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Balancing Advisors
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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Oh - fan wikis? Yeah, I guess most games have that.

    because have a lot of fans. its time to 0 AD have Fan Pages and things like that.


    here i was Found other Fan, this time a board, by Rob Kimball.


    Edit:3 ...now found some interesting, not a Fan Page but a contest.(very old contest)


    why i do this?: because i want to know what the people says about "contribute 0.A.D"

    and read things like this: http://www.icomposit...php?sid=102829.

    that last can be interesting site to found contributors.

    Edit4: Now i can try without the word "Contribute and " i set in searching tools, "a Month ago"


    That is the People Says about the game in Internet.(if you search in google of course).

  2. Instead of creating a new thread about subject matter discussed a hundred times over, you should take the time to read the forum. There are also good reasons why we do not have certain material in the game yet. If you can not find an answer to a suggestion, then we would be interested into replying.

    Sorry if I seem a little harsh, but it does get irritating to see a new thread suggesting ideas that has already been constantly discussed in other threads.

    Easy man , a one time i say that, and the Moderators say me calm down. but you are right ;).
  3. Welcome, thanks for Feedback. to the Forum.

    I am new to this forum; Im an old school RTS player - AOE; This game has a lot of potential; what i personaly would like to see; (Just my oppinion after trying the un completed game)

    me too, The game hsve a powerfull Potencial I believe that. im RTS Player too.

    # I personally do not like the way the AI builds buildings and expands too much all over the map; i would prefer them to have well built compact bases surrounded by walls) They are just too aggresive. Maybe building military buildings near an enemy base should not be allowed; this would stop them from rushing too easy.

    The Ai still basic don't expect to much yet.

    # Set the population limit to 200 at max; will force you to choose units wisely.

    you can setup in Options.

    # Dont forget Wonder, Relic and Trade Route victories)

    We don't Forget that.

    # There needs to be an Egyptian Civilization; they were still around during the Iron Age; i suppose Persia can represent the Near East)

    Ptomaic Egypt is now in conceptual art.


    even are planned The Seleucids.

    we have trac for you can view the Changes and Planned stuff.



  4. Yes :) Both those AI's were created before phases were implemented, so they don't follow the same build restrictions that human players do. While this might sound like an advantage to the AI, they aren't able to research technologies and are therefore at a distinct disadvantage mid-late game.

    yeah you can destroy when you research almost all technologies. that proves the advantage of Technology Tree.

    is this issue in Know Problems topic?.

  5. Pureon is kindly suggesting that first we need language experts to verify and translate the phrases needed for each civ and review them. There's no point on specifying technical matters if we don't even have the translations yet.

    If you, or someone, wants to help on this field, please share the list with potential contributors/native speakers who can help to translate them and record them if possible.

    , i started to record some Latin Phrases, and to Pureon says is fine. Atenmeses52 Knows Greek and Latin Geek are Studying Latin.

    don't think i only demand things, i try to do, even i try to Learn how to do. :).

    Hace rato veo a sighvatr inquieto con el tema solo me recordó de mis 22 dialogos. no solo soy artista 2D tmb soy Editor de Audio.y siempre intento ver como hacer las cosas por uno mismo. Uds hacen su mejor esfuerzo y es un trabajo exigente, el juego es impresionante, y estoy seguro que sera una Legenda y un hito. ;). hace tiempo vimos un experto aqui, pero no volvio.

  6. Please see this post for next steps related to unique civ voices. This subject seems to appear in every topic related to sound nowadays :/

    sorry,is not my intentionoverwhelm you with these matters, i know you have a great responsabilities how Artist(3D,2D, And Sound) and Member Team. we can try to help to do some the voices, at final format, in the trac, is not clear, requisites for voice format, duration, and other Technical aspects.
  7. Right about there:post-2319-0-31501800-1360559760_thumb.pn

    (I did turn up the hdr settings to make them more noticeable, and as you can see it's more of a fun effect than anything useful. Which is just as well as iirc fireworks weren't invented in 0 A.D.'s time frame (note: I don't remember exactly when they were invented, so I could be wrong))

    thank you i have not idea, i was read that in trac but, no idea.
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