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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Is that a video of TotalNoobPL's game?

    no, its not but may be can be same bug, this video is from SNV last Build. is a regular gameplay and is no first time a saw this behavior. the unit dont end to cutting even 20/20, may be TotalNoobPL can be givve us a video or screenshot.

    if noticed is diferente that when The AI tries to reach a tree that is outside of the map.

    no, its not but may be can be same bug, this video is from SNV last Build. is a regular gameplay and is no first time a saw this behavior. the unit dont end to cutting even 20/20, may be TotalNoobPL can be givve us a video or screenshot.

    if noticed is diferente that when The AI tries to reach a tree that is outside of the map.

    i try to do.

    steps to replicate this bug:

    conquest all map building in all territory possible and destroy all AI buildings.

    even when a replay she stop, after a few minutes, start again try to cutt over her capacity and dont go a dropsite, obviusly

  2. What makes you so sure this is due to there not being a dropsite? I've seen this when the tree is unreachable too. Also, this doesn't look like the AI player - the civ emblem is Iberian and so are the buildings in screenshot.

    There is a similar issue with qBot though, where it will try gathering from a resource and then stop if there is no drop site and then start again over and over, but that is an issue in qBot, not in UnitAI.

    after i was destroyed all they buildings they continues cutting and do it economic task. and they are no to close to border.

    another bug, the units dont do anything in border, stacked next to other units. but i take a shoot for confirm.

  3. I think it's a known bug. The AI tries to reach a tree that is outside of the map. The woodcutters aren't able to take wood out of it, and chop forever.

    that is different bug, this is when ai don't have a warehouse/mill/dropsite. or any building, same thing happens with farming and mining
  4. I quickly found some things I didn't like so I'm attaching a new image. These include, slightly larger paddles and some decoration on the wooden support for the ropes. Also, don't pay too much attention to the sails since those are duplicated planes and produce weird results upon rendering, but it should look fine in game.


    great work. , waht program uses to do that? blender only?
  5. The armored elephant is a champion unit. It does not gain ranks. The non-armored elephant will have up to 3 riders, one more each gained rank.

    Adding grunge maps to the metal make it look like wet from a distance, looks ok when zooming, but I think is not necessary.

    Argyraspides and Hyspapit too? ;).

    Not the actuallooks some leather or plastic only this, is my opinion, the other textures are very cool.

  6. Okay Lion,

    I'll email you shortly (I just don't want it posted publicly)

    send me at email. [lion.kanzen] google mail ;) you know





  7. Just a reminder the Phoenicians colonized Carthage they where the parent civ.

    Enjoy the Choice :)

    yes that we buildings have same with other texturs more Levant materials than North African-South Spain

    Brief History (off the top of my head.... I can do more later):

    The Phoenicians began as a tribe of Canaanites who settled in the agriculturally fertile region in the Northern Levant (Lebanon and Coastal Syria). They formed city-states, much like the Greek poleis. Some of the most famous of these city-states were: Sidon, Tyre, Byblos, and Baalbek. Most of these cities are still inhabited today. It's hard to find Phoenician ruins because they are buried under later Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Ottoman, and Modern buildings. The city-state of Tyre, in southern Lebanon, sent a princess, named Elissa (Latin: Dido) to found Carthage. The myth goes that she was running away from her evil father and she fled to Africa, where she made a deal with a local chief that if she could surround land with her shirt, she could own the land for free. She cut up her shirt and tied it up into a long rope and encircled the area of the city-state of Carthage, and it was given to her for free! The Phoenicians were also master merchants and sailors, establishing trade routes to as north as England, and possiby as south as what is now Ghana and Cote-d'-Ivoire. They are a very unique culture, and I am proud to have them represented in this game!

    too long yet. Focus in Phonicia, not refernces to Carthage until Final.

    remember the Structure.History; Origin, Rise to power(Without Carthage), Colonies, Forces and Fall.

    in 9 lines :).

    Atenmeses i need your Email to show you some ideas before presented in forum.

    And show you Emblems.

    i need a idea for Phoenician Emblem

  8. in my last game session uses, Wololo cheat for, use an ally units[Note: i set that ally without an AI ] was very interesting Fuse Persian and Roman in a unique force.

    if you dont set AI a ally the units can be, capturings instantly to yours own faction if you send a unit to capturing with unit´s LOS.

  9. Some units/structures, that have errors in their xml's in alpha 12 are not included. Beside that, most works.

    I'll implement the technology-part hopefully next week.


    Actually, it is a bit too early to implement background-graphics, as the basic structure of the .tex-files should not change (or they will be replaced and manual adjustments will be lost).

    Nevertheless, I'd prefer to have not really background-graphics as this will decrease readability, unless you mean something along "make the background look as if it was old paper". What could be done is making sketches or comparable pictures to that of the extraordinarius in the first .pdf i uploaded (see page 1 of this thread). As you can see, they should be quite higher than wide, so i don't know if this is easily possible for all units/structures. Edit: Ideally, the sketches et.c should be available as vectorgraphics (svg or pdf). Thanks for your help! :)

    Another point thats quite visible in the .pdf is the short or missing history for many units/structures. I don't know if the <History> is used somewhere ingame (or if it's planned), but I guess there are some that could need some extension/rewrite -- this could be a task for someone that is willing to help, but not really skilled with graphical programms or programming

    not, i speak aestethic not screen, for example art sketch/layout like loordgood drawings and micheal art concept.
  10. Probably best to make a readme or license file.

    yes, this guy, disapears years ago XD. [2009]

    Things to do

    • Introducing FES to Community
    • create licescing File
    • research in order to complete each civ.json file
    • ask for support
    • ask for existent models
    • Create the Nabateans Civ as MOD to have a example

  11. The buildings and their icons are not displayed.

    ERROR: Failed to validate entity template 'structures/iber_civil_centre'

    ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'structures/iber_civil_centre'

    ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: structures/iber_wall_tower:1: Expecting an element SilhouetteDisplay, got nothing

    ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: structures/iber_wall_tower:1: Invalid sequence in interleave

    ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: structures/iber_wall_tower:1: Element VisualActor failed to validate content

    ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation failed

    Fixed at Automatic Build

  12. Translations are also my thing :) ! I know a few people who can help with proto-Greek and Mycenaean translations. I can do Ancient Egyptian and Phoenician, and possibly Assyrian translations myself. For Hebrew, we should ask Jeru or someone else from Israel, and for Minoan I'd use Luwian (might be hard to find people who know this though) or just use the same proto-Greek that the Mycenaeans use.

    i need spanish to English.

    hey give your email. or send me an email at lion.kanzen (at) gmail.com

  13. Yes, i can program in C++, though it's not my favorite language. I can give you guys some help with it and with the translations, if you want, just don't expect too much of me.

    the Project is for Learn Pedro, the only thing, i want is all who are involved, enjoy.

    you don't think this Project are like official. or like Scion Developers Project.

    And Aristeia are not only a Project of FES, its the who want take it.

    for now i want contact to you to send some material to translate. and find how redact some History for each faction.

  14. Good approach of it all Lion! Showing the way things are done is much in the spirit of open-source.

    Did you managed to have a direct contact with the author of the original Horus art ? I just saw you let him a message in his comments on DA.

    No ludo, the guy, have too much time away. try to contact to Devian art, the guy have a web page but, the page is abandon

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