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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Hi 0 A.D.! =)

    I'll first tell you that your game is really really fantastic! I love it!

    That is a Nice Comment, i think so too

    I have played it for a few weeks now and I have some suggestions =)

    That the women can fight, not only escape

    Both, Attack if aren't escape or player command it.

    That a option in the center make all the women enter it to protect themselve

    That something tell you who many workers are working on wood/food/…

    I read this begore but i dont know if exist a ticket about this.

    That you can bring the animals like sheep and goat in your breeding farm

    some years i suggest some similar, i agree with you.

    That allies are added in single mode

    i dot get this, its not team allowed? or you think about Diplomacy Settings

    That you can have a lot of units without lags (but you already know that ^^)

    That easy/hard mode are added (for noobs like me =D)

    That the gaia units that you find can be yours

    not all i think

    Visual changes when you upgrade the civilization phase

    is already suggested.

    and more tutorial maybe! ^^

    That's it I think ^^

    You're game is really cool, I think I'll try to make some videos and post them on youtube when I'm really used to play =)


    Share it your videos or Experiences with your friends.


    I suggest put a "Capturing" topic in "Project Governance" Forum

  2. I don't see any balancing items in the backlog.

    i dont say it, i means "if", thanks to Heaven its not Balancing Item in Backlog. i mean we can have this appreciations now, and every Alpha and beta as a High Gift Review/feedback.


    you can do this Alpha by Alpha if the gameplay Change? @Themista.

  3. 0 A.D. Alpha 12 Loucetios Release features list:

    Diplomacy Programming(Basic Diplomacy)

    Packing Siege Engines Programming & Art(need improved with Formations movement)

    Formation Order Queueing Programming (i did not notice this)

    Heroes Programming(Minor)

    Slaughter Attack Programming(Minor)

    Unit Training Hotkeys Programming(Minor issue - very nice)

    New Match Setup Options Programming

    Five New Random Maps Programming(Minor)

    Improved Water Rendering Programming(Graphic)

    Post-Processing Manager Programming

    Rubble Art

    New song Sound

    Sound Manager update Programming(Sound)


    Post Processing maybe but not in Gameplay.

  4. We need fix the weakness areas in Game development, The performance, New planned Features And improvements. the bugs and minors in second.

    Compare Alpha 10 & 11 with Alpha 12 in Features(gameplay, especially planned Features & Optimization ) disscard (not Art & Sound, others).


    We need out of Forums and Official chat to attracts more contributors. more Opensorces Social media platforms i agree totally with Fireprog.

    weed need more same FEXOR and Zoot. even the guy make wall system left the forums.


  5. And now, to go totally of topic ... in the gym where I went you got a fine for not arranging the weights afterwards, so they were pretty well aligned most of the time xD


    Ouch, they're so badly aligned now that it hurts my eyes!

    not in critic hour, i can Prove it, later. XD.

    Think abot Brother's Bedroom, or a boys bedroom. or a house with not women, in mostly cases are a disorder. XD

  6. Why sun? I was thinking of something like "The Cradle of (insert something cool here)", like 'of the World' or 'of the Civilizations' (thought i found this last one too presumptuous).

    its a brainstorming.

    The Cradle of(...) that for most ancient civilizationes, like sumeria, Akkad, and first Civilizations. before Bronze age.

    now the name is focus in The Bronze and Bronze period.

  7. I meant "easy" in a sense that it doesn't require a lot of abilities. But it's "hard" in a sense that it will take very long.

    It's like painting a wall. The only thing you do is putting your brush in the paint and bring it to the walls, so in that sense, it's easy. But it will probably take a long while. And you will always want to make corrections.

    Meanwhile. I've been trying to learn blender. I'm mainly struggling on the texturing now (haven't figured out that part at all). I think, when I know how it works, I can help here and there.

    is a lot a work, that is want to say.
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