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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. very very good

    are basically a warrior like huns or Vikings, searching destroy Hittite Empire, Egypt and Mycenean Greece.

    and have Have Armor.



    There are several indicatons that the Peleset (Philistines) wandered in Asia Minor as for instance the typical feather-topped helmets of the Peleset recur in human-shaped coffins that have been discovered in several parts of Palestine. The adornments of the heads of the deceased molded on these clay coffins are again reminescent of the Medinet Habu relief. The minor individual differencies in the decoration of the helmet-circles, notches, and zigzags- may have suggested different tribes or clans.

    The features on these grotesque coffins with their "calculated expressionism" which produced an effect of ",majestic calm, pride, and grave melancholy" had their parallel in the gold mask excavated in the royal tombs of Mycenae.

    After the Peleset and the Shardana, it appears that the Tjekker loomed largest in the thoughts of the Egyptians. The Tjekker people took part in the battle against the Egyptians in year eight of Ramesses III. They, along with the Peleset, were a major group depicted in the reliefs at Medinet Habu, portraying the battle. The Tjekker are also mentioned in the Wen-Amon story of the 11th century BC. The author recalls visiting the city of Dor, which he calls "…a town of the Tjekker…" in Dor, Wen-Amonis forced to deal with Beder, the rular of the city, about gold stolen from his ships. An individual identified as a chief is illustrated in a Medinet Habu relief. He is bearded and wears a strange cap which remind even if uncrested some of the late Achaean helmets depicted on pottery as for instance on the side B of the famous warriors vase. The Tjekker warriors fight with short, staright swords, long spears, and rounded shields.


    The Canaanites even if can't be considered part of the Sea Peoples coalition are often mentioned in the Egyptian text sometimes also associated with the sea peoples. A very well preserved and colorful representation of a probable Canaanite and other Syrian captive peoples is from the relief of Medinet Habu. In this images the Canaanite is wearing a " Sea Peoples" style kilt with a corselet made of several (linen?) colorful bands. He is also wearing a medalion similar to the one of the Tjekker and a simple cap. The other "Syrian" warrior behind him is wearing a decorated long tunic and a bandana. References to Canaanites are also found throughout the Amarna letters of Pharaoh Akenaton about 1350 BC, and a reference to the "land of Canaan" is found on the statue of Idrimi of Alalakh in modern Syria. After a popular uprising against his rule, Idrimi was forced into exile with his mother's relatives to seek refuge in "the land of Canaan", where he stayed, preparing for an eventual attack to recover his city. Texts from Ugarit also refer to an individual Canaanite (kn'ny), suggesting that the people of Ugarit, contrary to much modern opinion, considered themselves to be non-Canaanite. Just after the Amarna period a new problem arose which was to trouble the Egyptian control of Canaan. Pharaoh Horemhab campaigned against Shasu (Egyptian = "wanderers") or living in nomadic pastoralist tribes, who had moved across the Jordan to threaten Egyptian trade through Galilee and Jezreel. Seti I (about 1290 BC) is said to have conquered these Shasu, Semitic nomads living just south and east of the Dead Sea, from the fortress of Taru to Ka-n-'-na
  2. What about Phoenician military, how are you going to portray them? Are you going to portray them as Middle Eastern based infantry with chariot as the main arm and supported by mercenaries or an army based on Hellenic style citizen army with the support of foreign mercenaries and auxiliaries. As far as i know, Phoenician wasn't a military superpower but a collection of city states competing for their personal interest.

    Very THank you Crooker Philosopher, but, im focus in Buildings. in Civic Centre, Barracks, Fortress, Market, may be Cavalry Building.

    This a Version Alpha of Civ Center.


  3. i Finish my Last Class today 81%.im in Vacation. (2 weeks)

    im thinking in Age of Empires models,its very like to Carthaghian embassy.


    And in anyway this cant be called a ‘jewish’ style structure. The size and measures of the temple are mentioned in the torah and were given by god, but actually besides the simple workers building it(which were Israelites) the Phoenicians built it.

    The Phoenicians were masters in that field and they made the art, statues, metal-work etc.

    And that was always the case - they built the important buildings until both kingdoms declined simultaneously. That’s why there is basically no such thing as Jewish building style.

  4. Thanks Lion, though sad to say but I took some time to think about it last night and I've decided to put school on hold for a month or two due to financial concerns and to invest the time I would be spending on classes to brush up on my basics (my sketching has gotten pretty bad and I don't really want to have to take a catch up class. lol)

    This Game would be Epic with many people Join to expanse with contributions and mods.
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