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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. There is a common desire of players played with Ancient Civilization.

    I support the idea of DLC packs of civs (by culture). This may be the way we include the Seleucids and Ptolemies if we don't include them in the 1.0 release.


    Like TW Forum here to come to Participate in this mod is free. team and members

    Neede for Now 3d Moders, #D modelers, 2D Artist, Documentation, and Programmers.

    i want create this mod as Downloadable Content(DLC) a kind expansion

    or dlc like aoeo but more seriusly;)


    • Assyrians -
    • Phoenicians -
    • Egyptians (Ancient) -
    • The Mycenaeans
    • Hittites
    • Minoans
    • Neo Babylonians
    • Etruscans
    • Nubians




    Ancient Mod


    Bronze Age


    Other Ancient Mod


  2. yes i now but my work with Mauryan has Finished, and i try to contribute other Projects, Advance 2D art for Ptolomies, Documentation.

    Other than my Project its about Research Marketing, the Game, the Competitors, the Users

    Other its Latin Voices but with not Fix the Sound or Finish it not advance with this.

    Other are Wallpaper with Some finest art(3d + Photoshop)

    and promotional videos for attract more new players.

    I love this game.

  3. I'm not really sure. It seems like there was some decoration (clearly ornate architecture on the facades) but they seem shockingly plain on the interiors. There were mosaics though and I found a really cool painted ceiling image that I'll try to track down again. Other than that though, I'm not sure.

    Here is the painted ceiling from Little Petra


    we must search a kind of Reconstruction, replica, Paint, 3d model with colors.
  4. now are 36 users, later i made one for RTS gamers. and non players.

    This one Question more interesting to aswer, special after the fall or fail of Age of Empires Online.

    What People want about features that we already have?


    The Mauryan are next to Finish.

    i will finish the some last Mauryan Shields.

    and Ptolomies and Seleucids are coming to enter in Phase to be Create.


    Maybe a Pre Persian Egypt are too nice feature to the End of Part 1 or a Prequel of the Game.


    Possibly this can influence the CC. A good blend of indigenous and Hellenic works.


    It is.


    The Temple of Kom Ombo is an unusual double temple built during the Ptolemaic dynasty in the Egyptian town of Kom Ombo.[1] Some additions to it were later made during the Roman period. The building is unique because its 'double' design meant that there were courts, halls, sanctuaries and rooms duplicated for two sets of gods.[2] The southern half of the temple was dedicated to the crocodile god Sobek, god of fertility and creator of the world with Hathor and Khonsu.[2] Meanwhile, the northern part of the temple was dedicated to the falcon god Haroeris, also known as Horusthe Elder, along "with Tasenetnofret (the Good Sister, a special form of Hathor) and Panebtawy (Lord of the Two Lands)."[2] The temple is atypical because everything is perfectly symmetrical along the main axis.

    thank you now its best :), needs too much info about this mixed faction
  6. And Marcio, no, AoK didn't have the capturing feature, but you'd destroy the castles with barracks units if you didn't have siege equipment, wouldn't you? I used to send a lot of Champions (they had bonus vs buildings) right behind some 'cannon fodder', any unit with a high amount of piercing armor, or any gold-cheap units (sometimes you run out of it and food is your only option, besides food was an almost infinite resource, in AoK, just like lumber).

    Edited by Pedro Falcão, Today, 06:21 PM.

    In AOK:

    i was Barted in Market selling Wood for buy Gold to create Siege Units, never use Barrack to destroys a Fort, maybe a Tower, or wall or gate.

    try with Mauryan(you) Agaisnt(Ai) Macedinian in Levente Map, Let them construct all land oppositte at yours and you conquest the other land, and you prepare to defend and later when they fill their land with Fortress try to destroy all.

    Minor buildings like houses, mills, farms, docks and corrals, though, could be destroyed by normal soldiers, for they had a large percentage of their structure made of wood, and fire could burn the wood and weaken the other parts of the structure. If the player doesn't want them to be destroyed, then capture the civic center for it has the ability of capturing the minor buildings. This of course, is my idea of the capturing feature, i have no idea of how the team is planning it to be
    • Hause is to may destroy all, if a house is burning the next to that can loss hp.(Nobody wants take Houses) but if youy Takee the Civic C all Houses are now Allies.
    • Docks, and Warehouses Can be added to your own Territory, are uselfull if you can have a Mine or Stone mine resource in that case are more desireable.
    • Farms must be like Sheep easy to take.
    • Barack same i suggest with Temples, Fortress and CivCenter Hard to take, same with Special and Wonders.

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