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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Magnificent art. I'd just like to point out for the subtitle, "The Bronze Pack" is a bit vague. I recommend really using the full description "Bronze Age Civilization Pack" or just "Civilization Pack", but with a smaller size, else it'll steal attention from the title.

    nice Suggestion Thank you, i was concentra to to main Imagotype than the Description.

    Pedro i need some one Speak mi Spanish and Speak English, to Main page, i would ask something, need you as team Member, of course if you wish,

    to Writing some messages to invite new members, to Announces in Main Team Page, i need a lot History to Traduce into English, and you now about PROGRAMING, C++ dont you?, don't see with a compromise, me neither even Atenmeses can see this as a kind of work.

    for now we are in Info Document Designing, and emblem.

  2. Now we need Collect History Summary for each Faction.

    now we Focus in Egypt(New Kingdom) and Minoans

    here are a exaple that i want.

    "History":"The Hellenes were a people famous today for their architecture, fighting ability, and culture. The Hellenic peoples of the Dorian, Ionian, and Aeolian tribes swept into modern day Greece from 3000 B.C. to around 1100 B.C. in successive waves that eventually supplanted the previously established cultures of Mycenae and Minoan Crete. They were most active during the period of colonization that took place in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C., the Greco-Persian Wars (499-449 B.C.), the Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.), and the conquests of Alexander the Great (4th Century B.C.). Their civilization would endure until their final absorption by Rome in 146 B.C."
  3. This is actually a nice Idea, but it should be giving one at phase II and the other two at phase III. This way the icons could fit in each row. I don't know if there's any other civ who has more buildings than space on each row/phase.

    Tip of day, or arrow point with "?" to player know how play, and Embed the videos for a Tutorial "learn to play room, where the player can see tutorial videos in the game without exit to the game".

    Other Suggestion is implement the Tech tree, but for Technical reasons i don't no if can be interactive/dynamic or static. i like Pureons Tech tree Design, clear too much question, only with see it.

  4. @Sighvatr

    That sounds like a lot of effort to remember. And you'll have to make huge tooltips to specify that information. I can imagine a lot of players wondering why the champion/elephants/whatever unit still grayed out and he cannot train them.

    for that is why are useful the tech tree
  5. Still, you need his authorization to use his work in your mod and probably in the tutorial also. Specially if you're going to use his work in your mod.

    He doesn't specify under which license offers his art, I bet you wouldn't like that someone uses your work for his own purposes without notifying you and give credit. Be careful with that.

    i know i try to contact with him. if he refuses, i will draw one.



  6. Phase II

    Create a Shield in Illustrator.


    Step 1 A Circle

    create circle, with "Elipse tool" [L] and to be a Circle press shift while stretching the form.

    You must Create 2 one most biger that other.

    Step 2 a Metallic Gradient

    Go to windows menu, find "Swatches libraries"/ and then "Gradients"

    Select Metal category and select the metal that you can use or you want to use.

    Step 3 give some realism.

    Next is about how create a some Light Effect - Reflections


    to do this clone some main circles and use the Pathfinders


    this the idea how can you do, if you see the shape moon is a primitive gloss.


    go to the effect menu/ blur/ gaussian blur.

    do this how you think are more appropiate for your work.

    the next is give some opacity[45% or les ] and blend visually with "Transparency window"[shift+Ctrl+F10]


    Clone some gloss and change proprieties in "Transparency" window


    Now clone[C+ctrl] the Circle in Change the gradient.


    try to do some similar with gradient window [ctrl+F9]


    Use transparency windows to blend two gradients, that work put a circle over other.

    use inner glow to do inner shadow or do inner gloss.

    Step 4 the other Circle.

    create a this shape with Pathfinder/buscatrazos in Spanish XD.


    use gradients tool in this shape and send it to back


    put a inner Shadow like previus steps to the last shape.

    Step 5 put appropiate color.

    create a circle can be biger tan all the circle


    use "#9E9308" in "color picker" window to give that color , put over and use transparency to blend.

    Create other circle and use Knife tool to cut it, do the shape that you will or think more appropriately.


    with white arrow [Direct selection tool](press A), select and delet it central objet of our new shape, select from edge + shift to scale.

    apply guassian blur and use transparency windows to blend over last work.


    Export to PSD and when finish close Illustrator.

  7. Yes, that's what I said, they need to be "hellenized" to fit the ptolemies, but they're ok for bronze age Egypt I think. They just need textures.

    Taking Deviant Art works without author's permission or without mentioning author's name/link to page and work upon it is not a nice habit to have. :closedeyes:

    yeah i know but i paste this http://dacreativegen...t/Heru-41692525 in other related topic. XD

    by ~dacreativegenius

  8. Introduction


    Fallen Empires Studio [FES] we are committed with the Wildfire Games Community.

    this time, more people ask me how do some of nothing to convert a Emblem, that's can be useful in game.

    after this you can have some idea how to make your own. this are one way.

    you need Know use the basic tools and UI about Photoshop and Illustrator [cs5,cs6 works fine for me.] to take this tuto.

    and now about graphic Design.


    Step one

    research a Icon very plane almost outline strokes etc.

    Draw you ;) in illustrator.


    Thanks to dacreativegenius



    Step 2

    Go to Illustrator and press Image Trace / live trace.


    then Selection Detailed Illustration or Technical Draw.

    then press expand.

    tfmIoMb.png that the result

    Step 3

    Give Color to each cells.

    you must have select them all that you can paint, and from tools Menu select Live pain Bucket


    Paint each cells with apropiate color, this step only help us to have a Color palette/swatches


    Now we have something like this.


    Select Red cells with magic Wand tool [press Y]

    And you will select automatic all red cells.

    Press Expand, when Window ask, uncheck stroke

    Step 4: Give some Beautiful Effect[basic]

    Go to the windows menu, to the end and search Graphic Style libraries


    Then Select Buttons and Rollovers, and...


    Select obviously "Bevel Red Normal"

    when you work with blues and yellows you can modify the Fill color in"Apparience"


    Then add "inner glow" but change config and put Multiply instead of screen and change black instead of white fill.


    Now you get this.


    This all for the Horus Symbol.

    5 Next step Export as PSD.

    • Like 2
  9. darn! Lion, you made this falcon emblem ?? It looks wonderful..... :o

    Could you explain how you made it ? (technique, program and reference picture source)

    I LOVE it.

    i Made the effects, the Original draw, was only outlines in black i was take in Deviant Art, later i was Vectorized in [Adobe Illustrator]"live trace" and next effects in Illustrator, Next step in Photoshop, later create a Shield in Illustrator and i was fushioned in Photoshop.

    Here i make a Tutorial. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17040

    That's an amazing emblem Lion!

    Thsnk you, i love your 3D eye Candy Stuff and that why, i want you help Fallen Empires Studios, i request your experience.

    and i know you have some 3d models to donate.

  10. To search Symbol to Faction.

    This really nice but the Scarab

    In theNew Kingdom scarabs with titles and names of officials became rare. Amenhotep III is famous for his commemorative scarabs that memorialized events of his day. A type of these relates to his lion hunts in the first 10 years of his reign (with claims of extraordinary lion numbers); others of the series relates the building of 'the lake for his wife, Queen Tiye'.





    Maat or ma'at (thought to have been pronounced *[muʔ.ʕat]),[1] also spelled māt or mayet, was the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice. Maat was also personified as a goddess regulating the stars, seasons, and the actions of both mortals and the deities, who set the order of the universe from chaos at the moment of creation. Her (ideological) counterpart wasIsfet.

    Temples of Maat

    The earliest evidence for a dedicated temple is in the New Kingdom (c. 1569 to 1081 BCE) era, despite the great importance placed on Maat. Amenhotpe III commissioned a temple in the Karnak complex, whilst textual evidence indicates that other temples of Maat were located in Memphis and at Deir el-Medina.


    Falcon Ra Head New Kingdom, Nineteenth Dynasty, reign of Ramesses II (1279-1213 BCE) Egypt, Saqqara, Serapeum, tomb of the Apis that died in year 26 of Ramesses II's reign


    Finally i was decided to do Emblem to Faction

    Inspired in Persian Emblem.


    The New Kingdom Egypt


  11. minoan_computer_9792145.jpg?w=620

    Researcher Minas Tsikritsis who hails from Crete — where the Bronze Age Minoan civilization flourished from approximately 2700 BC to 1500 century BC — maintains that the Minoan Age object discovered in 1898 in Paleokastro site, in the Sitia district of western Crete, preceded the heralded “Antikythera Mechanism” by 1,400 years, and was the first analog and “portable computer” in history.

    “While searching in the Archaeological Museum of Iraklion for Minoan Age findings with astronomical images on them we came across a stone-made matrix unearthed in the region of Paleokastro, Sitia. In the past, archaeologists had expressed the view that the carved symbols on its surface are related with the Sun and the Moon,” Tsikritsis said.

    The Cretan researcher and university professor told ANA-MPA that after the relief image of a spoked disc on the right side of the matrix was analysed it was established that it served as a cast to build a mechanism that functioned as an analog computer to calculate solar and lunar eclipses. The mechanism was also used as sundial and as an instrument calculating the geographical latitude.

  12. Whoa that's really good. It's simple but elegant. I like it a lot.

    im Graphic designer, that's part of my life, Design beautiful Logos. haha


    The Official MODdb page



    My personal Blog.



    Fallen empires Studio Page.


    Art for a Wallpaper


  13. I think you just need to spend some time in Atlas Editor - it might be difficult at first but it really won't take you that long to get familiar with the elevation tools. Good luck!

    the last time i use Atlas to make a Map was in alpha 8, don't change too much in this matter right?


    I Make, a mod


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