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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Maybe creating a dedicated webpage with the description of the project would be a good start... And linking your signature image to it would attract some curious clickers!

    I saw a topic, some days ago, in which someone was offering a domain for a fanpage of 0 A.D... I even asked about the ".me" of the domain.

    I m working in that, and if you want try, you can join to us.
  2. I love your Work, im happy for see a Tech tree in 0AD. i suggest put as link in Webpage , to People can see it and other and Track Manual Tech as attached file. i hope see in game [Game session UI], and the last Icons are very beautiful. Congrats Pureon.


    Post data if you give me a PDS file i can paint it and bush details and give a Illustration look ,

  3. I would just do a wordpress/ blogspot for now. Later, once we actually have stuff to show off we can set up a Moddb. I'd also like to be co-founder if it's possible :)

    Also, can we get a list of all people who want to be involved in this mod? Just post on thread or message Lion or I. Thanks!

    I want the People see this Mod are more for Inexpert or Beginners to the Team Official Aplicators.

    i The Bronze Age Mod is A Great mod or Project that owns other Studios [ conglomerate of Studios] working Together many Studios to do it. now are that way we can Finish and work more faster.

    Yeah. Kimball is right.

    With all due respect, without showing some real-work done it's pointless to start different pages just to get the trill and emotion of people seeing your idea and commenting about it. Trust me, I've been there ;)

    Back in the C&C Generals modding days, you didn't even get a forum untill you had some solid work going on :P - Harsh times, if you ask me.

    Since I guess you're the mod leader, you should know at least every single step of modding 0ad (3d modelling, texturing, rigging*, animating*, codding, ect) in order to get your team motivated to join you. ATM, I can't think of anyone that would join without some real proof of work. You must be the pillar where your team will look for support. Just assiging tasks doesn't work. If you can't get things done yourself, you're doomed to fail - again, personal experience.

    Of course, when you get a team commited to you and your project, you can relax a bit - not much -, but starting is always hard to do. Specially for the mod leader, or one man teams, like it's what I think you have now. ;)

    @Pureon: Since it's a mod not an indie, I guess it should be CC.

    *these 2 are not mandatory, since you can re-use some of 0ad's animations, but are also a plus to any mod leader.

    Don't rush, mate.

    I wish you best of luck and I hope this will become an awesome mod someday :)

    We are not your level[all those Knowlegde], but we want Learn, Train and the people Learn too, and the people donate work to us.

    We are not a Mod like official Mod Rise of East. we are a few guys want start Making Civilization for theme in this case Bronze Age.

    We havent goal to Finish like the 0.A.D. all can contributte with a Model one day, other with Music, Other with Programming.

    we don't Take all Civs of this Packed, really don't Want that. we want encouraging other to do together, with own Studios.

    Some studio Making Mycenean, other Making Hittites, etc. when a civs is Finish, its Packed and put to Download the best way, may be DLC like Age of Empires Online. or other games with Extra Content, this way the official Team dont stress with New Faction or Faction outside of 500 BC -500 AD.


  4. I was actually thinking that we should put off actually working on this civ until the Ptolemies are at least partially modeled and textured so we could maybe take those models then and modify them (un-Hellenize them) and use them for this civ. We could do units now though.... but I'd rather we focus on the civs that we'll have to do from scratch, like the Assyrians, Mycenaeans, and Phoenicians.

    if we can make @idanwin, join to team or Work with us as collaborator. must be nice. he have experience put building and Object in game.
  5. How's this for a name:

    Aristeia: A Bronze Age Mod for 0 A.D.

    Aristeia is a Homeric concept of a warrior's defining moment in his career (It can be equated to a nation's Golden Age, but on a personal level). It is often followed by his death. Since Homeric warriors were most likely Mycenaeans, this might be a good name.

    Also, @Lion, First, Great to have you back! Second, Did you make a website for Fallen Empires? I think you said you did a while back, but I might not be remembering correctly.

    im not sure if do a page in Blogspot or Wordpress or use the MODB, and if you can be part of Fallen Empires Studio as Co-Founder.
  6. I Want to all community in special to Member can Learn 3D, 2D, Documentation, Social Management, Mod Management, Music, Video Edition, etc.

    Join to the Bronze Pack Mod. and work Together, but you don't need fill a Application form, only, what you want do.

    You can Join to my Team [Fallen Empires Studio] or do you own Studio, or work as collaborator (if you are not working with main Team).

    if have something with your own Creative Commons, donate it if is useful fo some Civilization in the Mod, even we need put a Name to this Project.

    Bronze mod pack is a crown-source Mod y all can participate.

  7. That is a great reference... @Lion.Kanzen (if you are still around) you should work these symbols into the emblem in some way...

    i work in this Later.

    but for some Cultural Knowing

    Especially in older sources, Allat is an alternative name of the Mesopotamian goddess of the underworld,[5][6] now usually known as Ereshkigal. She was reportedly also venerated in Carthage under the name Allatu.[7]

    The goddess occurs in early Safaitic graffiti (Safaitic han-'Ilāt "the Goddess") and the Nabataeans of Petra and the people of Hatra also worshipped her, equating her with the Greek Athena and Tyche and the Roman Minerva.

    its relationated with Carthage Godess and that good, to use a Carthginan faction as Base to Modding this Faction.

  8. I gotta be honest, I'm not sure you realize how much work making this many new factions is.

    You inspired this, friend, but this a Pack of Civilization, i will not change gameplay or something complicate, only put new factions and i want all Members Participate, and lean how do a Easily Mod or Civilization.

    is basic a Learning Training Mod for improve some skills. i want more fan work in own work for grown the Comunnity.

    Many People are asking for this Civilizations, in special for Egyptian. People thinks in first Age Empires when see 0 A.D.

    and Expeimen AOK when they play.

  9. This mod could easily reuse a lot of assets from the (possible) upcoming Ptolemties faction. The main difference will be the units and heroes and wonders and things like that. The buildings and props and things of that nature will largely be applicable to both eras.

    yeah thats why i want Start with this. its easy too give/ask models to the community. i many people wants this Faction, Even the Team can use it for Persian Campaing together with Phoenicians.
  10. Why dont use a "Civilian" Walls, without Turrent, the gate can be destroy if a large number of units can attack, i think (a excuse is) because are Wooden doors, and same than Palisade can be attacked, the Iberic can be Upgrade this Primitive walls for the new(the actual they use). use al old model(linked in Spolier) for the initial wall, gates and turrets. more weak more easily to Raid but you can defended good with strategic, Even a beginner can take it.

  11. some members time ago do Building models. i would if we ask about donating models.

    I founded.

    When Mauryans are finished, I'll work on bring Egyptians (Ptolemies) into the game just for pleasure (I already have some half-finished textures). Even If is not a main faction, like a mini-faction (if there's no problem about it) :)

    Oshron if you want to start working on it, just searching for some Egyptian gods images/hieroglyphs but with CC-BY-SA 3.0 or public domain images will boost the texture process creation. (I think there are nice public domain images of Egyptian gods in wikipedia)

    This idea was on my mind even before joining WFG officially :P


  12. You should avoid starting a ModDB page until you actually do have ingame content. Not because ModDB will frown upon it, but because the community might write it off if they see a mod page with just a logo. For the same reason that AoKH/AoMH require you to have completed at least 10% of a project before posting a showcase about it - proof of concept.

    i was Starting one :). but i wasn't active in forum to reply or support Atenmeses52.

    we need put a nice name to the Mod

    The Dawn of Civilizations.

    Warriors of Sun

    and i want do this Project with others Developer Teams. even i was created one [Team Studio] i named it . Fallen Empires Studios

  13. Phew! Glad to hear that!

    I thought he'd been in an accident or something!

    It is true that your posts are not always understandable and do not always bring new things into the discussion, but ff you do have new ideas to bring into a discussion, please do so without hesitation, but try to make it understandable.

    the problem is sometimes we or some people like me thinks this Forum is a Social media Network, and express like a that Platform media. and my comments are short in some cases and irrelevant.
  14. Im here, i was say if you want Something, here is where im, but im not participate to much in discussing or Something like give ideas, or Opinions.

    but i will help the community.


    The other, fb and Twitter is Bacause Women stalks my life a lot. and that brings problems to my life.

    Im Artist, is very complex to do not say about you thinking, and say hard words sometimes and be angry others.

  15. I chose the name Rise of the Bronze Sun because sun in the Ancient Egyptian language can also mean age, time, or epoch. Therefore Bronze sun is the same in meaning as Bronze Age.

    Ancient Armenians see: http://www.livius.or...nia/urartu.html

    Also, the Sea Peoples were most probably Semites from Canaan, so if we include Hebrews and Phoenicians, there would be little need for Sea Peoples. Some archaeologists believe they were exiled Mycenaeans as well, but the Mycenaeans will definitely be included anyway. As for Hittites, I agree that they should be included, but Urartu is getting a little too obscure... They were generally conquered by regional powers and there is not much to differentiate them from other regional civilizations. We could just use Persians or Assyrians to represent them.

    are a Solution for this. put them as Mercenary, like dacians into greek.
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