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Balancing Advisors
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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Though if you made the unit editor I posted about under general ideas, you might (might?) be able to give units specialist abilities. If you implemented the whole cloaking thing as a special ability, people would just make their own.

    The way to do things here is get People to contribute for you and that, send a Patch. Idwain likes creates eye candy units. but the problem is Programming new features.
  2. I thought only persians would be able to transport cavalry (or elephants)?

    E: seems i was wrong:

    • Name: Naval Craftsmanship
    • History: Early Achaemenid rulers acted towards making Persia the first great Asian empire to rule the seas. The Great King behaved favourably towards the various sea peoples in order to secure their services, but also carried out various marine initiatives. During the reign of Darius the Great, for example, a canal was built in Egypt and a Persian navy was sent exploring the Indus river. According to Herodotus, some 300 ships in the Persian navy were retrofitted to carry horses and their riders.
    • Effect: Phoenician Triremes gain the ability to train cavalry units.

    change the name, its too generic, persian Naval Cavalry?

  3. Lion, why don't Wildfire like, employ you or something? You have over 2,000 posts!

    im a addict. hahahahaha.

    And they are not interesting im like a headaches.

    And i was Make some tittle insignicant work for they.

    • Like 1
  4. Thanks Lion, but please don't quote full posts ;-)

    sorry, if are a easy form to dont quote all text without modify, "post='263485'". many time i reply when are in class. or when are awaiking, and in that situations im demi overleep. nevermind. the dedadBody of a Leader is a Relivc, in second part 0AD, the Saints objetcs, like "Vera Cross". Longinus Spear etc.
  5. Despite the sad state of affairs for historically based strategy games (aside from the brilliant Total War series, what is there these days?), I eventually stumbled upon this game and was so relieved. Being a former Age of Mythology (I know, it's more fantasy than not) and Rise of Nations fan, I was hooked. The gameplay feels new but has that touch of nostalgia from the Age of and Rise sagas. Great stuff.

    I also appreciate all the little details, such as the more authentic unit names, the languages uttered by them, the terrain and the building architecture.

    I do have a couple of questions and if they've already been answered elsewhere, please forgive me.

    1) Why isn't Egypt fetaured in the game? Are there plans to include them? I understand why societies like Pontus aren't in game, but Egypt was important during this game's timeframe.

    2) Will the game's civilisation selection ever expand into east Asia a la the Yayoi period of Japan?

    3) Is there any way to select singleplayer maps without having preset factions and player numbers?

    Thanks in advance.

    many of us are plannig DLC packs for Incluide Extra civs, but need work, and 1.0 version is endend.
  6. I don't really have any suggestions, but since a collect all relics victory condition will probably be added some time in the future we can already think a bit about what these relics would be.

    1) There must be something (a particle effect?) that makes sure a player can immediately recognize a relic as being one.

    2) They must fit into our time window (evidently!)

    3) They should fit with biotopes/civs on the map (iow multiple relics)

    Personally I would prefer relics to be unique, there is only 'one of each' in a game.

    Proposals for relics:

    -The Sword of Brennus (the one he threw on the scales ... buuut! Brennus is also a hero in the game so this wouldn't work out)

    Proposals for non-existing relics:

    -The Egg of Leda

    I'll try to update this list regularly with your proposals.

    the Dead body of Alexander in War of Diadochi. i thin was transport in a kind of sarcophagus.
  7. Not possible at this time as there is no real support for event triggers in game yet.The time into game is a trigger event so you would need to do some real fancy java script coding before you even start.

    Enjoy the Choice :)

    i Think for last suggestion put this into the Know Problems.
  8. Skirmishers are as basic as slingers. Athens has skirmishers in town phase (albeit mercenaries, which would probably have to change).

    No, it's not. Tackling the root problem requires some thinking about balance, which no one except TheMista seems willing to do, and some playtesting. Swapping the phases of Athenian slingers and skirmishers doesn't require either of those.

    I agree with both of those suggestions, however their bonus should also be reduced. 2x vs all infantry is a bit high, especially combined with their very fast fire rate.

    That its good point, very high time rate, that is all that can fixed, they are too fast to fire/reload. its the Antithesis of Bolt shooters, they are bit slow to fire.
  9. Please read all posts to a topic before replying. In the posts after the one you reply to it is mentioned that the issue is fixed in SVN, and that he uses Alpha 12 is clear from the post that you quote.

    Yes I read but, I was only suggesting to him to look into trac events :) or invite to use SVN to experiment the changes..
  10. I don't see how +10 stone would prevent one from massing slingers in the late game once you have a rocking economy. It might make you have to choose between that 3rd Fortress and massing slingers, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    Agreed about elephant population, since they are siege weapons.

    slingers in First Epoch, that's means, the Player Raid, but don't Have a great Defence in Second Epoch even delayed a 3rd Phase Upgrade.

    Food in First Epoch is more valuable than a Rock stockpile.

  11. If the stone cost is going to be raised, i suggest a tech to reduce it, so that later on slingers would still be an alternative, if you want to mass them.

    yes, that great solution. and the tech is Avaible in Second Epoch/Phase.

    Note about balance:

    The large Carthage siege weapons are very underpowered against structures compared to elephants. I had 35 of them and 10 of the weaker siege weapons also and 20 elephants were tearing down fortresses faster. The slow reload rate for siege means that the elephants actually do more damage in the same amount of time. Also, elephants move fast, don't waste time packing, can fight all types of units, and are not all that expensive. I don't know when we changed all cavalry to 1 pop point, but elephants should definitely cost 3 pop points like siege weapons.

    the Elephant are weak against a Tower Attacks, Castle, a Ram are most strong. I Prefer use Range Siege.

    and i remember one thing now. Is anyone use Bolt Siege Weapons Efficiently? because i cant use that Weapon in the best way, i dont understand how take a advantage with Bolt Shooters

  12. Such a drastic action (moving slingers to Town phase, which doesn't really make sense anyway, since you can't get anymore basic than slingers) is not required when tackling the root problem is just as easy as what you propose. Here is what I propose:

    1. Attack Reduced

    • From 15 pierce to 10 pierce.
    • Make sure to adjust Advanced and Elite rank attack values downward accordingly.

    2. Cost increased

    • From 40 stone to 50 stone.

    3. Playtest.

    i agree with all a except the cost , you said, is basic unit, don't no up the cost, especially stone. maybe Food.
    • The Battle Detection is a good Start for alert players a enemy Rush.
    • Love the scaffolding. In Castle/forts must be Implemented, is too nice see the Building Rise.
    • The Oneger is cool, thanks to Pureon again.
    • With Leper Mod Support, is not necessary anymore Modify the pyroginesis.exe?

  13. Simple as it may look, it would still give some problems to the pathfinder. They can't be treated as one unit because this would make them stuck in, i.e. a narrow passage. Of course they could then be treated as multiple units, but it'd be what we call a 'hacky solution', and these kind of solutions must be avoided in 99,9% of the cases. Hacky solutions bring weird bugs with them (i.e. what would happen if the formation is attacked right when they're passing through the narrow passage?).

    Can be Flexible.
  14. We would need someone with good linguistic knowledge first and foremost :) There's no point in having recordings done if they are later found to be incorrect. Remember that it would be a lot of work overall if we were to use Basque as we would need to have Basque names for all buildings/units as well.

    (Personally I would have preferred if we had went for English voices for all units as it's almost impossible to get good results in all different languages, but ah well :) )

    or Modern Languages (Spanish, French,Etc), i have good tools, and me and some Actors can make voices, i studing a degree about Multimedia Audio/Video/Graphic Design. i know about recording voices parameters.

    some time ago i recording some voices.


    i was post some previews.

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