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Posts posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Why quote 7 images to say that?

    sorry, i am recollecting info yet. , havent no time to edit quoted post that have Images or put Spoilers tags.

    for these days, i haven't no time to complete some task, and information, and Atenmeses52, are than busy as me.

    i was forgot complete this topic, i am working in this into the nights, this work its for now in Design Discussion about Units and heroes.

  2. What about Germanics? Not like an empire, but still quite interesting, as they concurred big parts of Europe later on.

    Also, I remember someone suggesting to make it a "moving population". A population without civil centre, but who could build buildings (that degrade) everywhere on the map. I don't know if it's historically correct, but very interesting game-play wise.

    you know about 0AD part 2, right?
  3. The team can't give you an exact date, yet. Why? Because it's not much of a priority, compared to the other features.

    To explain better, this feature is kind of related with the Pathfinder of the game, which currently need optimization for it takes too high a toll on the game's performance (didn't notice? Try playing a game against 3 AIs and you'll see what i'm talking about), so the developers thought better to finish working with the pathfinder before making any progress with naval warfare.

    Agains 3 AI in Giant Map, in Deep Forest Biome. XD setting 300 Pop Max
  4. Aww. You guys dont want an Egyptian faction? I thought greco-egyptians were cool.

    Both are so Cool, Cataphracts, Armored Elephants, Heavy Chariots,Argyraspides, Seleucid Legionaries(Imitation), Perfect MIX of an Army.
  5. 8-hittite-warrior-the-battle-of-kadesh[1].jpg







    Ramses II? may be.[Heroe Egyptian]

    Ramesses the Great, was the third Egyptian pharaoh (reigned 1279 BC – 1213 BC) of the Nineteenth dynasty. He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire

    His successors and later Egyptians called him the "Great Ancestor." Ramesses II led several military expeditions into the Levant, re-asserting Egyptian control over Canaan.

  6. Including some basic triggers, but not spending a lot of time on creating scenarios/campaigns is definitely one option we're thinking about.

    Zoot: I'm sorry I'm too lazy to check that thread/don't remember, but have you created a Trac ticket? Forum topics get forgotten so easily, so to ensure that someone will review it that's probably a safer bet :) I doubt someone will have time for Alpha 13 as we should just be a couple of weeks away from it, but hopefully someone might for Alpha 14, and hopefully the Git move might be during that time as well if the last couple of things are sorted out :P

    its possible know a list of these basic triggers?
  7. 1- Those Upgrades, you think that all Technologies we can create?. NO ;) are more be still in Alpha phase.

    2- that is nice idea, is first time i see that here.

    3- in Setup, is possible Change that, in Random Maps. not yet in Scenarios.

    4-that great idea many suggest that in past. even me talk about that.

    5- i think that is not possibly for now.

    6-Many Tech are not implement yet specially Military.


    7-this is not Implement yet but, is close to do it.

    8- no comments.

    9-That reduces the performance a lot, even have 200 Max is a problem because serious Lag by Pathfinder and AI.

    The planned Features for First Release.


    Quote removed. Please don't quote long posts - Thanks, Pureon

  8. I like the idea of expanding the fan base. Speaking of fans, has anybody attempted to get the 0ad.me domain? It does have a lot of potential.

    Lion, the only thing I can say against the wikia would be that the game is still in alpha. It is best to wait until beta or until some key issues are resolved (such as performance).

    i didnt make this wikia XD.
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