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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. downloading thank you, check the big list, i make a lot suggestion .

    0AD Expansion Stuiff


    is a joke. but i like a Expansion or DLC in this epoch. about things to Personalizate our Scenarios.

    Idwain if you want i create a Image about Your work with 0AD Logo and some Illustrations.

  2. You can put my models on there as well :-) I'm uploading all my models/maps to MEGA now. There's not much on there yet at the moment though... 0 A.D. @MEGA

    i Uploaded a G-Drive of Fallen Empires Studio. we are not only Bronze DLC Civilization Packs. ;) we are Modders.

    I wan a Download Section. very soon we are in github.

    for now: http://fallen-empires.hol.es/

  3. Im with the newest version and it stills slowly :/

    But the main problem is not exactly the zoom, but the way you use it in small units doesnt gives you a good perspective of where they are nor a good army control.

    Lastest version for Public. in Trac you can follow the Change and Experiment Uses SVN version. use SVN Tortoise Software to Dowdload. obviusly if you want test it and modding.


  4. Im Find why are not Roman Legionaries in First Part. that explains why Romans are not change to 201 BC-1BC.

    Keeping with the design approach that a civilisation should be represented at a specific time in history, the Pre-Imperial (Early) Roman civilisation is set in the Polybian period of the Roman Republic, during the Second Punic War (218-201 BC).

    Source in the Team Trac:


  5. yeah thank you but im not talking about me, im left handed... yes, but im thinking in pre-set options for K-board for some people, that people cant do it that. Modding. I have MOD Skills. actual setting is not problem for me. not all people, are good for use the computer. but enjoy gaming.

    we talking about options menu / acceptability/ kerborad setting / load left hand mode. someting like that.

    and include other class of Hardware Compatibilty, Touchscreens, kinect for pc compatibilty. many people dont have a two hands like we. or other physical disability. thank you for reply.

    You inspired this idea in the Other post [Gaming Changes] when you said A, S, D, W . Shortcuts and i was remember that option in some FPShooters. Thank you Pedro :).

    Mythos_Ruler some time ago suggest that interface menu. with a make up made for him.

  6. its the Buildings Construction; it takes so long time and make you need to use at least 5 peasants if you wish to have it a bit quickly (and still not so quickly), i hope the building construction speed could be changed to make it more faster to build, definetly it makes the game so slowly and waste a bit of your time; per example, if you wish to build a house quickly

    what Build/ versión using are you using? many things was change in new SVN Build. the Balancing are Change, now is more fast Build a House, for Alpha XIII you view few changes. but may be its not enough fast.
  7. Good job guys, the site seems very friendly. And congratulations for the strong initiative.

    ist my first time i make a website on the web. Thank you Pedro.

    Edit: 3

    Pedro you can Recopile a Short History of following Factions?

    Egypt : New Kingdom 1500BCE to 500 BCE.



    Neo Babylon.

    Example.of Romans

    The Romans controlled the largest empire of the ancient world. Rising from a group of villages to controlling an empire stretching from southern Scotland to the Sahara Desert, Rome remained one of the strongest nations on earth for almost 800 years. Initially Rome controlled Italy, but after three wars with Carthage began to expand in all directions. At its peak, Rome's empire contained over 60 million inhabitants, one quarter of the Earth's population at that time. But this massive empire soon became too large to control and barbarians began swarming into the Empire. The 300 years before the fall of Rome in 476 A.D. were mostly spent trying to keep the ever-increasing flood of migrant barbarians back behind the Rhine and Danube rivers.

    Define in few Lines, a Civilization History

  8. I should also mention that someone said that there is unique language and voices for different civilizations? I only hear one on all of them.

    Should there only be one? Or unique voices for each civilization?

    I'm not sure on this.

    im working in Latin Voices, you like romans, Help me to do this.
  9. will we be able to mod flying units into this game?


    a flying unit that dive bombs or picks up ground units and drops them.

    a flying unit that drops rocks or spits fire from the air

    a flying unit that can land in a tree or on a building cliff ground etc. to shoot arrows or use melee attack to units that get close enough.

    and a flying unit that lands to garrison soldiers too shoot arrows like a helepolis

    are a plane in atlas use they to mod.
  10. I was thinking something shorter, just a zoom out on a scattering of multicultural architecture and a few units fighting followed up by a 'Wildfire' fade in

    ... im not well versed in this sort of thing xP

    but like zoot idea, that, do time for load some data.

    How time thinks can be take pre load, some data?

  11. Would be a good opportunity to preload some data, so as to reduce delays while navigating the menus.

    yeah like AOM or aOK, its some hard waiting for some basic menu loads . but the animation of that Video will be Models with High Polygons and more Filmaker level.

    Maybe Situation Crucials for all Faction. in his story. HAnnibal Crossing the Alps, Alexander Charging in a Gaugamela Battle. Leonidas in Termopylae.

    this one like than other intros.

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