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Everything posted by sanderd17

  1. @Navid the command comes from the GUI and get passed on to the simulation, which in turn sets states on the indivudual entities. fcxSanya gave you the start point of the command, but it follows quite a few function calls to arrive at the entities. If you want more info, please explain what you want to change. Then we can tell you if it belongs in the GUI or in the simulation. You're also welcome on IRC to ask questions: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.quakenet.org/0ad-dev
  2. You have access to all code, so if you're interested in modding, you can try updating it yourself. Install the development version of 0 A.D. See http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/TortoiseSVN_Guide or http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions (depending on your system). Download install the mod from github: fork the mod repo ( https://github.com/0ADMods/ponies_ascendant ) to your own account, and follow git documentation to pull it next to the public mod Start 0 A.D. and enable the mod. See what problems you have Try to solve the problems, commit them to your repo, and make a pull-request to LordGood's repo when you finished the work If you do that, and keep the mod updated with 0 A.D., the mod will be ready for A20. If you have any questions on how to solve a certain problem, you can join us on IRC chat: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.quakenet.org/0ad-dev
  3. A, E and Q are already used for camera rotation. F is used for "follow" mode (which is exactly what you're asking, it takes you to the selected unit and follows it, though that doesn't work for buildings AFAIK, which would be a nice improvement to implement). @GunChleoc That's an interesting proposal. Though I wonder if it's worth the effort. Those things should either get implemented or removed.
  4. In case you want buildings that automatically generate resources, there already is a "ResourceTricle" component. See an example of it in the Persian palace: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/pers_apadana.xml (line 55) (hint from leper)
  5. They can be easily recognised due to their generic nature (implemented bonuses normally mention some measurements of improvement). But yes, those should be signalized as being not-implemented. It's a bit annoying though, as the strings have been translated in a dozen of languages, and when we change those strings, all translators have to update that string too. And then the string has to be updated again when the bonus is implemented. It's better if we can change it to the correct string (with a correct value) from the first time. About the hotkeys, if you can propose a good hotkey schema (that's logical and doesn't have collisions), you can propose one. Most of these proposals seem to get stuck on using too many keys for unimportant stuff.
  6. Copyright is independent from profit. There are some exceptions on copyright that allow usage for educational purposes or private purposes (sharing only with a small, hand-picked number of people). But there are no exceptions mentioning non-profit. Of course, the punishments in copyright violations are usually calculated based on the loss caused to the copyright owner, and in stuff sold for profit, the punishment is often higher. But that doesn't mean that non-profit organisations never have to pay. Then the US also has an exception called "fair use", which should allow most forms of fan-fiction. But this exception is unknown in Europe.
  7. There are a number of shortcuts. Like you can save locations and jump to those. Almost all units and buildings that can be made also have a shortcut, based on their position in the build menu (and shown in the tooltip). It's probably best to read the in-game manual to discover some shortcuts. Some faction bonuses are indeed still missing. And the tutorial is hidden because it's partially outdated and partially unfinished. The problem is that the game changes too fast so it's hard to keep the tutorial up-to-date. The game manual combined with the amount of Youtube videos probably give you the best learning possibilities.
  8. Auras work on tech-modified values, but they do change their own values similarly to techs. Auras always do (value * multiply + add), which is basically the same as the tech modifications, except that the tech modifications get calculated per tech, while the aura modifications are just reduced to one multiplier and one adder per changed value. It is important that you have a defined order in your code, so two different computers don't calculate a different value because they use a different order of techs. It doesn't really matter whether you first add and then multiply, or the other way around, but it matters that you have a defined order of operations.
  9. You should be able to do that in a mod, as a mod can edit any GUI files, and can also call GUI-exposed functions. Thus call the saving function. But I think it would be better to have this feature directly in the main game (as an option) than in a mod. You will have to touch files that aren't optimised for modding, which means you'll have to copy a lot of code to your new mod (code that you will need to maintain as the game evolves). If you want to implement this, start in the GUI files that handle the saving of games, see what functions they use, and try to call them from a timer in the GUI somewhere.
  10. Normally, yes. Given that it features CC-BY-SA content, the video could be considered a derived work from it, so should be under CC-BY-SA too. It's just a case of forgetting to set the license. Mods that mix art from 0 A.D. should also be under CC-BY-SA to not get in a legal nightmare. Else you have serious troubles when f.e. distributing a video or screenshot with mixed content. Additionally, many mods start from 0 A.D. art to modify it, which would make it directly derivative work, so requires CC-BY-SA. However, we don't require mods to be CC-BY-SA licensed. A total conversion mod that doesn't derive from nor mix with 0 A.D. art could use its own license for sure. But I haven't seen one like that yet.
  11. It's not the message that causes the lag, but the thing it's reporting (namely that the AI doesn't find a path, so it's constantly looking for one). These messages can't be disabled, and shouldn't be disabled. It means there's something wrong (with the AI in this case) and will influence your game (the AI will likely become very passive after this). The message is made to be annoying, so people report the issues and/or try to solve them (at least during alpha stadium). For AI errors, it's best to include the commands.txt file of that game, so it can be reproduced: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  12. This is a quite severe error: a nullpointer. It's likely this shuts down the program without letting it write any logs. So we would like some more info from your side: What's your OS, graphical card, ... And the first two things you should try to solve the issue: reboot your computer and re-install the game. If the problem is related to communication with the needed libraries, either a reboot or a re-installation can fix the problem.
  13. The range is very small (they almost need to touch), and we are monogamous, so 2 females doesn't change the amount. However, this bonus is still up for debate, as it's computationally intensive, and doesn't alter the gameplay a lot (we don't want people to micro their females around either). This is certainly possible, take a look at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/StatusBars.js for different icons and bars appearing on top of units The difference is the gathering speed. Normal uses the same speed as a human player, hard has a 33% gathering bonus, and very hard a 66%. The problem is that this can sometimes cause the AI to be out of resources sooner, while he's not ready yet to move on. Sure, you can implement that if you want. No, we're missing a good GUI to set that. If you're interested in making a GUI, go ahead. Until now, we need to set it manually: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Manual_Settings Not sure about that, you can find idle units with the button near the minimap anyway Fishing boats do search new fishing areas, but only in their view (they won't wander off to an unknown place). So they have exactly the same behaviour as other units. Changing that behaviour (and making it different from other units) will be a bit harder, so it might be better to come up with different solutions. This is something that should happen for land units too, not only boats. But this is a difficult problem to tackle, certainly if you're new to the game code. They're considered siege engines, and sieges can't conquer. Select the elephant with some workers, and build a builting (preferably close to the elephant, as the elephant is slow to move). The elphant isn't an architect, so can only "help" with building construction, not initiate it. Preveous versions of the game had many tooltips that looked like implemented, but weren't. IMO, this situation is better now (while we can still see what we eventually planned for the feature). True, not that easy to implement though (we have no good way to visualise any ranges). This would need a new GUI object, not impossible, but some have tried before and found the GUI code quite messy. It's planned to enable players to view the complete map as a technology (that will cost an amount depending on the number of remaining enemies). Like other units, healers move automatically to a new target if the target is in their view. Changing that behaviour won't be so easy. A "charge" attack is planned (though still very vague), and currently units only run when they join in a formation. True Stances need to be rethought and be clearer, so yes. There are some you propose that aren't too hard (and I gave some pointers), so go ahead if you like (do work on the SVN version of the game, and submit patches to trac, come on our IRC channel (#0ad-dev on QuakeNet) to discuss).
  14. shirish, as Lion says, the game changes too much from version to version to keep a tutorial updated with the latest changes. It's already hard enough to keep the AI updated with the latest changes. Next to that, it's hard to make a tutorial when you already know the game. It means making an example, testing it on people who don't know the game, improving the tutorial and testing it again on new people. We don't have access to that many newbie volunteers (most only become a volunteer once they know the game).
  15. After playing the introduction, I suggest you just play against an AI on a 1v1 map. You can choose the difficulty mode of the AI, so you can start easy and set it harder when you can win from the AI. The AI of course isn't as tactical as real players (after many games, his tactics will bore you), then you can switch to multiplayer.
  16. Changing the controlling player isn't possible anymore since the option was taken out of the game menu to not let players click it. (and the hotkeys don't work in Atlas). The only option is hacking the code (adding back that menu option, or fixing hotkeys in Atlas), or changing ownership of the buildings (normally there aren't that many player-specific buildings and units on a map).
  17. That content is in a repo that also contains non-free reference material, so we can't distribute that repo. As such, the easiest way for you to download the images is probably to scrub the pages. However, I also wonder if Commons will accept this. So best ask there first.
  18. The rules you propose with different distances will be very computation intensive. It means instead of one distance, the range manager will have to test for 4 distances. So effectively causing 4 times as many calculations. Of course it would be possible to optimise this in some ways (as the circle distances are concentric, so if it's in the innermost distance, it's in all distances), but this would need code changes to the engine (which can't be done by mods). Changing the stance GUI, up to setting the stances in UnitAI indeed isn't that hard. but then stances are used all-over in UnitAI, which means you'd have to modify a lot of functions if you really want to change how stance work.
  19. French is available in the default installation. The game is also fully translated in Japanese, though because of the font system we use, using Japanese fonts is still experimental so the translation is included in a separate mod: http://releases.wildfiregames.com/locales/ You should know that the extra fonts needed for Japanese require extra memory, and the app may crash if that memory isn't found.
  20. Land units are not allowed to gather fish specifically because of the issue that fish are hard to reach. It caused problems with the AI trying to fish, but also the same issue of your hunters trying to get the chickens for regular players. So that fishing solution isn't advisable, but chickens and fish should be placed on passable terrain (which isn't that easy, most maps solve it by just placing the chickens in a fixed-size ring around the CC).
  21. GunChleoc: we're outdated by a few versions apparently. This ticket says we currently have v52: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3004 Could you check that version?
  22. @GunChleoc the naming of languages is done by the ICU library directly. So it's normal you won't find those translations in the 0 A.D. source. But it's very strange it only happens with one language. Maybe ICU has made a mistake with the Gaelic translation of Gaelic.
  23. Erik, what do you mean with being "translated"? Normally all names should be translated in their own language. So it should never show "German", but always "Deutsch", no matter what your current language settings are. So the issue of the Scottish Celtic being written in Greek is a very strange one. @Sokrates, do you notice any other language names that don't appear in their own language?
  24. @Enrique, IMO, it might be good to have a falling animation (perhaps only the trunk, without leafs), then it still can be decided how to use it (drop after cut down, cut down then gather, ...) But I do wonder how a fallen tree would look on uneven ground. Trees are always supposed to stand straight (as opposed to keeping a straight angle with the ground), but when they fall, they're still the same actor, but need to align to the terrain better. Nothing too hard to code though, we just need to think about it.
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