well or what we call "Pila de Agua" also the fields cost water instead of wood. The units cost water in addition to normal resources, for example water: 10 wood: 10 stone: 5
  14. What does this error mean? I attach the template whit the error interestinglog.html water_well.xml template_structure_economic_cistern.xml
  15. DayoScript? La mayoría de la información de este vídeo está tergiversado.
  16. How you change the building placement of the buildings? I mean, how did you do make the ai build houses near the civic center? i like to do somenting similar whit the fields(building outsize of the town)
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