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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. The last version of Aegis is very good, fast to build an create a solid economy, but it don't know how defense to a counter attack and defense their cities with walls or perform best defensive strategies, using outpost or palisades, even don't know build walls.
  2. I found this is from Jutland in Denmark. Is viking rebuild. http://iwonderandwander.rudyfoto.com/2012/04/
  3. hmm ok. But its more like like romans but cylindrical. Many of this have very roman/German influence.
  4. I like that. It's can be one most important features in game in many alphas even for now more important than lobby. Because many player can see the game in own language, that have a big significance in mind of player, they can trust in our project and in their cultural interests.
  5. Talk about that predominance of all ranged, some units can have a bonus for defensive behavior or stand ground. The infantry up their shield to defense. In AOE 3 have a buttons called tactics where the infantry can deal with raged fire over them taking cover. Representing something like this.
  6. Agree with that. Its the some kind stuff can be good but we need better pathfinder.
  7. like the workers dancing XD? That I want to see.
  8. scenarios, or maps, maps we have 3 types: Scenarios, Skirmish maps and Random maps.The mostly of skirmish and scenarios and all skirmish I see uploaded by our lead Mythos Ruler, others by Spahbod and Flexor.
  9. You can provide picture, sorry I'm curious.
  10. yeah I will try don't sounds too rude, that I was ask. But I was sure.Now to topic... The problem with mods this games is, low support with troubleshooting and bugs, that why never like the mods . Actually I play AoM in my Mac with macsoft version. The RTS can support their mod players, like TW series or steam workshop with their store...etc . AoM don't have Romans .
  11. I knew that feel. But if they don't upload any new gameplay or AI improvement, each change, make the game experience very interesting.
  12. Ok, we need use towers from Britons as templates because when investigate about historic towers of England the Normandy styles is very similar to Brytonic one. Or Gothic style (artistically I called them gothic because gothic is word from all German influence over Roman style) like Romanistic is in Italy and Spain. This have more Brytonic Normand style. This more early. I can show some more Romano-Germanic, if you want see it. I love the history of art. If you search with Viking tower. Are very similar.
  13. We need remember we can have a reinforcement system. We can train irregular mercenaries from a "deck" before start a match than a have elephants in Macedon faction, roman uses too, in many battles after defeat Carthage and previously Marian Reform. I feel the game have over types of units Ptolemy faction have more units than Romans. Even in type. (Archers, Elephants) be need limit this, like we do with Romans. I'm experiment playing AEO 3 . The older version of AOE haven't precise variance of units, they have the same for all civilization, we can remember even Choson in that game uses Legions or trireme representing visually and gameplay the real one unit.
  14. Ok got, guys we had a problem to train mercenaries like we have a massive empire where they use complex mercenaries in their lands. I provide in Romuluos mod use technology to unlock auxiliar regulars. We need two system of mercenaries one based in hypothetical fictional engagement like roman fighting Iberians in India wete I proposed local mercenary building and a ability based in a planned feature for call reinforcements. My propose is add to GUI 3 additional buttons New panel, one of this button is reinforcement forces where you need preset of a reinforcement army like a deck in AOE 3, but the panel is similar of AoM and AoEO is a one panel in these games in upper bar menu. Why 3 buttons , becuse these games have only 3 no more. Two of them can be a ability. And the third can be reinforcements. I wrote this because is an inspiration have in this moment based my gamer experience. Be need based in AOE series because have most similar gameplay. This can be use full to deals with non regular forces like Elephants in Some dynasty and specifically battles. Not available in all maps. I'm based in history and gamer experience. Many of these forces are recruiting about large empire right like Dacians, Germans or others minifactions.(eye candy units from a specific ethnical or human groups ; like pirates, gladiators). Why insist in mercenaries base in AOE 3? because they have best variance of unit based in ethnical , history and human group) in AOE series. See them, samurais, granadiers, Mayan and natives mercenaries, I enjoy have that, give the game more units where you can choose.
  15. Ok haven't enoght problems, my reasons are one for aesthetically( personal,preferences), two for traditions in Old School, three for defensive and unrealistic gameplay, I know , I confess but is more cheap or with wall stone segment.
  16. that was one most mistakes with AOE 3. I play the Saturday with Asians factions and very limited. But with mercenaries I haven't see it as a real problem.
  17. but it's slowly. It's possibly to add special GUI to the corral to produce infinite units. Even a patch.
  18. Even Romans uses elephants but they don't need it.
  19. Yeah was in Judean sector, actual is modern Israel. It's very near from Jerusalem.
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