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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I like this idea.

    No doubt this would be on the huge map setting.

    If this contest is still on, I would join but I need to first install 0.A.D. when I get my new HD ;)

    Use map Editor[Atlas], are few tips, when create a Map, the altas have a setting that you can use a image jpg or png to create the Elevation (topography)
  2. Slingers are the most basic units. Not being able to train them from the start feels too wrong. Perhaps another solution?

    i agree with you, the Athenians Have Skirmishers may be changing both, let skirmisher available for I and Slingers for II,

    or Inexpert/Basic Slingers let less accuracy to attack, and when reach last level to normal accuracy.

  3. Well, tbh i don't really like that as a reference (although i like aoe 1 alot), since the font is a sans-serif-font which decreases readability, there seem to be problems with hyphenation (or it is intentionally ragged margin, which is normally not that good, as the grey value is not really uniform).

    I'll add an example of how to include images the next days, would that be okay Lion?

    no the Art work only, don't mind the Scripting, is oblivious the Sans serif is not for reading in print system. that because i have original version the in sepia colour Palette. have some Adobe Programs for Edit PDF. including Adobe PDF Pro. is many ways to do this.
  4. I thought they were a hybrid culture, but I have been reading that their military make up is basically Macedonian. But they obviously had to hire natives later on.

    Ptolemaics weren't more specific faction than Seleucids

    While the Seleucids military is very diverse.

    But, yeah, Enrqiue and Lordgood have started work already so it's pointless.

    and thats why, they fail, their Empire was Splitted in several Kingdoms
    seceded from the empire. In Asia Minor too, the Seleucid dynasty seemed to be losing control — Gauls had fully established themselves in Galatia, semi-independent semi-Hellenized kingdoms had sprung up in Bithynia, Pontus, and Cappadocia, and the city of Pergamum in the west was asserting its independence under the Attalid Dynasty
  5. The Units, may be, use Battalion mode, like Rise and Fall, Mythos Talk about this in


    Soliders spontaneously form battalions/formations.

    True battalions like in Total War or Battle for Middle Earth 2.

    With inteligent Battalion System, now we can do Batttalion Task, in Rise and Fall thats not happens, but happens in Total war, and Praetorians.


    now, the problem is the animation, and may be Programming, but this is like Garrisonning in one sole Units, Not Problem with Pathfinding.

  6. And you can control a formation with one click, sanderd, you know about Control Groups, right? Well, i may be wrong, but i think the way you're describing will just add complexity to what is already complex: the pathfinder. And, really, formations weren't something exclusive to the Romans.

    the Greek Phanlanx and Syntagma, Wall Shield, Spabara Formatios,

    This Other for Stop Cavalry units.


    The order to repel cavalry by Roman army officers brought about a defensive formation, in which the front rank formed a tight wall of shields with their pila protruding to form a line of spearheads ahead of the wall. Undoubtedly it would be very hard to bring a horse to break into that formation. The most likely occurrence would be that it would come to a halt of its own will ahead of the spearheads. It was at that moment that horse and rider would be at their most vulnerable against the ranks behind the first line of infantry which would then hurl their spears at them. Given the short distance and the training legionaries received, it is likely such halted cavalry, frantically trying to turn their horses around to retreat, whilst colliding with horses following in the charge, would prove very easy targets.

    If one further considers the likely possibility of archers being present, the effect of this formation could indeed be devastating.


  7. I have to agree here, thanks to everyone that helped to make the Mauryan civ to come into 0 A.D.'s world with historical accuracy :)

    Also agree to the special thanks to lilstewie, he made a fabulous work researching and finding awesome sources :thumbsup:

    lilistewie, are into the Credits?, is great Entusiastic about visual references. and i wish all Civilisation that are left to do, will be Crowd-sourced
  8. we need, people that Enjoy doing Maps, can participate.

    this is for Scenarios.


    • Canaan.+Sinai

      where the "Land of Canaan" extends from Lebanon southward to the "Brook of Egypt" and eastward to the Jordan River Valley.

    • Lybian Desert
    • Assyria
    • Trigris And Euphrates [Near Babylon]
    • Akkad

      The location of Akkad is unknown but throughout the years scholars made several proposals. Whereas many older proposals put Akkad on the Euphrates, more recent discussions conclude that a location on the Tigris is more likely.[7] The identification of Akkad with Sippar a Annunîtum (modern Tell ed-Der), located along a canal opposite Sippar a ama (Sippar, modern Tell Abu Habba)


    • Sardinia
    • Etruria
    • Vesuvius Plains of Death
    • Troy
    • Kush
    • Elam+Magan+Dilmun [Name: Elam Gulf]
    Im Searching what kind of Maps we Want, and Geographical Accuracy, but you are free to use your Imagination.

    for now use 0A.D Civs to do it.

  9. In future Expansion Packs, we hope to expand the number of available cultures by incorporating additional civilizations from 1 A.D. to 500 A.D. Possible civilizations include the Germanics, Vandals, Sarmatians, Late Rome, Imperial Rome or Eastern Rome, Saxons, Parthians, Huns, Dacians, and the Goths


  10. I agree.

    Egyptians should not be excluded in this great game. It adds diversity.

    Neither have they been portrayed properly in a game.

    Egyptians are a really old civilization and not including their great civ would be an insult. :rockon:

    I have to correct you.

    Ptolemy used chariot archers against Caesar in his war with Cleopatra.

    Even after that time the Egyptians always used chariots, but since Roman occupation, chariot production halted.

    i hear something similar but not, are Egyptian, i think was his Neighbours[Nubian Maybe], long time ago.
  11. Hittites used the chariots extensively.



    Their standard spearmen infantry


    Thank you for the post, very useful.

    Welcome to Aristeia : Bronze Civilizations Pack


    Hatussa Walls


    I will use Persian but i change the Textures, and Scale.

    How make the Persian Walls? [To give Credits]

  12. Hey guys,

    We're really excited that you're all so eager to play as the Chinese. Just to reiterate, we have insisted that the mod remain independent of the "official" game, but it's for reasons you already know so I'll be brief. The mod seems relatively complete because the building set is almost comprehensive. What we still lack is unit textures and technical functionality for the navy. We've designed some very particular and unique concepts that require slightly more complicated implementation (for example, our fire ship doesn't behave much like a normal ship at all - more on that in the future). Also, we intend to wait a bit longer to see if a trigger system ever comes to fruition - we believe that a full-featured story-based campaign could be the best way to envelop players into our Eastern world, and if there's any intention of WFG to pursue inclusion of triggers in the final release, we think it's worth the wait.

    If you guys have any other questions, I'm happy to answer them.

    Our biggest deficit in contributors right now is in 2D art (i.e. textures), so if you think you've got a knack for it and find you have some spare time, feel free to drop us a line. We'd be happy to have you.

    how many civilizations have Rise of East? i am curious, and sorry iam not send to you my artwork. i am not time for theses days. even my own Projects.

    i am very ineteresting in help all 0.A.D Projects (Aristeia , Rise of East, Main Project)

  13. Yes something I just had in mind.

    The bearer could represent a legion of say 60 units. Each 10 units would need a centurion and so on.

    This brings a kind of organization to the Roman civ.

    I'm not sure if there are any Roman archers? The ones with black chain mail?

    not in Early Republic yet. in this game not yet XD.
  14. [removed quote]

    Im Roman Empire enthusiastic too, Rome HBO presents greats Legionaries, and great Realism.

    We are Interesting in know how you know about 0.A.D and what you are your hobbies and skills.

    And in Second Part of 0.A.D : we can play with Imperial Romans.

    I was Play all Romans involved RTS. and city Builders.

  15. We have "heros" for each civilization that has an aura that produces benefits. I think the roman heros were all generals at one point. As far as the roman standard bearer, I am not sure if they will be included as an actual unit. People seem to think of them as more of an eyecandy unit.

    yes i iagree with Sighvatr, we suggest this unit for Eye Candy list, its not great relevant unit, into battle, with Actual Gameplay System of course.

    There is the List.


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