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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Nice work Lordgood !

    On my opinion, your paintings have too strong contrasts and too much black. They need to be brighter, more colorful, simply more in the tone of the game. If you can stick to the color and light style of the existing icons, I think that will be great. The elephant looks pretty good. The soldier too, but it has almost has a "cartoon" style that contrasts too much to the existing game icons. If you can rework it toward something more realistic, that will be awesome. The woman is fine, though needing recoloring and less contrast as explained before.

    i agree all. too dark. try some more colorish,
  2. but intentionally framing or executing the portraits in much different ways will detract from the games aesthetic,

    that the problem. but, is a Free Project. you can not ask for Visual Unity
  3. The Mayans would be a very difficult civilization to research, because most of their culture was destroyed.

    The AoK creators excuse to include Aztecs was because their obsidian weapons were sharper than Spanish steel? This is like another japanese katana versus European swords discussion. Aztec weapons were not created to kill spanish soldiers in armour.

    Obsidian is more efficient to holding its self sharper than steel, but not in a wooden club. and yes Katana is most Sharpen Sword.

    Mayan destroy their World them self, only few Cities surviving, that called Mayan Collapse.

    im i agree with you with Aztec weapon is no made for figthing against a European Armor, but Cortes forces was small comparated with Aztec force, Tenochtitlan was one of the largest in the world; compared to Europe, only Paris, Venice and Constantinople were larger.

  4. Also with a little help from an outbreak of measles that they brought.Also responsible for the the population crash in the area north of De Soto's landing.

    Enjoy the Choice :)

    the firearms not was than destructive like Diseases and Steels Sword, was more Psychological, Even the White Skin, Naval Ships and horses was more psychological.


    in the video guys talk [in Spanish] about Weapons and Battles Again Aztec vs Cortes Spanish Army. is very Visual.

    The name of Documentary by History Channel Latinoamerica: Exploración Azteca

  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auxiliaries_(Roman_military)#Background:_Roman_Republic_.28to_30_BC.29

    The Roman/Latin cavalry was sufficient while Rome was in conflict with other states in the mountainous Italian peninsula, which also disposed of limited cavalry resources. But as Rome was confronted by external enemies that deployed far more powerful cavalry elements, such as the Gauls and the Carthaginians, the Roman deficiency in cavalry numbers could be a serious liability, which in the Second Punic War (218–202 BC) resulted in crushing defeats. Hannibal's major victories at the Trebia and at Cannae, were owed to his Spanish and Gallic heavy cavalry, which far outnumbered the Roman and Latin levies, and to his Numidians, light, fast cavalry which the Romans wholly lacked.[6] The decisive Roman victory at Zama in 202 BC, which ended the war, owed much to the Numidian cavalry provided by king Massinissa, which outnumbered the Roman/Latin cavalry fielded by 2 to 1.[7] From then, Roman armies were always accompanied by large numbers of non-Italian cavalry: Numidian light cavalry and, later, Gallic heavy cavalry. For example, Caesar relied heavily on Gallic and German cavalry for his Conquest of Gaul (58–51 BC)
    By the outbreak of the Second Punic War, the Romans were remedying the legions' other deficiencies by using non-Italian specialised troops. Livy reports Hiero of Syracuseoffering to supply Rome with archers and slingers in 217 BC.[12] From 200 BC onwards, specialist troops were hired as mercenaries on a regular basis: sagittarii (archers) fromCrete, and funditores (slingers) from the Balearic Isles almost always accompanied Roman legions in campaigns all over the Mediterranean.
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