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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Lion.Kanzen mentioned a onager?

    Glorious Rome could make anything. But those things in particular ;)

    we can see progress and tested with tortoise svn and this create a folder with whole game, and you can update when are changes in the trac:


    Onagers, siege towers were very much present in that time.

    i did mentioned this but nobody comments that, hahaha. i support the idea, with romans siege tower, even carthage had a siege tower.

    the time frame of roman in part 1 is before marian reform. before jugurtha wars, and "civili bellum" Marius against Sulla.

  2. you can use blender zaphzaph? sorry if i ask this off topic matter, im interesting in reclute some people for bronze mode, and i see your the request to collaborate in documemntation, but is more plus if you can do other skills.

    apologies again.

  3. Samnites

    Please add this great civ.

    The Samnites were very powerful unity of tribes in Italia. And it was them that defeated Hannibal first.

    The Samnites had powerful infantry and cavalry.

    Typical Samnite warrior:

    good point, you can investigate if saminites are more older than Romans or Etruscan?

    we can mix with latin people in a sole/main faction.

  4. ok we need have this document in doc format in google drive, for sharing.

    after that you can be include in our credits. and i send you a request for be a user in our site.

  5. Transporting horses, elephants and siege engines isn't that hard, i think this is a point where historical accuracy (if that's the problem) shouldn't be taken into account, it only adds unnecessary complexity to the game. Though they make take more room than normal men, I still want to be able to transport them, no matter what.

    I don't think it'll be like that, Lion, since the "units on the wall" feature was also postponed. But who knows? It doesn't hurt to hope, does it? Sincerely, if the guys implement at least ship ramming (also unlikely, though), i'll be more than satisfied.

    i wish same, but nobody talk about this, is planned but very secret, or not fully planned, but for now. im very worried, about many things, The Triggers re important, the Optimization, that i hope happens since i was play this for first time. See Mythos R Retired, down me a lot. i want Believe in this Project. but(sighs) many things we discussed and don't happen as fast how we want, aLL not only Players.
  6. I don't know if Golden Eagle, of Romans can be a Relics, but its hard to lost a Maximum Symbol of Roman Army.

    I remember read about Carrhae, many years before, the emperor Augustus Negotiates With Parthians give back the Eagles.

    And Germanicus fighting to recuperate the Eagles lose it in Teutoburg Forest.


    Rome was humiliated by this defeat, and this was made even worse by the fact that the Parthians had captured several Legionary Eagles.[28] It is also mentioned by Plutarch that the Parthians found the Roman prisoner of war that resembled Crassus the most, dressed him as a woman and paraded him through Parthia for all to see. This, however, could easily be Roman propaganda.

    Romans had Many Sacred Symbol, two Head Axe the Symbol of Roman Law. very similar to Minoan Main symbol.


  7. Mauryans OP?

    it's really hard to obtain a victory. (personal opinion)

    i quoted this, try with a Faction that good Defences, like Carthage, or Macedonia, its hard to go for Victory. i agree with Enrique.

    each Civilization in game have a Civilization that can do very hard to Win. Example Persian Vrs Atenians, in many Games against Aegis, i never see a Faction destroying a Civic Centre, i Never lost a Civc Center, in Many Alphas.

  8. You could also name it as Siege mode since the players are only supposed to stay alive. I can imagine 20 Catapults, 30 Bolt shooters, and crap loads of Mauryan elephants attacking you at once.

    Almost Impossible. but not at same time XD. wow. its too hard.
  9. What kind of tool a proper import/export script for blender or something else be specific Lion do not post just to see your name.

    Enjoy the Choice :)

    not is true, i im thinking that way, have Sketch up to do Buildings, and forms its very easy, especially for a guys like me, that was working with Vectorial Programs to do Shapes. and that suggest you its good idea, you know how difficult is putt off Edges in 3d a 3d Object exported from Sketch up?.
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