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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. Its all ready in the middle I was looking and it turns out that it does not save the positions of all the bones (only the arms)
  2. Ya lo arregle El problema fue que escribi mal la ruta. now i have other ploblem @Alexandermb @Stan` @LordGood @m7600 and others I would have to be sitting
  3. Ok. republic_cavalry_dragon.xml template_unit_cavalry_ranged_dragon.xml
  4. Ya lo intente y no, haci que aqui estan los xml cavalry_dragon_m.xml cavalry_dragon_r.xml base_mounted_rifleman.xml
  5. Apparently when I export rider animations it causes this error I do exactly what the wika says animation error.zip
  6. Well i normaly start making some investigation and use that as a base to make a civililization
  7. So arsenal is for making siege/artillery?
  8. here is the model usa_consulate.dae
  9. Trinketos

    USA Arsenal

    I was doing the US consulate for a personal mod, but I see it looks like an arsenal o someting , maybe it will serve you for some building for you Civil War mod @LordGood
  10. Solo si haces que las unidades planten árboles como si fueran cultivos.
  11. Just put the zip file(the mod you download from modb) in C:\Documents/MyGames/0ad/mods and enabled in mod selection menu and thats it. don't unzip the 0ad defalut mods
  12. put the zip files in Documents/MyGames/0ad/mods https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  13. thanks. If anyone is interested in seeing it in more detail here it is https://github.com/Osimedias/my_models/blob/master/blend/mexican_north_structures.blend
  14. Not related with this but i dont care xd (It won't be in the mod). I couldn't put it in a spoiler
  15. Also the terrain textures to look more epic.
  16. Don't forget the effects of the movie.
  17. Si aunque me pierdo a veces, y mas con ese acento. about the metal not problem man xd.
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