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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Side note, this guy shut down the site (0ad.me) and said he'd let WFG have it if we wanted it. Do we want it?

    FAN PAGE a new comunity specialised in moding and off topic, strategies and find multiplayer... dont forget fan art. 0. AD memes XD.

    many sun language forum. sounds good idea.

  2. Yes please. Preferably at least 3 different designs for each shield shape (basic->advanced->elite).

    Oops! I didn't see all the new ones you made above! Excellent work. Can you re-upload them? The dropsitfiles link seems to be out of date.

    I think we need at least one "plain" version for each shield shape, for the 'basic' ranked units. Perhaps just wood with a simple player color symbol.

    Type B set - Link




    Type C :

    i did type C set

    plain vesion? how plain?

    • Like 1
  3. Yep. The Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee. I'm going to be visiting there this Summer! :) My main beef with the reconstruction (besides it being built in concrete instead of marble) is that the original Parthenon was very colorful. Much more colorful.

    The inside has a full-sized replica of the Athena statue!


    You can rent the space for wedding receptions and other events:


    you are very lucky :D
  4. 4 - Attack-move Command

    Priority: I can live without, but would be nice to have!

    Nature: Not so cool micro-managing

    Short Description: A command to move to the target location, but attacking every enemy on their path

    Detailed Description: Sometimes, even more against AI, i need the units to attack something as soon as they acquire range. I know the thing is there, but the fog-of-war doesn't let me see it, so i have to go there manually, make units stop when they're in range, select those that aren't in range, make them come closer.

    Suggestion: This is an unnecessary and annoying thing we could prevent with the Attack-move command. You click the icon of this command, click where you want the units to go and they'll automatically go there, but attacking everything on sight, and then resuming the walk.

    sorry i wanna use the argument from Pedro in the right Topic.
  5. It's (somewhat) what i suggested in that thread about gameplay enhancement, to select by weapon type. Let's not consider adding this, yet, we'd first need to see how the final interface will look, for too many buttons can be very annoying, as Jonathan said in my thread.

    what thread(may be i link it into related topic), and i know is too much buttons but we clear what are most important.
  6. Next to the heroes button, why not show the entire (non-garrisoned) population ordered by type. So you can e.g. select all females at once, and garrison them in a safe place. Or select all cavalry at once, and lead them to a battle. Now, there's a chance that you fight a battle, and when it's finished, you see 5 cavalry men standing behind a rock.

    When the numbers are shown (just like when you select multiple items), you can also see which types are losing too quickly and retreat them (e.g. if archers got in the middle of the battle).

    I also wonder with the patrolling, how would you define the path, or would it automatically be the boundaries of your territory?

    i dont understand this,
    all cavalry at once, and lead them to a battle. Now, there's a chance that you fight a battle, and when it's finished, you see 5 cavalry men standing behind a rock.
  7. Before hand, I would like to say that I already love the game and think it is amazing and would buy it right now, if you guys sold it.

    I would suggest adding an explore button, so that units would explore unexplored areas by themselves, not through manual control.

    i was answer you in the suggestion topic, but for now programmers are working hard in some performance issues and bugs issues. when they have time, the beast of fans can do its invite others to participate.
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