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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I like a strong defense in the beginning of the game. That just helps rid people's ability to kill off a player by sending 10 civilian soldiers the first five minutes of the game. I think a strong defense is necessary in the beginning of the game, and a powerful siege engine for each civilization in the later. I can not enjoy games when a player is able to rush you. For example, the Russians in AoE3 were able to produce military units in the start, and rush a player before he could establish any units of his own.

    i agree with this, but some player like 5 minutos of Gmeplay, that is no my preferencee, i like long gameplaythink and think how taake down enemy forces.

    i think simple stone walls without turrent and palisade gates easy to take down if you don't protecting with strategy and ingenious .

    that why one time i was to propose use traps for enemy.

  2. As Geek377 said the long-term plan is to reduce scenario map variations by introducing a 'Skirmish' map option. This will give limited customization options (some similar to those available for Random Maps) to scenario maps created in Atlas.

    Thanks to gods of 0AD, that is what i need,that let me play more Scenarios than RMs, dont forget in the options can be customized , im only play with max population 100 in RM.

    but are map i can change something about topography, change a river for a cliff. Savana Ravinne.

  3. You modify the game, yes. However, I think that a different type of map system would be best. I believe Spahbod brought this up earlier (can't find the post). Just moving some resources around does not warrant a completely new map. I feel like we have too many of these situations already with the multiple Oasis or Archipelago maps.

    not, moving not, put news resources, some Treasure in secret places and change Factions, and in one map change the Geography.
  4. I've seen this question more often, so perhaps it is not clear enough, which got me thinking. Would it be possible to list the village structures on the top row, town structures on the middle row, and city structures on the bottom row of the screen area that lists the options for a unit? I am not sure of the technical complications, but anyway, here's a Photoshopped impression:


    This way, it would clear to anyone which structure belongs to which phase. Combined with the tooltip it should be easier to see how one can be eligible for the phase upgrade, provided one finds that II or III button first. Maybe the system could send a message (similar to a chat message) as soon as the conditions are good for an upgrade? The text could say something like "You are ready to upgrade to Town phase. Go to a Civil Centre and choose the upgrade phase button."

    try to do this with Carthaginian faction. they have many Buildings
  5. There are no scenarios where "you have all the time in the world to win." You have to build up quickly at the start or you'll be overwhelmed.

    Qbot are aleady easy for me, in tuto videos you can learn to be quick.


    i use 100 population max and low water graphics, for performance.

  6. The Parihuvādā is a scenario-only structure, so its not supposed to be buildable by default, like the Hellenic Stoa and Royal Stoa.

    muts be avaible, if you reach someting. or choose betwreen that and persian palace.

    its a noble suggestion. the People can be decide what Special Building can play in some modes.

    like AOE3 Asians Dynasties, you select SB to build and gain some extra units or tech. i really want horse archer(Persian) in random maps

  7. Lion, I can't access the document anymore, I thought it was a really good idea and wanted to help you correct some of the spelling errors in the document. Any chance you could open it again?

    i was deleted it when i was Angry with some people..

    i was deleted it when i was Angry with some people..

    Hmmm ... I played a game earlier today Persians vs Romans (AI). I had 330 units (max) in the late game and it rarely started lagging. Only when I moved my rohirim (I had a 150 cavalry units).

    Either the performance has already been improved a little, or my computer is growing CPUs ...

    The AI also seems improved. I didn't attack until late in the game, I love to build a base first, and the AI player already had 6 or 7 civ centers when I switched to offensive. The AI also kept attacking me, but unfortunately its still really stupid on that point. I placed all my 25 towers + 3 castles in one spot which I then called "The Pit" and the enemy kept sending units through there, but they generally didn't get past it xD And that while there were some defenceless places it could've reached! The AI, and this really surprised, did not use any siege equipment except for the scorpions. With all the defences I had the AI should've made rams or catapults to take them down.

    i Configure when 100, too high performance and can enjoy some Water Graphics issues.

    In Scenario player must be control Pop Max, without mod the player file.

  8. idanwin, how you going with this? needs more ideas? i can research in my RTS games what other stuff are, that are good to have.

    if i do a model for you, you can put in game?, like Blender model, you can texture its...etc etc to AO map.?


    Other question is for the team, is some limits for Atlas about quantity of stuff?

  9. In this page from the Wiki http://trac.wildfire...ki/Manual_Units

    Female Gather Rates: food.fish:1, food.fruit:2, food.grain:1, food.meat:1, wood.tree:0.75, wood.ruins:5, stone.rock:0.75, stone.ruins:5, metal.ore:0.75

    Infantry Gather Rates: food.fish:0.375, food.fruit:0.375, food.grain:0.375, food.meat:1.5, wood.tree:0.75, wood.ruins:7.5, stone.rock:0.75, stone.ruins:7.5, metal.ore:0.75

    Cavalry Gather Rates: food.meat:7.5

    Don't know how current this is.

    for me its fine. i love use corral and use cavalry to duplicate fast my food stock.
  10. Designing a tech tree sounds like a fun project I would be interested in doing.

    me too, but i dont get it, means create each civilization in game tech tree?, or a Main for all Civilizations?, i have good eferencies from classics RTS.
  11. Yeah. Kimball is right.

    With all due respect, without showing some real-work done it's pointless to start different pages just to get the trill and emotion of people seeing your idea and commenting about it. Trust me, I've been there ;)

    Back in the C&C Generals modding days, you didn't even get a forum untill you had some solid work going on :P - Harsh times, if you ask me.

    Since I guess you're the mod leader, you should know at least every single step of modding 0ad (3d modelling, texturing, rigging*, animating*, codding, ect) in order to get your team motivated to join you. ATM, I can't think of anyone that would join without some real proof of work. You must be the pillar where your team will look for support. Just assiging tasks doesn't work. If you can't get things done yourself, you're doomed to fail - again, personal experience.

    Of course, when you get a team commited to you and your project, you can relax a bit - not much -, but starting is always hard to do. Specially for the mod leader, or one man teams, like it's what I think you have now. ;)

    @Pureon: Since it's a mod not an indie, I guess it should be CC.

    *these 2 are not mandatory, since you can re-use some of 0ad's animations, but are also a plus to any mod leader.

    Don't rush, mate.

    I wish you best of luck and I hope this will become an awesome mod someday :)

    We are not your level[all those Knowlegde], but we want Learn, Train and the people Learn too, and the people donate work to us.
  12. Their immortals are good, but the special tech +25% of hp but +20% of building time too is not so useless. Personaly, i never use it, only when i'm on danger. Difference have to be more pronounced than 5%. Something like +25%of hp against +10% only of time building.

    Or +25% of hp against +10% of ressource costs.

    i Agree, i never use these guys, are so, visually nice and have nice name. but they can have a Ability to use the Bow, and Train to Faster, and support City Assaults [Tower, Castles, Turrets ], like defensive City, An Example in a very defensive map Neareastern Badlands, its so Hard to Destroy the Mauryans with they, the Siege Weapon[Assyrian] is very Weak. and why we don acces to Other Special Building? that have the indian Elphant , Persian Hoplite Mercenary, and why Cavalry Archer Champion are not in normal maps?
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