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Everything posted by gameboy

  1. When I use VS2013 when it is compiled by the compiler, errors occur. My OS is Win8.1 64bit. Error 1 error C2146: syntax error: missing ";" (The identifier of "size_t" front) D:\trunk\source\lib\code_annotation.h 321 1 network Error 2 error C2988: unrecognizable template declaration/definition D:\trunk\source\lib\code_annotation.h 321 1 network Error 3 error C2059: syntax error: ")" D:\trunk\source\lib\code_annotation.h 321 1 network
  2. OK, this problem has been solved. Is my friend Jonathan used the other Mod that caused this problem. Thanks to the enthusiasm of his friends help, thank you very much friends in game development team help.
  3. It's still there, I tested the R2692, the problem still exists. As long as you try to rotate the camera angle, red water again, but I have already solved the problem. BTW: my computer last night doesn't start, I was to repair my computer, may need a day, then I will repair water screenshots posted compare here, you'll see the R2692 patch problems. Thank you!
  4. Very well, thank you for the game proposal, will need to be addressed these issues, but it takes time. I'm trying to repair the water problem.
  5. I really have no other Mos. my friend, please check R16487, this error appears in the map is formatted on the issue. I really have no other Mos. my friend, please check R16487, this error appears in the map is formatted on the issue. I really have no other Mos. my friend, please check R16487, this error appears in the map is formatted on the issue.
  6. Well, the above problem has disappeared. But such an error occurred. I found the reason for the crash.
  7. I didn't use any mod, but the game map could not be loaded.
  8. Today I tested the latest SVN16491, and when I enter the game main interface, an error appears. BTW: I cleared out all game caches (previous-version 0 A.D. Caching) <!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Pyrogenesis Log</title> <style>body { background: #eee; color: black; font-family: sans-serif; } p { background: white; margin: 3px 0 3px 0; } .error { color: red; } .warning { color: blue; }</style> <h2>0 A.D. Main log (warnings and errors only)</h2> <p class="error">ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/ui/global/border/line_horiz.png"</p> <p class="error">ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/ui/global/button/button_stone_selected_right_trim.png"</p> <p class="error">ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/ui/global/button/button_stone_selected.png"</p> <p>Engine exited successfully on 2015-04-03 at 13:00:32 with 269 message(s), 4 error(s) and 0 warning(s).</p>interestinglog.html mainlog.html system_info.txt
  9. When I opened each map at the start of the game, the collapse and the error has occurred. This problem arises in each map, thank you! BTW:I use each map for the game, this error will appear. It happen every time (on every map) All the maps can not be the game loaded.
  10. Today I tested the SVN16487, when I pressed the start game button, enter the loading progress of the game, the game suddenly crash and stops responding. My OS is Win8.1 64bit Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error. Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files. Details: unhandled exception (Access violation writing 0x00000000) Location: unknown:0 (?) Call stack: (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found) errno = 0 (No error reported here) OS error = 0 (no error code was set)logs.zip
  11. Today I tested the SVN16470, when I started to single player game, the game error information. ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/ui/session/icons/mappreview/acropolis_3.png" ERROR: Could not load animation 'cache/public/art/animation/quadraped/lion_walk.dae.a9b7928632a1f8e6.psa' ERROR: CSkeletonAnimManager::GetAnimation(art/animation/quadraped/lion_walk.dae): Failed loading, marked file as bad ERROR: Could not load mesh 'cache/public/art/meshes/gaia/ferns_sm_a.dae.f84db3f758cdaf42.pmd' ERROR: CObjectEntry::BuildVariation(): Model art/meshes/gaia/ferns_sm_a.dae failed to load ERROR: Could not load mesh 'cache/public/art/meshes/props/column_fallen_c.dae.afae18b4d07bbee5.pmd' ERROR: CObjectEntry::BuildVariation(): Model art/meshes/props/column_fallen_c.dae failed to load ERROR: Could not load mesh 'cache/public/art/meshes/gaia/tree_apple_trunk_b.dae.98955f0d5b12c5dc.pmd' ERROR: CObjectEntry::BuildVariation(): Model art/meshes/gaia/tree_apple_trunk_b.dae failed to load ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/skins/props/hele_tile_c_norm.png" ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/skins/gaia/orchard_apple_a.dds" ERROR: Could not load mesh 'cache/public/art/meshes/structural/iber_wall_long.dae.e00c82435c39f104.pmd' ERROR: CObjectEntry::BuildVariation(): Model art/meshes/structural/iber_wall_long.dae failed to load ERROR: Could not load mesh 'cache/public/art/meshes/gaia/pine8.dae.87919d6963156069.pmd' ERROR: CObjectEntry::BuildVariation(): Model art/meshes/gaia/pine8.dae failed to load ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/skins/gaia/grass_field_dry_small.dds" ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/skins/structural/hele_blocks_spec.png" ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/skins/props/hele_wonder_rooftile_norm.png" ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/skins/structural/hele_blocks.png" ERROR: Texture failed to load; "art/textures/skins/props/hele_tile_c_spec.png" Log.zip commands.txt commands1.txt
  12. Well, we don't need to delete the patch #2692 mentioned in the code. I have found a better way to solve the problem of red water. I have solved the problem. I did not delete the relevant code, I just modified the code a bit.
  13. Rhino, is very good, but if you use it to make better a bit more real.
  14. ERROR: Cannot find tooltip object named 'sessionToolTip' ERROR: Cannot find tooltip object named 'sessionToolTip' ERROR: Cannot find tooltip object named 'sessionToolTip'
  15. We should adopt a patch for #2692[PATCH]. It completely restored red water problems. My friends, what are your thoughts about that?
  16. If you rotate the camera to be parallel to the water fish´s texture alpha turn red.
  17. When I run the Atlas.bat file, the emergence of a map editor, how do I run directly map editor? I did not find the map editor application. I can't find: Atlas - Scenario Editor, where is it? please help me!
  18. I tested him provide patches, but when I close the camera, and then move the camera, the problem occurs again.
  19. What do we do, it's really a bizarre error. thank you!
  20. Today I compiled the SVN16324, an error occurs: class.h 1 IntelliSense: the operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 490 1 graphics Compiler that I used was: VC2013.The operating system I use is: win8 64bit.
  21. Today I tested the SVN16315, found this problem still exists, I play the map is: Eastern Mediterranean coast (2), small (2 players). When I left and right to move the camera. I am using the full screen mode. The operating system I use is win8.1 64bit. Thank you!
  22. I am very sorry again to ask this question, but I want to know the solution about this problem seems to be related, thank you!
  23. When switching between fullscreen and windowed mode. system_info.txt
  24. Water texture problem remains serious, we didn't invent the water texture rendering advanced options.
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